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Forum - View topicHey, Santaman! [2006-12-22]
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![]() Posts: 137 Location: a distant northern land |
I'd like to see Lolita adapted into an anime.
Actually, I'm lying; I would hate to see that, because there's no way it could ever do the novel justice. However, with the issue of lolicon in anime, I think it's an interesting notion... I think something like Jane Eyre would make an interesting historical shoujo anime, especially the whole "JAAAAAAAAAAAANE!!" part. |
Posts: 26 Location: Mexico City |
In reality, lolicon only takes the name from the book, but the context is absolutely different, so... I don't even think an anime series condemning lolicon would be a good thing. Stuff like NHK ni Youkoso! making fun of lolicons, or guys like Miyasaki doing things with well portrayed female characters are a much more positive things to do if you think lolicon is wrong...
Posts: 9193 |
Haruhism will cross our borders and Haruhists will be looking for jobs
![]() Aside from that, I agree with the rant. Women do seem to be affected somehow, but not all women I've seen in anime have been like that (like the ranter said). My thing is I've seen some other examples (Ogin-san from Requiem From the Darkness). I have seen men that have showed emotion though. |
![]() Posts: 2618 Location: Out. |
Hmm...books i'd like to see as anime. This is probably going to be said by many but u'd like to see Harry Potter as an anime. besides the flying scenes being done right, i think it'd come out really nice. They could do a movie for each book. And it'd sell worldwide.
i'd also like to see Artemis Fowl or Animorphs. Those would be great as well. As for journalism- try this: it has a pretty good idea of what to expect I think. The Polar Bear is cute. As for the rant- I can see what he means. Maybe its because girls are like that to a degree. Everyone wants to be held or cared for- its human nature. I think that theres an image of men being strong. Thats why I love anime where th egusy get ripped to pieces and act human. I hate it when a tragic event happens and everyone esle cries except the main chracter who just kind of sits there lik ehe's bored. Thats why grave of the fireflies was such a good movie. raw human emtions. [/url] Good column! |
![]() Posts: 2728 Location: Los Angeles, CA |
If the point of the rant was that women should display vulnerability less, I'm not sure I agree; however, I do agree that it's important to show the vulnerable side of men more often. There's nothing wrong with being vulnerable; it's not a woman thing, it's a people thing. Nobody can be strong all the time; that would be remarkable and, well, synthetic. I feel sorry for men, who are often discouraged from showing vulnerability and emotion through the media and traditional patriarchal upbringing; it's just not healthy. It would be nice to see a little more of men in film and animation experiencing the full range of human emotion and not being ashamed about it.
PS. A book I'd like to see as an anime: Ender's Game. Last edited by Cloe on Fri Dec 22, 2006 12:54 am; edited 1 time in total |
![]() Posts: 8513 Location: Penguinopolis |
Hey, the H2G2 movie could have been a lot worse - at least DNA wrote the script (didn't he?). The problem is that it was too Hollywood and not British enough. They truncated too many parts for the understanding of the mass market and added a trite love story that would make the staff of the LotR movies roll their eyes.
Anyway, for H2G2-like ironic sci-fi we have Haruhi. But a good anime adaption of H2G2 would be pretty awesome. I love those radio shows/books. To the rant - Wait, wait, wait. Emotional vulnerability is a quality of all human beings and is present in both genders in anime. The strong ones are likely to have a cry now and then, too - but there's still strength in them. Female characters like Priss Asagiri (who is from a "serious anime from the 80s", I might add), Sarah from NTHT, Re-l Mayer, Faye Valentine, and Karen Joshua (from Gundam 08th MS Team) are all strong, enduring female characters that break down at least once in their respective anime programs. (Priss, in fact, is strong BECAUSE of her strong emotions.) They might miss a step here and there, but no more than any hotblooded male character. |
ANN Executive Editor
![]() Posts: 7912 Location: Anime News Network Technodrome |
The film was OK for the first third until they get to that miserable John Malkovich subplot and then it takes a turn for the boring. It feels draggy in the last half or so, and none of the extra subplots or gags were funny at all. It's difficult to sit through again once you've seen it. But I think it'd work great as a low-budget snarky TV series that covered the entire run of novels. |
Posts: 15712 |
The movie wasn't that bad. It just didn't have the energy of the book. Ivory:
It's called Kite. ![]() britannica:
It's called Negima. |
![]() Posts: 300 Location: Boston |
It's always stood out in my head, in Trigun (I forget which episode) when Vash just breaks down in tears and starts crying due to his helplessness with the whole situation with Knives. I thought it was kinda cool they showed that.
