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REVIEW: Zipang DVD 3

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Joined: 13 Apr 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 8:12 am Reply with quote
Such a good show. Yet another one that doesn't get the attention from fandom at large that it deserves.
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Joined: 30 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 8:43 am Reply with quote
ChrisBeveridge wrote:
Such a good show. Yet another one that doesn't get the attention from fandom at large that it deserves.

And where's your review? Very Happy

If you thought Volume 3 was really good, wait until you watch Volume 4. You will learn what the title, Zipang, means in the context of the show. By the end of Volume 4, you'll want Volume 5 in your hands to continue as soon as possible.
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Joined: 02 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 8:54 am Reply with quote
ChrisBeveridge wrote:
Such a good show. Yet another one that doesn't get the attention from fandom at large that it deserves.

Wink Tell that to my local Best Buys, Chris. For some weird reason they're not carrying this title (just Vol. #1). Crying or Very sad
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Joined: 13 Apr 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 9:08 am Reply with quote
leongsh wrote:
ChrisBeveridge wrote:
Such a good show. Yet another one that doesn't get the attention from fandom at large that it deserves.

And where's your review? :D

If you thought Volume 3 was really good, wait until you watch Volume 4. You will learn what the title, Zipang, means in the context of the show. By the end of Volume 4, you'll want Volume 5 in your hands to continue as soon as possible.

hah. it's scheduled for 3/19. Getting a hold of geneon discs for review and from a couple of online retailers has not been easy lately. I just watched this one last night though and enjoyed it quite a bit. It really makes me want to go watch Final Countdown again.
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 10:49 am Reply with quote
Great review there, Key! It's a shame the series is so underappreciated by much of the anime fandom (at least around these forums; only 58 ratings so far?! Mad). I wish Geneon would've at least done some better marketing and provided an actual quality dub. It's not every year you get a good down-to-earth military/quasi-sci-fi drama (quasi in the sense that only the time travel thing really sticks out), and *gasp* it doesn't involve some kind of mecha or alien battle for a change Shocked.

There's an excellent amount of detail to many of the technical aspects as well as historical. On the flipside to the sparse values of the marketing and DVD production itself, though, the price of the series is a steal compared to all of their other titles. Deep Discount is currently selling each volume at $16.63 a piece, and don't forget the FREE shipping Wink. I highly recommend this series.
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Joined: 22 May 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 2:04 pm Reply with quote
If the dub is so bad, why does it get a B? That seems to be a looming problem in a lot of reviews on here, that the dub gets one letter lower, or sometimes the same, as the sub no matter what the quality.

Also, I've been holding off on this series for reasons I honestly can't think of now. I really want to see it now though, with how seriously they're treating the subject matter. It really is a nice departure from the routine.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 4:53 pm Reply with quote
sokpupet wrote:
If the dub is so bad, why does it get a B? That seems to be a looming problem in a lot of reviews on here, that the dub gets one letter lower, or sometimes the same, as the sub no matter what the quality.

This has been explained a few times before, but for anyone who hasn't previously heard it:

The Dub and Sub ratings given for reviews here are Overall ratings, not just ratings for the quality of the dub or sub. Thus they reflect the summative rating with the dub (or sub) figured in. Because of that, if a series otherwise rated A- is getting pulled down two steps by the dub then that means that the dub grade, if taken individually, is pretty low indeed.
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Joined: 11 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 10:02 pm Reply with quote
I've lost count as to the number of times I've almost bought volume 1 plus the box. The main reasons I've passed on it are: I wasn't sure how good it might be, and my HUGE backlog of DVD's that I have sitting right in front of me.

Well, thanks to this stellar review, I can cross out one of those worries. I do believe I'll start picking this series up very soon. I, too, really enjoyed Final Countdown once upon a time.
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Steve Berry

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 10:48 pm Reply with quote
I watched Zipang all the way through, fansubbed-- and it really is fantastically well written. Sadly, I was a bit dissapointed by the ending, and am hoping they'll continue it-- but still, the ride was amazing-- easily one of my most anticipated releases.

It's great to see it getting reviewed, and pondered so thouroughly-- what a shame that there hasn't been a bigger response to this, as people often say they're looking "for something different, more mature, and better written". Oddly, the buzz about this show being jingoist is what really seems to have done it the most harm, which is sad, because I really find it rather balanced and thoughtful. There's an obvious love for Japan on a cultural level (how could there not be?), and for the bravery of Japan's soilders-- they're all portrayed as real human beings, which is a nice change of pace as a Western viewer--, and yet, re: the military, the crew of the Mirai are really rather critical of Japan's actions in WW2. I would think history and military buffs would absolutely love this show, but there's something in the way it's being marketed that's keeping them from showing up.

