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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 9:31 am
So, looking at the Amazon page for the Mini 2 says it's "For Sales in North America" via Amazon Japan. Do we know if that is the only way it is being listed? I know it's an Amazon exclusive, but over $100 plus $22 shipping is kind of steep, especially when the first one came out at $80. I guess I was thinking they meant an actual North American release, and not so much shipping it to North America.
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Joined: 31 May 2005
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Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 10:38 am
Welcome Jean-Karlo!
That Klonoa tune is really catchy. Was it just made for the commercial, or is it in the game too (like the theme)?
I wish all companies that thought they needed to censor their product had a "Naive Angel" mode. That's the way to do it, let the player decide if they need the game altered or not.
Hopefully the CE not being exclusive to the Nintendo Store will make things easier compared to XC3.
I had the Core 2 version of the Genesis, so looking forward to picking up this one. The games list looks like it will be different again, so hopefully this one will be cracked as well so any missing titles can be added
Greed1914 wrote: | So, looking at the Amazon page for the Mini 2 says it's "For Sales in North America" via Amazon Japan. Do we know if that is the only way it is being listed? I know it's an Amazon exclusive, but over $100 plus $22 shipping is kind of steep, especially when the first one came out at $80. I guess I was thinking they meant an actual North American release, and not so much shipping it to North America. |
So far. Hopefully they change it, but it seems like Sega is essentially shifting the cost of shipping on to the US consumer. Why manufacture, ship and store it to the US when you can just do it all in Japan with the Japanese stock and let someone else take care of the costs
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Joined: 23 Jan 2016
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Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 10:48 am
You were my first choice, too, Jean-Karlo! (Not that I had a vote.) You're taking to it very well, considering everything the universe prepped for your week one. What a week for games...
Bayonetta just isn't the same without Hellena Taylor. She literally defined the character, and even voices her in Smash. It has been a while, sure, but this is on the level of David Hayter getting replaced as Solid Snake. It sounds like Atsuko Tanaka is back for the Japanese dub, at least, and Viola is being dubbed by Miyuki Sawashiro, so I may be pushed into the alternate language track for once. As nice as the CE looks, I haven't been able to snag a US preorder in years for anything more significant than games I knew would never sell out. (I got the Endwalker CE via a connection in the UK, and Xenoblade 3 via a connection in Japan. Why is the US insane?)
I'm glad to see the Klonoa collection looking a lot more polished in the release trailer. It looks like they found a graceful solution for how terrible those maps looked without depth-of-field blur, but I still miss the "GameCube water" shader that I can only assume was tied to the old IBM hardware in some way. I still have original discs for the Wiimake and Lunatea's Veil (naturally!), but an excuse to start over with a new save file is always welcome. I may start on that now, actually...
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Joined: 13 Nov 2021
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Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 11:09 am
Excited for Bayo 3, but trying to get the XC3 CE has been such an awful experience (especially compared to the first two, which I just bought like a normal person) that I'm just going to pretend these Nintendo releases don't exist and hope someone scans the books from now on.
(Honestly, checking the store page every morning for two months to see if it was out, seeing a listing pop up only to not work, the stock vanishing in no time anyway, and then spending two weeks trying and failing to order the extras from Japan despite having a Japanese shipping address and a sufficient balance in yen on my Japanese Nintendo account was so draining that I don't even feel excited to play XC3 anymore. I might not buy it at all now.)
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Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 11:09 am
xD I needed that laugh. Welcome Jean.
I uh, would make a joke about the 1st step ya took and my avi but uh, yeah, not really the right time. I used to really love the Yugioh TCG and anime, sadly with Pendulums I reached a point of, the game is far too complicated now. Like its great but it lost its charm slowly but surely as time went on. Effects got more complicated, longer, way too much to recall and HOW THE MOFF is a 7 year old supposed to know how to play this card game in its state where its complicated effects left, right and when they resolve and so on? I may not be a child anymore but that doesn't mean I like overly complicated stuff. Despite the game losing its charm, it still holds a special place in my heart and none of that would be possible without Takahashi and those who helped make this all happen. To say the least, I am sad he died and if foul play was the cause I hope they catch whoever did it (Though last i read its unlikely to be foul play)
I DL'd the Klanoa demo on switch, yet to play it and never played a game in the series. This demo will determine if I even bother with this series.
