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REVIEW: Strawberry Marshmallow DVD 1

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Joined: 11 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 9:56 am Reply with quote
Of more questionable concern is the occasional hint of fandom fetish: jokes about Miu's flat chest, or a waitress skirt-flip, or Nobue fawning over cat-eared Matsuri. Obviously, some people are going to take such things the wrong way, but it's still easy to enjoy the show regardless of that subtext.

That would actually be the right way, I think. Have you read the manga? This series is for pedos. I love it.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 12:15 pm Reply with quote
I just bought the DVD today. I saw the promo episode and the first episode fansubbed way back when it was airing in Japan and absolutely loved it. I really didn't expect this show to get licensed, but I was overjoyed when it was.

I'm glad to hear that it got a good dub as well. Geneon tends to have good dubs, but when younger characters tend to be harder to do right, so when 4 of your 5 main characters are little girls, you've got a tough job.

One more review that is proof positive that ANN is not, in fact, biased against "cute" anime.
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Wolverine Princess

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 3:31 pm Reply with quote
At my first glimpse at promotional art, I assumed the show was about the "adorable antics of precocious preschoolers”. The girls in this show look and act much younger than their projected ages. Why didn’t they just lower the characters ages to make it more realistic, if this is a slice-of-life show? I only saw the first episode, and that was quite a while ago, but the grey-haired girl who cries at everything acts especially more like a two year old than an eleven year old. I think I remember her crying because her dad ate her "special pudding" or something like that.
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Joined: 06 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 9:46 pm Reply with quote
I used to read the manga scanlations years ago, and I completely forgot about the anime when it was released in Japan. I remember the manga being very funny, mainly because it was similar to Azumanga Daioh. Probably still have them somewhere on this system. Eh.

As for the fetish thing, I didn't really notice at the time. I was more focused on the innocence and naivety of childhood as compared to the lifestyle of the older sister. Maybe it's just me. Guess I gotta check out the anime now.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 5:07 pm Reply with quote
Fans of the My-HiME dub

The My-HiME dub has fans?

I really dislike the My-HiME dub. I've yet to see any fans of it actually. I suppose if it's all you've heard you could like it but the anime just seems to lose a lot of the "magic" in the dub. Also, I don't dislike it just because My-HiME is one of my favorite anime and god forbid they dub it in another language then Japanese (I like the GA dub), I honestly, truely did not think it was good.

Still, I'll give it a chance to see if they work better with this cast of characters then in My-HiME. What I'm wanting to see the most is how they handled Ana's Japanese/English problem. You said they did a good job of it in the dub but... I'm going to have to see this for myself to believe it.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 7:20 pm Reply with quote
I like the show but man I feel like a dirty old man trying to explain it to people "well its about cute girls um doing things cutely and ....."

I guess its just one of my guilty pleasure shows.
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Joined: 29 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 12:12 am Reply with quote
This was one of my most anticipated Region 1 releases and I'm glad it's finally out. The first two episodes I've seen definitely share similarities with Azumanga Daioh which I think I would currently consider my favorite anime, so of course I would be interested in something similar like it. It's a cute show, but I don't think it's going to end up being cute just for the sake of being cute like something such as Bottle Fairy which is totally devoid of substance beyond that. I hope to pick up the first volume sometime this week with the "LE pencilboard."
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Bahamut God

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 5:30 pm Reply with quote
cyrax777 wrote:
I like the show but man I feel like a dirty old man trying to explain it to people "well its about cute girls um doing things cutely and ....."

I guess its just one of my guilty pleasure shows.

>_> It's a comdey slice of life show... That sounds a little better...
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 5:46 am Reply with quote
PantsGoblin wrote:
Fans of the My-HiME dub

The My-HiME dub has fans?

I really dislike the My-HiME dub. I've yet to see any fans of it actually. I suppose if it's all you've heard you could like it but the anime just seems to lose a lot of the "magic" in the dub. Also, I don't dislike it just because My-HiME is one of my favorite anime and god forbid they dub it in another language then Japanese (I like the GA dub), I honestly, truely did not think it was good.
Idk, after watching the first two discs of My-Hime, I can't say that I hate the dub. And yes, I had previously seen the full series in Japanese Embarassed Aside from a couple of side characters like the hyper-cute Yayoi, the voices are generally on-target and the scripting takes puts a few things in more natural English while staying relatively true to the original. (The only "magic" I'd say is lost comes from Bandai not translating many of the signs, but that's way beside the point here). So in essence, while I'm not quite a "fan" of it, I don't disapprove, either.
But back to Strawberry Marshmallow...I've glanced at a few parts of the first episode, and I agree with the review, it has an odd humor all its own, and that scene with the girl getting knocked down off-camera is priceless; it reminds me of a scene in Scrapped Princess where some bandits approach, Pacifica says, "Shannon-nii, bandits!" and a couple of scene cuts later, the bandits are defeated, lying on the ground. The SM dub also seems decent for cute/young girl voices, and it's always good to see a few -chan's working their way into the subtitles. And speaking of Azumanga, the SM eyecatches have little whistling bits that were a bit reminiscient.
One general problem with any dub, though, is the Japanese tradition of addressing older siblings by title rather than by name; it happens in My-Hime, and it's in this series as well. If they use "Big Sis" or similar terms in the dub, they run into unnatural English, but if they use the names, then fans criticize them for not staying true to the original; the dubbers are between the devil and the deep blue sea on this point. MH deals with this by having Takumi call Mai by name a few times, which he never does in the Japanese version. I don't fault them for trying to be a bit more natural and flowing for the English dub. Ironically, the more Japanese I learn, the more I appreciate dubs and the English langauge for having less repetition.
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Joined: 29 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 9:18 am Reply with quote
When Miu makes an insensitive wisecrack, for example, she appears facedown on the floor a split second later. What happened? The implied slapstick violence, hidden within that split second, achieves hilarity by not being there.

Good review, but I've seen this in other anime as well (often as an animation-saver-- i.e. cut away so you can draw fewer frames). It doesn't seem too remarkable to me.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 10:30 am Reply with quote
Twage wrote:
When Miu makes an insensitive wisecrack, for example, she appears facedown on the floor a split second later. What happened? The implied slapstick violence, hidden within that split second, achieves hilarity by not being there.

Good review, but I've seen this in other anime as well (often as an animation-saver-- i.e. cut away so you can draw fewer frames). It doesn't seem too remarkable to me.

It's the timing that makes it special.

Other shows do the same thing, but they miss by about half a second and it just comes off ragged and lazy.
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Joined: 29 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 10:49 am Reply with quote
Patachu wrote:
It's the timing that makes it special.

I thought that was probably the case; it was more a comment on the review. I didn't think it was a good example as written.

Oh, and I love your blog by the way.
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