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GAME: Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition

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Joined: 21 Apr 2021
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2022 2:43 pm Reply with quote
I love Cross. More so even than Trigger, owing a lot to presentation and a much more somber tone that I connect to better. It definitely has its issues- way too many characters, weird character speech patterns, and an honestly good narrative that falls apart in the final stretch. I think calling the narrative shallow is incorrect, personally- but the plot and characters certainly aren't good at expressing themselves. So I see why the game could be divisive. But I adore its ambition- the absolute defiance of complacency that would have been so easy to succumb to, narratively and mechanically.

Its not a game for everyone. It is, to some extent, an rpg for those that find the blind optimism of a bunch of kids with a time machine to be alarming. Its a game about ugly consequences that can't be undone, and picking up those pieces to move forward. It's about confronting "what could have been" to make peace with "what is". At its best, it could be uncharitably described as "Mid-Life Crisis: the Game". And the extent to which any individual finds these concepts appealing is going to vary. But there isn't anything quite like it, so I do want to recommend fans of the genre to at least try it. Which makes its poor remaster quality a crying shame.
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Joined: 23 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2022 2:54 pm Reply with quote
B for music, dammmmmn! CC music is imo one of the best soundtrack in video game land.

Cross is definitely interesting but saying it never really gel together into a satisfying game is spot on. There's a large cast but it just feel like they took the standard 5-8 interesting character cast of a JRPG and split their personality/quirk and backstory across 45 so the game strangely feel like it's lacking characters. Combat system never really work, giving the player a ton of magic doesn't make it interesting, at best it feel like a dumb down version of FF7 materia, at worse its just annoying to sort trough all those. The two world system just makes everything confusing, neither world has a real identity to latch onto, there just slightly different version of the same world so you constantly wonder if you were supposed to go to regular world or alternate world to continue the quest.

So while I'm glad SE is continuing to port older game on PC (since I had to mothball all my retro console/game) CC feel a bit like a waste and I'll be skipping it and hoping they do more interesting stuff next (I can't complain much, they did seiken densetsu 3 not too long ago and are doing live-a-live soon).
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Joined: 23 Jan 2016
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2022 3:19 pm Reply with quote
b-dragon wrote:
Its not a game for everyone. It is, to some extent, an rpg for those that find the blind optimism of a bunch of kids with a time machine to be alarming. Its a game about ugly consequences that can't be undone, and picking up those pieces to move forward. It's about confronting "what could have been" to make peace with "what is". At its best, it could be uncharitably described as "Mid-Life Crisis: the Game". And the extent to which any individual finds these concepts appealing is going to vary. But there isn't anything quite like it, so I do want to recommend fans of the genre to at least try it. Which makes its poor remaster quality a crying shame.
I mean, yes and no. A game could have been made portraying more complicated and nuanced complications to the 100% fantastical notion of time travel (and indeed, one was, and it was called Final Fantasy XIII-2). What we got with Cross is Masato Kato's edgy, petulant fan-fic sequel to a story originally drafted by absolute legend (and stubborn idealist) Yuji Horii. I was totally on-board with spoiler[the time-crashed future manifesting at the point where the timeline was broken], I was a lot less thrilled with spoiler[the completely unnecessary slasher-flick nightmare the 1000 A.D. cast was subjected to off-screen in the intervening years]. Like, what the man, hell? CC could have been remembered an interesting conceptual sequel (space vs. time), but that last bit sealed it's fate as one of the most polarizing sequels ever.
meiam wrote:
B for music, dammmmmn! CC music is imo one of the best soundtrack in video game land.
I would give it a B too, honestly, but that's because I'm petty and feel like we were robbed with the omission of a standard boss battle theme. Seriously. Laughing I feel the same way about Mitsuda's Xenosaga: Episode 1 soundtrack, and that even had the perfect track for boss fights relegated to cutscene use only (with a remix of said track used for the final boss just for spite points). His Inazuma Eleven OST is an underrated classic, though.

