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REVIEW: Pani Poni Dash! DVD 3

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Joined: 22 Sep 2005
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Location: Orange County
PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 3:19 am Reply with quote
Himeko's English VA really comes through. She's the most consistent even with all that energy poring out. She deserves that much credit
Beacky, Serizawa and the Aliens are spot-on. Really, they couldn't find a more fitting role for them even if they tried.
Overall, everyone improved a little this time around

I think Vol 4 was just released yesterday, so I'm looking forward to that
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Joined: 02 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 3:55 pm Reply with quote
I think the PPD! dub is really good. Himeko's VA is very energetic and really does the role well.
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the Rancorous

Joined: 08 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 6:51 pm Reply with quote
am I the only one who loves Natalie Nassar's Miyako? She gives that high-strung angry bookworm a whole new level of nerd-rage.
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 10:04 pm Reply with quote
CloverKuroba wrote:
I think the PPD! dub is really good. Himeko's VA is very energetic and really does the role well.
I really like Hilary Haag as Becky, her angry "I AM a teacher!" rants fit very well with the character. Actually I'm going against my usual practice and watching this series in English before Japanese (never followed the fansubs), so I can't compare the English voice-acting with the Japanese casts. I'm watching it this way so I can read the subtitles and notes while listening to the dialogue, rather than trying to read it all.

Although the mecha battles in episode 14 stand out most in my memory, this volume was enjoyable as a whole...I love how this show messes with its audience by playing an ending song midway through the episode and then continuing on with the action. There's just so many unconventional animation/plot devices being used, it doesn't matter so much that the characters are standard types and don't show much development. And Vol. 4 was even better.
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Joined: 19 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 1:23 am Reply with quote
Honestly, I have to say that I find this review to be way off base and entirely too cynical and cranky for it's own good.

There are a few dubs in the English localization business, (but most of them are firmly entrenched in ADV's camp) that are better than, if not far superior to the original language track and the hard work and dedication to make a superior dubbed product shines through immensely from time to time.

Pani Poni Dash is ADV's largest effort to successfully pull off a dub superior to the original audio, to date.. even pulling this honor out from under the previous winner in this catagory: Excel Saga.

To say that a dub is "unremarkable" even with this level of obvious hard work and talent put into it's every facet, from the extensive and exhaustive AD Vid Notes, to near perfect characterization with a definite level of original creativity thrown into the mix in the most appropriate of ways, with a cast of many, with none that even show the slightest hint of a "phoned in" performance, is quite frankly, baseless, wrong, and a little more than questionable.

It always does irk me when people have such an ingrained hatred towards dubbed anime and the process of it, quite irrationally, that unfortunately comes with the territory of most anime fans feeling as if they won't be accepted unless they find something to complain about as a group in the dub, even if it's really a matter of just trying to fit the criticism in sideways, even if there's no good reason for it.

This kind of biased attitude in this review is the same kind of irrational naysaying and negativity that paints a false, but sadly and widely accepted myth that "dubbed anime" automatically equals "not good enough"

But likewise, when the review isn't baselessly nitpicking the dub without adequetly stating a good enough reason as to exactly why (It seems to almost come up with a rational, but fails to really expand on that logic or illumiate it properly with a better backed up reason), it does an equal disservice to the genre of parody and gag anime by blithly dismissing the idea of refrental humor and randomness, (which has a fanbase and interest all it's own) as "falling flat".

Not everyone thinks that certain types of humor "fall flat" just becuase they aren't up to the standards of the types of humor that the reviewer is prone to understand or praise.

I can state right now, that the article/review speaks more about biased attitudes towards the reviewers curmudgeony tastes, marring an otherwise informative review. Pani Poni Dash, is, largely for me consistently funny. Due in large part to the idea that i'm not persnickety about biased attitudes of what kind of humor "fails" and what kind apparently doesn't.

The entire review is permeated with a needlessly negative and pessimistic tone, that's pretty much unneeded, unnecessary, and smacks of "someone got up on the wrong side of the bed" syndrome, especially since the general idea of the aritlce is that the review is supposedly a positive recommendation. It's honestly baffling.

Basically I take issue with how negative, biased, and off base, and even at times, incomprehensible this review is.

If it's going to give a positive recommendation, but can't seem to make up it's own mind on whether or not it's a negative or a positive review, and if it can't actually objectively present these opinions with a backed up logic...

I'm sorry to say but the review isn't really up to the standards of a professional review should be up to. Not even close. If I wanted a forecast of a sunny day with a "0% chance of inevitable rain", than i'd probably read a review like this and think it was well written.

But since such logic is pretty off base and more snide and critical than it needs to be of points that it can't really expand on in-depth, I can't say that.

In short, you can tell when a reviewer is just having a bad day, or needs to get some frustrations out some other way, by attacking points that make me seriously wonder how much of the DVD that the reviewer actually WATCHED before having the review he wanted to write already in mind. This is a textbook example of one of those times.

Sorry, but I had to give my thoughts on this.

I don't know how many DVD's this person has reviewed here or anywhere else, but if I was basing his ability to properly review something on this review alone, for the reasons stated, i'd advise him not to give up any day job he might have.
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