Love the taglines for the NFT ya did there Jean. lol
Quote: | always buy physical, because data is impermanent. |
Yeah, hate to be the bearer of bad news but, physical doesn't last forever either. Whether it be disc rot, scratches, wear and tear, or just the data eroding over time and anything else that destroys physical stuff, nothing lasts forever. The issue isn't digital, there are means to make this last longer than physical, the prob is companies selling u "subscriptions" (Steam), and "licenses" (Playstation) and "other such "wording' that means at ANY TIME they can rob u of what u "bought" becus remember despite their store saying "purchase" and other crap that tricks players and consumers into thinking they're buying a game, movie, dlc or other digital content when they aren't (According to the TOS of these companies including Amazon), u aren't actually buying what u think u are as u've been mislead to believe other wise. Sadly unless the US or someone wants to challenge this they can legally do this even though its unfair and scummy to high hell. Hoeg Law on youtube and twitter made vids about this, he's a business lawyer and has gone over it, much of what i said on this was from his vids.
Anyway, the point is, companies CAN make it last longer, but even then if the company goes under, or other laws and such that may interfere in the process of owning a digital library of games, movies etc., but the issue is they are greedy, don't want too and only really care about making money. Theres a reason why gaming companies also have made u rebuy there games when its not needed anymore, profits being one of them. In this 1 instance esp for smaller companies, I can't blame them. But yeah, physical and digital won't last forever no matter what u do so just buy whatever ya want in whatever form. Also, some consoles have the save data saved onto the system
I was shocked to wake up to a Bayonetta 3 release date trailer in front of me, out of no where. I was sure we'd not get it this year since we heard nothing on it with all the gaming news last month but low and behold, there she was in all her glory... tsk, shame they decided to add in a censorship mode though. Say what u will but censorship has no place in reality, the only reason why its even existing is becus humans let things offend them WAAAY too much and I might add this is an M rated game, with TONS of sexy appeal (In dialog too) and even more GORE and violence and some very twisted themes so no, suddenly covering up the partial nudity so there's no nudity will not change the M rating nor how VIOLENT and GORE filled the game is so no child should be playing this so further more reason am saying, censorship is pointless esp in this case. THAT ASIDE, happy for the game and REALLY excited about the new forms Bayonetta is taking. Not a fan of Viola at this time, she has potential but we shall see...
And since u called me out on me calling this what it is, censorship, sorry but it IS censorship jean. Sure, I GET the scenario u put forth but thats IGNORING the reality that, the only reason those people are embarrassed or those around them is DUE TO censorship existing. We live in a world where god forbid a woman can show even a bit of skin or cleavage on video game covers least the stores reject them (See Neptunia series lately and Rocky and Pocky reshrined's Goddess as a few recent examples) and its a known fact that if u take humans, teach them something, and don't teach them other thigns, that's how they'll grow up and react (More likely too anyway) so if censorship didn't exist at all, then no one would bat an eye to a fully naked woman and man on street signs out in public or anyone walking around in their birthday suit. Sure those who grew up with the censorship would bat an eye, but not those who did and this is my point, it is what it is, they're censoring the game to "please" the current times so they can maximize profits. Sure, their intents are good and i DO get the example u made and further reason why they're doing this BUT! At the end of the day instead of TAKING A STAND against censorship, they sided with censorship. THATS what this is jean, plain and simple. Every day we get closer to Shimonita's world... Don't be surprised if someday kids are freaking out at flies mating becus they weren't taught sex ed and the world went full censorship...