Really a shame about the port quality, though. I do feel that everyone deserves to play this after Chrono Trigger so they, too, can be mad about it (one way or the other), but not like this.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2022 9:27 pm Reply with quote
What a disappointment that the port has so many technical issues. I hope they're ironed out. Sad
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Joined: 31 May 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2022 9:32 pm Reply with quote
I enjoyed CC when I played it, but like to think of it as a stand alone title and just ignore any of those CT bits.
Too bad this release has so many technical issues. Hopefully they get patched so I can pick it up.
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Joined: 25 Oct 2021
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2022 9:46 pm Reply with quote
Covnam wrote:
I enjoyed CC when I played it, but like to think of it as a stand alone title and just ignore any of those CT bits.

The Chrono Trigger bits do feel pretty forced and I feel the game overall would benefit more from it not trying to pretend it's a sequel to it.

It is sad to hear about the censorship and performance issues in the remaster. It seems to be a common trend with these things. It's so sad companies with such iconic and legendary games give them such half-baked low-effort remasters.
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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2022 3:20 am Reply with quote
wolf10 wrote:
I mean, yes and no. A game could have been made portraying more complicated and nuanced complications to the 100% fantastical notion of time travel (and indeed, one was, and it was called Final Fantasy XIII-2). What we got with Cross is Masato Kato's edgy, petulant fan-fic sequel to a story originally drafted by absolute legend (and stubborn idealist) Yuji Horii.

That's...completely wrong; Kato was the main writer for Trigger as well. In fact, Kato might as well have been the director considering that Tokita and Kitase were late-development additions to the team. Horii came up with a basic outline, but Kato was the one who fleshed out most of the story. Hell, Kato made the original designs for the characters before Toriyama was brought on!


So yeah. the whole "dream team" label was mostly just marketing. Supposedly Horii and Sakaguchi had a falling out over the game and it wouldn't surprise me considering how much of a mess Trigger's development was. So yeah, Kato is pretty much the Chrono architect whether people like it or not.

Anyway, having finished the game I can attest that it definitely has issues. The new character models are good (though Doc looks a bit off) and Nobuteru Yuuki's new portraits are welcome. Frame rate can chug, especially during combat, and it's clear the FMV's are in their late 90s resolution glory. Bit of a shame, especially considering how unique Cross is and how it really had the guts to do a deconstruction of time travel itself and the repercussions it entails, about how choices have ripple effects, and that things could go drastically different at the drop of a hat. There's an argument to be made about trimming the roster, but I'm not gonna complain about having a skeleton clown, an alien, a fairy, and a luchador in the selection. Hopefully they patch it in the coming months because I'm definitely going to go through to get more of the endings
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Joined: 23 Jan 2016
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2022 7:07 am Reply with quote
AiddonValentine wrote:
Kato was the main writer for Trigger as well. In fact, Kato might as well have been the director considering that Tokita and Kitase were late-development additions to the team. Horii came up with a basic outline, but Kato was the one who fleshed out most of the story. Hell, Kato made the original designs for the characters before Toriyama was brought on!


So yeah. the whole "dream team" label was mostly just marketing. Supposedly Horii and Sakaguchi had a falling out over the game and it wouldn't surprise me considering how much of a mess Trigger's development was. So yeah, Kato is pretty much the Chrono architect whether people like it or not.

Thanks for the clarifying link! It was great... until it devolved into the usual "you just don't get it" that always pops up in Chrono Cross discussions. I have a screenwriting degree, I quite literally do get "it," and there's no narrative justification for certain developments except as some kind of mean-spirited attack on the preceding work, whoever wrote it first. (As it happens, it was also a hook for a sequel that was never developed, so at least Kato didn't intend it as spoiler[the end of Chrono, Lucca, and Marle's story].)

For what it's worth, Kato has mellowed out considerably in the years since, and has even acknowledged he could have shown more empathy to players of the original. He's even put out another Chrono game! (Which is to say, Another Eden, and it even got a Chrono Cross-over.)