Of course, besides all that, the human drama in this show is soooo well done. The "hiroshima" scene you brought up in the review, made me tear up when I watched it-- it rather caught me by surprise. It was so chilling, thinking historically, and yet, the situation was very immediate and real-- nothing momentous about it at all, just very personal. Strange, when those two things meet.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone thinks of the show as a whole. Even with its faults (particularly with the ending), it's still one of the most underappreciated titles, that really deserves a larger audience-- much like Master Keaton or Mushishi.
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Joined: 30 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:25 am Reply with quote
Steve Berry wrote:
I watched Zipang all the way through, fansubbed-- and it really is fantastically well written. Sadly, I was a bit dissapointed by the ending, and am hoping they'll continue it-- but still, the ride was amazing-- easily one of my most anticipated releases.

Well, they had to stop at that point otherwise it would have necessitated a minimum of another 26 episodes (if not more) to properly continue the story.

Steve Berry wrote:
It's great to see it getting reviewed, and pondered so thouroughly-- what a shame that there hasn't been a bigger response to this, as people often say they're looking "for something different, more mature, and better written".

And when a show like this comes along, a lot of these same people who say they're looking for "for something different, more mature, and better written" ignore it and prefer to watch shows counter to what they claim.

Steve Berry wrote:
Oddly, the buzz about this show being jingoist is what really seems to have done it the most harm, which is sad, because I really find it rather balanced and thoughtful.

Those have been calling it jingoist have only seen it on the surface level and have already come to this series with sharpened knives and pre-conceived ideas.

The show gives a balanced view and does not tell us what is right or wrong. It leaves it all to us to determine for ourselves whether they have made the right choices. Then there's that fantastic dialogue over the airwaves between Kadomatsu and Kusaka (coming soon in Volume 4 Smile) that lays bare the differences. Then in episode 15... ahh... won't spoil it.

It's a crying shame that this series is watched by so few. This is the kind of mature, thoughtful anime that should be hailed and encouraged. So few are willing to give it a chance that sometimes in these forum threads on the show, it feels like we're lamenting it amongst the few that do watch it.
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Randall Miyashiro

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 2:11 am Reply with quote
I love the 2D and 3D integration in this series. I will agree that this is a smart show that hasn't been recognized by it's R1 market. It doesn't have excessive graphic violence, giant robots, cute girls, mascots, goofy romances, or any of the other gimmicks that most anime series rely on, yet it is still really engrossing. How many other shows are currently being released can make this claim?
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Joined: 02 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 7:55 am Reply with quote
Tony K. wrote:
There's an excellent amount of detail to many of the technical aspects as well as historical. On the flipside to the sparse values of the marketing and DVD production itself, though, the price of the series is a steal compared to all of their other titles. Deep Discount is currently selling each volume at $16.63 a piece, and don't forget the FREE shipping Wink. I highly recommend this series.

Also, TRSI is currently running a Geneon studio sale where they are taking 35% off MSRP for Geneon DVDs, including Zipang. Pre-orders for future Geneon titles like Rozen Maiden, Karin, and Higurashi are also included in the sale. So definitely take advantage of this if you can. Cool
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:14 am Reply with quote
bci110 wrote:
Also, TRSI is currently running a Geneon studio sale where they are taking 35% off MSRP for Geneon DVDs, including Zipang. Pre-orders for future Geneon titles like Rozen Maiden, Karin, and Higurashi are also included in the sale. So definitely take advantage of this if you can. Cool

Yeah, I already pre-ordered my Higurashi Vol.1 w/ box and Hellsing Ultimate Vol.2 LE. I thought about adding all of Zipang since they're already taking pre-orders up to Vol.7 Shocked, but I'm still trying to pay off my credit card for tuition, and thus only reserving online purchases for either really good clearance deals (might buy some stuff from ADV's site) or LE pre-orders (already got .hack//Roots, Black Lagoon, and Haruhi Suzumiya reserved Anime hyper). But still, $14.49 per volume of Zipang sounds pretty tempting (if you include the Got Anime? card)...
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Randall Miyashiro

Joined: 12 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 3:10 pm Reply with quote
bci110 wrote:

Also, TRSI is currently running a Geneon studio sale where they are taking 35% off MSRP for Geneon DVDs, including Zipang. Pre-orders for future Geneon titles like Rozen Maiden, Karin, and Higurashi are also included in the sale. So definitely take advantage of this if you can. Cool

Ouch I just ordered 34 DVDs and the 3 Angela CDs. Ayakashi, Black Lagoon, and Shonen Omyoji are also forthcomming and orderable. This is also a chance for me to get the rest of the Kanazuki, and Kamichu.

I'm glad that Zipang MSRP is $25 and hope Geneon will follow Manga, Viz, and Bandai with more $25 releases. My expectations, because of Funimation and ADV, for $30 DVDs have gone up and I expect a booklet and slipcase if I'm to be charged that much. I don't mind the lack of goodies if the MSRP is lowered, but Geneon always seemed expensive considering their lack of extras.
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Joined: 07 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 4:01 pm Reply with quote
No, the show is not jingoistic at all. When the crew decided to go to Guadalcanal, one of the sailors asked which side they would be fighting on- the Japanese or American.
Given the recent news items where conservative Japanese lawmakers, including the PM, have tried to deny Japanese Army involvement in providing the Comfort Women for Japanese soldiers, I think the people involved in this series should be commended for their fair and honest look at Japanese attitudes and behavior in that time period.
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