And Nintendo does what Japan won't. Good on u Nintendo! :)
wolf10 wrote: | Bayonetta just isn't the same without Hellena Taylor. She literally defined the character, and even voices her in Smash. It has been a while |
Uhh, the new VA sounds just like Bayonetta so no, not really. As for acting like Baynetta, a bit hard to say from just 2 short trailers and we dunno if this is even the Bayonetta from the 1st two games (Not to mention the writing also is a factor that's outside of the VA's control for their char), anyway, while its a bit hard to say for sure till the game is out and we've seen, heard and played it, so far I'd say this new VA also plays the ole of Bayonetta well too. So not only do they sound very similar, the new VA's performance as Bayonetta is also pretty good. While I appreciate Taylor for voicing and bringing to life Bayonetta in the 1st two games, and we dunno (if we ever do) what the reason for why she isn't voicing her in 3, at the same time, when this happens I just want the voice and acting to sound and act as close to the OG as possible and this new VA is doing a SMASHING job. (Double pun intended lol) So actually I'd say Bayonetta is still the same without Taylor, though that is pending as thats just based on 2 short trailers like i said earlier. lol
I appreciate when companies go out of their way to get a VA for their chars thats close to the OG as otherwise u have serious disconnect esp if playing back to back or due to nostalgia so am thankful this new VA (If u couldn't tell, I dunno their name) sounds just like the OG Bayonetta/VA.
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Joined: 21 Apr 2021
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Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 1:15 pm
Physical media may die to time and storage related atrophy, but at least thats a death by universal physical forces. No longer accesing things I've paid for because corporate says so, is an entirely different, much more personally offensive beast, and I find it disengenuous to compare the two.
Also, no one should be interested in the SAO game, - its...pretty bad, even for an SAO game.
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Joined: 25 Jul 2018
Posts: 327
Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 2:57 pm
wolf10 wrote: |
Bayonetta just isn't the same without Hellena Taylor. She literally defined the character, and even voices her in Smash. |
I thought the fan theory going around when the first trailer dropped with her new design was that it wasn't our Bayonetta (ie the one we've played as in the first two games) but rather Cerezita/parallel Bayo from the first game. Would explain why she has Gomorrah again since the whole thing regarding it in the second game.
Wouldn't she be under NDA if she was appearing in the game?
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Dark Mac
Joined: 17 May 2008
Posts: 324
Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 3:14 pm
Warning for the Klonoa collection: it runs pretty poorly on Switch, PS4, and Xbox One. Not exactly acceptable considering that it's a remaster of Wii/PS2 games...
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Joined: 23 Jan 2016
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Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 3:21 pm
GNPixie wrote: | I thought the fan theory going around when the first trailer dropped with her new design was that it wasn't our Bayonetta (ie the one we've played as in the first two games) |
See, I like that theory, but it doesn't explain why she's still being dubbed by Atsuko Tanaka in Japanese trailers. It seems inconsistent. (Before someone tries to correct my terminology, the first game was voiced in English for the original Japanese release, until the Bloody Fate movie and Bayo 2.)
I also must be confused because I'm pretty sure the thing in the first game was a stable time loop. There's a lot of timey-wimey nonsense in Bayonetta, though, and the sequel only made it worse.
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Joined: 26 Nov 2020
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Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 3:21 pm
I don't see the issue with naive angel mode. It's an option, nothing is forced. It's not censorship because all the content is still available in the game perfectly accessable for free. I don't see the issue with giving people the OPTION to remove some nudity in game. It's not an attempt to change the rating because again, all nudity is still available.
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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 3:22 pm
-Kaiju Monster Rancher: GOOD
-Bayonetta 3: It's hilarious how DMC and Bayonetta are in a constant state of one-upping each other. Bayonetta gets two entries while DMC is on hiatus, DMC5 brings up three new characters and a plethora of new mechanics, now Bayonetta 3 looked at V's summoning style and went "Challenge accepted" and tossing in Girl-Nero for good measure.