But to be fair, they do that in American TV as well. Maybe not all, but there's plenty of shows portraying men as either thoughtless or emotionless, or just unwilling/unable to communication emotions, whereas women know what everyone else is feeling and vice versa. Stereotypes of personalities are going to exist, no matter what country you're in. |
red stranger
![]() Posts: 184 |
I think Good Omens would make a great anime, especially if you emphasized the more "random" bits and the second half of the book when the apocolypse bit starts to heat up.
A lot of Neil Gaiman's work would make great anime. I would kill many, many, many people for a Sandman series, and a Coraline OVA would be just dreamy. As for Terry Pratchett, I think the Discworld series probably wouldn't work too well, but The Dark Side Of The Sun might. The Johnny Maxwell books would also adapt quite will, especially if it was set in Japan rather than England. |
![]() Posts: 60 Location: tropical volcano |
Aww, I was gonna mention Vash first! So, yeah, girls can break down as much as they want as long as we get guys like Vash as well. (He's my fav guy character in anime) Emotion is not bad and neither is empathy, or having a vulnerable long as all the characters are shown as multi-dimensional. Also, the point at which a character seems at their weakest and most crushed is usually the point right before they get their sh!t together and protect everyone/ save the world/ fight back...girls as well.
And I second the killing of maaaaaany people for a Sandman ANYTHING, but sadly the rights to it are in some kind of limbo for the last 10 years...The reason it hasn't manifested in video form yet seems to be because too many people want a piece of it. You can find the whole sad tale on-line somewhere...I don't have a link anymore. Oh, and the Discworld thing...AHEM. Check the most popular TV show torrents for the last few days and you will see something called Terry Pratchett's HogFather Part 1 and Part 2 ~ Voila, wish granted. (it's not anime though) |
Forums Superstar
![]() Posts: 2362 Location: San Francisco |
Aww, where'd the "Gifts for People You Hate" section go?
I would liked to have seen what Aunt Polly who is concerned with your "unhealthy adolescent habits" and thinks all anime is hentai would have gotten for Christmas. Oh well. I'll give her Viper GTS, just for the hell of it. |
Posts: 1 |
Speaking of adaptations.... I've sent this question in a few times but it hasn't been answered yet (probably due to the sheer volume of questions).
What I want to know is if the rumor that there will be another Hajime no Ippo OVA in 2008 is true or not. Anybody know? The anime ends around volume 31 and they are currently on volume 79 in Japan, more than enough material for a second series if they wanted. |
Posts: 7 |
Heh... Books as Anime...
I only have one thing to say: SNOW CRASH. |
Richard J.
![]() Posts: 3367 Location: Sic Semper Tyrannis. |
About the rant: I don't think the number of emotional breakdown scenes with women are necessarily because the anime creators wanted to show that women are weak or that they need a man's shoulder to cry on. I think they're just being realistic. First, since the ranter says he's never seen a woman break down and cry, I'd like to know if any of the women he knows have ever been through a serious traumatic experience. I'm not talking "oh, my loved one died of old age or someone broke my heart." I'm talking "my family has been slaughtered or I've been raped or I'm lost somewhere with little hope of ever seeing home again." I'd be willing to bet that nearly every woman he knows would at some point fall apart and cry like a baby if they went through the same experiences as some anime females. Ranter mentioned NOIR: how many women wouldn't shed a few tears if spoiler[they found out, like Mireille did, that the person closest to them in the world, like Kirika, was also the person who murdered their family?] Second, men are brought up in basically every culture on earth to be stoic and repressed. We're supposed to be able to lose limbs and not cry about it. (That's an exaggeration but how far off is it really?) Anime is one of the few mediums of story telling that actually seems to think men can and should fall apart and cry too. The men in Fullmetal Alchemist, Scryed, and numerous other series all have times when they fall apart. Third, these scenes are meant to help people to connect emotionally with the characters and also to make us want to root for them. We see the otherwise tough girl cry and we instantly want to see her triumph even more than we did before. We cry too, because she's suffering and we want to see her happy. Would it really be good to watch a series where nobody gets emotional on that level at all? After a while, wouldn't you get just a little bored? Wouldn't you start to go "gee, why are these characters so freaking emotionless? Someone just died and no one's crying or anything!" Fourth, anime is a slightly exaggerated way of story telling. The emotions are always going to run a little high. The stories are always going to be just a little more vivid. Zac: the world needs more flake letters. They bring us all a sense of joy because we knew we are better than the idiots who write them. *500th post. I have become one with my anime and appear in backgrounds looking confused. ![]() |
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