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NEWS: Funimation's Parent Navarre Posts First Quarter Results

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 8:58 pm Reply with quote
Now why was Funi's staff cut again? Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 9:07 pm Reply with quote
Wow, 60% growth is huge. I understand Dragonball, but not so much Afro. I didn't see it, but from what I heard it was sort of meh. Best Buy shelves always seemed very full, but maybe they were getting half pallets at a time. But then again 'star power' has the word power in it for a reason. It might include the broadcasting money as well.

It is good to see Peach Girl and Suzuka doing well. I wish they would have also said which ones were on target, and not just above though.

In other words, I hope Tsubasa(released a month before Suzuka) is doing well so that the trend of putting out quality artboxes continues. I hope it is not going below target.
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Fiction Alchemist

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:49 pm Reply with quote
Deleted awfulness.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 11:18 pm Reply with quote
Fiction Alchemist wrote:
Didn't those people get fired because FUNi have to make huge money for their bosses?

I thought it was just the people working for animeonline, which they closed altogether, and therefore had no place for them.

About the second half of Kodocha, I thought they already said they were not going to license it.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 11:28 pm Reply with quote
While I'm not really a huge fan of Navarre, if they are looking to buy some other companies, I suggest AnimEigo and use it as a hardcore, subtitle-only branch of FUNimation.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 11:54 pm Reply with quote
Fiction Alchemist wrote:
Didn't those people get fired because FUNi have to make huge money for their bosses?

I thought it was just the people working for animeonline, which they closed altogether, and therefore had no place for them.[/quote[

I believe they fired 10% of their staff in addition to the animeOnline people (and I don't think all of them were fired.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 2:26 am Reply with quote
Animeonline was a beta test, so I believe that it was a planned layoff from the start. I have no idea how well the test performed.

There's been nothing good or bad officially announced about Kodocha. At OniCon in October I plan to corner every FUNI rep I can and find out whatever they are willing to tell me.

Congrats FUNI Very Happy
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:10 am Reply with quote
I expected Afro to sell high, it just appeals to more than anime fans, and it was advertised like crazy all over TV.

I'm surprised Peach Girl is doing so well considering around here on ANN, not many people pay attention to it at all, could it maybe have a more mainstream appeal?

Funimation's staff must be afraid of all the random layoffs lately, hopefully the company does better (even though it's already #1) so that their parent company can feel they're making enough money to fund their own (rather selfish in my opinion) needs and not need to take it out on Funimation. Congrats to Funi, they've really worked hard on all their releases and they deserve better.

Is there a reason why ADV, Geneon, and Bandai don't post their revenue results or press releases as much as Funi does? I'm interested if Bandai's extremely expensive releases are even giving them a profit and also in rumors of Geneon going after the Sailor Moon license again.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:48 am Reply with quote
Is there a reason why ADV, Geneon, and Bandai don't post their revenue results...

Well, in the case of ADV they are a private company. Since they are not publicly traded they are not required to disclose their revenue. I'm pretty sure that is the same reason for Geneon and Bandai as well.

OTOH, you can own Navarre (NAVR) common stock which closed yesterday at $3.71. As a publicly traded company Navarre is required to disclose their quarterly results.
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Blue Hiker

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:18 am Reply with quote
I know financial results can contain "forward-looking statements" and all that, but don't you think there were just a few too many 2008s in that article? Laughing

Was scared a year of my life had disappeared for a minute there. Razz
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:52 am Reply with quote
daedelus wrote:
Animeonline was a beta test, so I believe that it was a planned layoff from the start. I have no idea how well the test performed.

No, it definitely was not a planned layoff. I know the people who were laid off, and they were stunned.

daedelus wrote:
There's been nothing good or bad officially announced about Kodocha. At OniCon in October I plan to corner every FUNI rep I can and find out whatever they are willing to tell me.

FUNimation at Otakon announced that sales of Kodocha are bad so they're not going to release any more volumes past a certain very close point.

blue hiker wrote:
I know financial results can contain "forward-looking statements" and all that, but don't you think there were just a few too many 2008s in that article?

Was scared a year of my life had disappeared for a minute there.

Fiscal quarters are different than the actual calendar dates, it's true--we're smack in the middle of the last quarter of 2007 right now (Q407 ends in September). Still, Q108 doesn't start until October, so either they're looking pretty far forward or they use a really weird accounting system.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 9:56 am Reply with quote
It seems that all those pissed off DragonBall fans(myself included) couldn't hold the series from selling DVDs, although, I'd wonder what would happen if FUNimation didn't make DBZ "WideScreen", and didn't used questionable "restoration" techniques.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 10:26 am Reply with quote
saishokushugisha wrote:

Fiscal quarters are different than the actual calendar dates, it's true--we're smack in the middle of the last quarter of 2007 right now (Q407 ends in September). Still, Q108 doesn't start until October, so either they're looking pretty far forward or they use a really weird accounting system.

That might be how it works at Wizard, but Navarre just finished Q1 2008.

Different companies have different fiscal year ends. When you form a company, you decide then and there when the year end is. You can change the year end at later dates by having "short" years, but never long years.

The fiscal year is named after the calendar year that the fiscal year ends in.

Since Navarre's Fiscal year runs April1 to March 31, they're currently in Fiscal 2008 as their next year end will be March 31, 2008.

June 30 is a very, very common fiscal year end, but neither Wizard, nor Funimation use it.

So while Wizard is in Q407, Navarre is currently in Q208.


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PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 10:31 am Reply with quote
daedelus wrote:
Animeonline was a beta test, so I believe that it was a planned layoff from the start. I have no idea how well the test performed.

That wasn't a planned lay-off. Anime Online had another 6 months or so to reach various benchmarks, and for various reasons Navarre decided to pull the plug early.

I don't buy the "we're coming back" statement in the least. Rob & staff were forthright about the "we're dead" aspect, and then Navarre changed the message to "we'll be back" after the Anime Online staff were gone.

With all of AnimeOnline's staff gone, they'd have to start from scratch. That's not how you move from beta to "release."

IMHO, Anime Online had one major failing, it wanted to be a "MySpace for anime," thing is, there's already a MySpace for anime, it's called "MySpace."

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 10:40 am Reply with quote
HitokiriShadow wrote:
Dargonxtc wrote:
Fiction Alchemist wrote:
Didn't those people get fired because FUNi have to make huge money for their bosses?

I thought it was just the people working for animeonline, which they closed altogether, and therefore had no place for them.

I believe they fired 10% of their staff in addition to the animeOnline people (and I don't think all of them were fired.

Oh, is that what happened. I must of put the two together. The news of it must have been close together. I take it they never supplied a reason for that extra 10%?
Unfourtunatly for Kodocha fans, this good news on the company side is only going to reaffirm there decision to not license it.

Did they already license Tsubasa Season two?
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