As for why Bayonetta has been recast, no idea; though considering the game was being developed during COVID I wouldn't be surprised if logistics got in the way (Taylor's in the UK while the rest of the cast are in LA). A lot of people have tried to make fan theories of it, but it's probably just behind the scenes stuff. Same with how people make a big deal over the absence of Bayonetta's mole in the reveal trailer...only to see it was an just an off-model and she has it in the current one.
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Joined: 12 Feb 2021
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Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 4:07 pm
GNPixie wrote: | (Before someone tries to correct my terminology, the first game was voiced in English for the original Japanese release, until the Bloody Fate movie and Bayo 2.) |
Not 100% sure on this, but I'm pretty sure Bayonetta 2's cutscenes were done in English first and then re-dubbed in Japanese later, like the Wii U/Switch re-releases of the first game (or DMC5, for example). I think the process went like this:
Script written in Japanese → cutscenes directed, timed to English voices → Japanese VAs re-dub cutscenes with different script (Like how anime is dubbed overseas)
I assume they're using the same process for Bayonetta 3, but they might not be. Only thing I do know for sure is that if Kamiya's got anything to do with the story this time around, there's probably going to be some insane eleventh hour time travel twist, haha.
I haven't watched the trailers yet, but a character sounds interesting --- an entirely new playable character seems like a better way to increase the variety in an action game like this compared to the gimmick sections of the previous games (even if I don't hate them as much as most people). Though I'm more concerned about how Bayonetta herself plays, after some of the kind of ill considered changes in 2. Though hey, if they can rebound mechanically, I'm looking forward to it!
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Joined: 01 Jun 2014
Posts: 951
Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 5:51 pm
wolf10 wrote: |
GNPixie wrote: | I thought the fan theory going around when the first trailer dropped with her new design was that it wasn't our Bayonetta (ie the one we've played as in the first two games) |
See, I like that theory, but it doesn't explain why she's still being dubbed by Atsuko Tanaka in Japanese trailers. It seems inconsistent. (Before someone tries to correct my terminology, the first game was voiced in English for the original Japanese release, until the Bloody Fate movie and Bayo 2.)
I also must be confused because I'm pretty sure the thing in the first game was a stable time loop. There's a lot of timey-wimey nonsense in Bayonetta, though, and the sequel only made it worse. |
there's also the fact Miyuki Sawashiro is voicing this new character,but she also played Cereza in the first game and the anime.Hmmm...
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Joined: 18 Jun 2013
Posts: 595
Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 9:16 pm
MagicPolly wrote: | I don't see the issue with naive angel mode. It's an option, nothing is forced. It's not censorship because all the content is still available in the game perfectly accessable for free. I don't see the issue with giving people the OPTION to remove some nudity in game. It's not an attempt to change the rating because again, all nudity is still available. |
I haven't seen anyone actually upset about it, just a bunch of people memeing on it. The fact it's called "naive angel mode" is already tongue-in-cheek. So people are just memeing on it by calling it "western mode", "4Kids mode", "game journalist mode", and other names.
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Joined: 26 Nov 2020
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Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 10:28 pm
Guile wrote: |
MagicPolly wrote: | I don't see the issue with naive angel mode. It's an option, nothing is forced. It's not censorship because all the content is still available in the game perfectly accessable for free. I don't see the issue with giving people the OPTION to remove some nudity in game. It's not an attempt to change the rating because again, all nudity is still available. |
I haven't seen anyone actually upset about it, just a bunch of people memeing on it. The fact it's called "naive angel mode" is already tongue-in-cheek. So people are just memeing on it by calling it "western mode", "4Kids mode", "game journalist mode", and other names. |
Well my post was mostly directed at Villain-chan, I just didn't quote them because it would have been too much.
Unless their post was also supposed to be tounge in cheeck somehow?
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