AiddonValentine wrote:
Bit of a shame, especially considering how unique Cross is and how it really had the guts to do a deconstruction of time travel itself and the repercussions it entails, about how choices have ripple effects, and that things could go drastically different at the drop of a hat.
It's not really a deconstruction, though. That word gets used a lot to describe "darker" works that invent new consequences for lighter material, but it's not the same as actually interrogating existing implications and finding something darker once you peel back a few layers. A "deconstruction" of CT's time travel would be more like, since time travel was shown to not have any sort of consequences, there's no actual proof that the current world isn't already a product of temporal meddling. But that's just food for thought.
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Joined: 10 Oct 2018
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2022 8:58 am Reply with quote
I tried to play this game about five times before I gave up. I just got too overwhelmed by all the characters and kept worrying I was making the wrong choices and missing out on the good characters or building up the "wrong" ones. I guess I'm just not built for deciding between too many options.
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Joined: 23 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2022 9:46 am Reply with quote
ThrowMeOut wrote:
I tried to play this game about five times before I gave up. I just got too overwhelmed by all the characters and kept worrying I was making the wrong choices and missing out on the good characters or building up the "wrong" ones. I guess I'm just not built for deciding between too many options.

There's not really any wrong choice, the difference between character is insignificant and once you've recruited them they essentially stop existing for the most part.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2022 11:24 am Reply with quote
I played it on PS1 and currently have it on my Switch. Of course when it comes to music, it's definitely an A+ right there, but we are talking about the graphics and I will have to say, I will have to agree with FinalVentCard and everyone else. I feel like it's actually rushed and just didn't bother to review if everything is working. Honestly, I got hyped up with the extra Radical Dreamers part... but it's just... Sad
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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2022 12:35 pm Reply with quote
SenpaiDuckie wrote:
I played it on PS1 and currently have it on my Switch. Of course when it comes to music, it's definitely an A+ right there, but we are talking about the graphics and I will have to say, I will have to agree with FinalVentCard and everyone else. I feel like it's actually rushed and just didn't bother to review if everything is working. Honestly, I got hyped up with the extra Radical Dreamers part... but it's just... Sad

Yeah, definitely a rough job there and it's a damn shame too considering they did add little improvements like turning encounters off, adding an option to make fights easier, that sort of thing. Another thing I wonder is the frame rate hits when at normal speed, but not when in turbo mode so I wonder if they didn't properly optimize it for normal speed.
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Joined: 10 Nov 2018
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2022 12:43 pm Reply with quote
vampiyan wrote:
Covnam wrote:
I enjoyed CC when I played it, but like to think of it as a stand alone title and just ignore any of those CT bits.

The Chrono Trigger bits do feel pretty forced and I feel the game overall would benefit more from it not trying to pretend it's a sequel to it.

It is sad to hear about the censorship and performance issues in the remaster. It seems to be a common trend with these things. It's so sad companies with such iconic and legendary games give them such half-baked low-effort remasters.

What was censored?

It sucks that it seems like there just wasn't a certain level of care put into this release. Overall it's a game I really love, just not so much as a CT sequel. The music will always be A+ for me.
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Joined: 10 Oct 2018
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2022 1:30 pm Reply with quote
meiam wrote:

There's not really any wrong choice, the difference between character is insignificant and once you've recruited them they essentially stop existing for the most part.

I think that's even worse.
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Joined: 25 Oct 2021
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2022 11:54 pm Reply with quote
Gem-Bug wrote:
What was censored?

-Some dialog was changed to be more PC like references to sexism, gender, and a male crossdresser enemy was changed to be a woman.

-Some of the new character models had bloomers added to them over their underwear. You can remove this by switching to the original graphics mode though since it's only the new models that were changed.

-Most strange is Mojo's accent being removed for his initial appearance but strangely shows up later on in the game during character-specific dialog. Which seems like an oversight and an sign the release was a rushed product that didn't go through much testing.
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