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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 12:53 am Reply with quote
I'm surprised to see baby and me get a B. That is the most boring, bland, unintresting and poorly told "slice of life" manga I've ever come across, which has an artstyle that can be described the same way. I'm suprised Viz hasn't removed it from Shoujo Beat yet and replaced with with something more enjoyable to its readers. The baby Minoru seems to be the only character in the story with a personality.

I'm also starting to wonder if Tokyopop is forcing the overuse of screentones with their Rising Star winners. I remember Alice of Bizenghast wasn't too happy with the screentone requirments they were putting on her.

I'll definatly be picking up the Boogiepop manga now.
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Joined: 18 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 1:09 am Reply with quote
I was surprised by the "B" rating for Baby and Me as well. It's my least-favorite manga in Shoujo Beat, with the exception of Kaze Hikaru. But every reviewer is entitled to his own opinion. Maybe Carlo saw something in the story I missed.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 1:10 am Reply with quote
It doesn't help that the overall layout looks like something the manga-ka pounded out with Comic Studio software—flashy and professional-looking, but lacking artistic flow.

Can someone explain what this really means? What aspect of "artistic flow" does it refer to? Panelling or the actual art or what?

I'm also starting to wonder if Tokyopop is forcing the overuse of screentones with their Rising Star winners. I remember Alice of Bizenghast wasn't too happy with the screentone requirments they were putting on her.

AKG's screentone kinda looks the same to me... (though her art style looks. more. childish. -_-) But makes sense...
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 2:03 am Reply with quote
littlegreenwolf wrote:
I'm also starting to wonder if Tokyopop is forcing the overuse of screentones with their Rising Star winners. I remember Alice of Bizenghast wasn't too happy with the screentone requirments they were putting on her.

That's rather sad if they're being so fussy about that, really. Some of the most beautiful manga artwork I've seen tends to be that which doesn't rely heavily on screen tones at all...
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Joined: 21 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 2:20 am Reply with quote
I have to agree with the baby and me comments... just like some one else said I find it really bland, and I always skip over it when I read my shojo beat issues.

also, it's really nice to see that boogiepop got an A... I was interested in getting it and it's good to know that I'll most likely enjoy it (the majority of reviews around here I tend to end up agreeing with)

There's a candidate running for Congress in San Diego County who goes by the name of Alan Uke. To anyone familiar with the vocabulary of yaoi and Boy's Love, this is, of course, incredibly amusing. His campaign signs are posted up in several places around the neighborhood, and seeing them each morning on the way to work just brightens up my day.

I'm sure Mr. Uke is committed to building a better America... from the bottom up.

ha ha ha! I can't believe somebody else noticed this! there have been quite a few of his posters around town, and I've really had to fight the urge to steal one. I think I should go take a picture of it or something. somebody suggested that I print out a few shuichi shindo (from gravitation) pictures and stick them on one of the large groups of posters somewhere (because for some reason they never space out the posters here, just put them in large clumps at streetcorners)
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 2:40 am Reply with quote
minakichan wrote:
It doesn't help that the overall layout looks like something the manga-ka pounded out with Comic Studio software—flashy and professional-looking, but lacking artistic flow.

Can someone explain what this really means? What aspect of "artistic flow" does it refer to? Panelling or the actual art or what?


You ever get the feeling, while reading a comic, that the artist didn't actually draw anything? That it was all vectored and copy-pasted into something resembling manga? Yeah... like that. It just isn't natural.

Re: Baby and Me: I didn't think much of it when I was following it in SB, but after reading the entire Vol. 1 in one shot, I felt that I finally understood it. My mother is a preschool-level teacher, so I've grown up hearing all her toddler tales and Child Development theory, and I guess that aspect of the story resonates with me more than the average reader. Plus, I was a 10-year-old boy once. With LOTS of younger cousins. I feel Takuya's pain. Laughing
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Joined: 20 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 11:38 am Reply with quote
I though Baby and Me was trite and overly sentimental, but I only read a single issue of Shojo Beat before I decided to just pick up trades of products I like, so I'm really not in a position to argue.
I'm interested to see how Life turns out. I was suspecting it could run into problems with being overly angsty and cliched, but I'll probobly check it out. I doubt it'll be an equal to something like River's Edge, but then few things are.
Glad to see Sorcerers and Secritaries on there. It's one of the few OEL titles I really like.
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Joined: 13 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 12:59 pm Reply with quote
Honestly, I didn't like Baby and Me either, but so many people did that I finally sat down and read more of the later chapters in Shoujo Beat. It still doesn't strike me as a really DEEP manga, but it's more enjoyable now. I read it now instead of skipping over it, and I'm interested in seeing the progression of the characters. I wouldn't buy a volume though. It's just not something I'd feel a need to own. But then, I wouldn't buy Nana or Godchild, but I read both of those too. I think Baby and Me is totally deserving of the B it got. It's not everyone's cup of tea by any means, but it's definitely good for a certain niche.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 1:40 pm Reply with quote
Unless I'm mistaken, the only titles to get an A in Right Turn Only thus far have been Monster v.1 and now Boogiepop and Others. I have to say I'm loving how strict he column's standards are. The fact that said same titles just happen to be two of my favourites right now doesn't hurt either, of course. Anime catgrin
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Haru to Ashura

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 2:42 pm Reply with quote
Le sigh. I love Baby and Me, it's a cute, down to earth slice of life story. The fact that it's so down to earth and average is what makes you able to relate to the main characters. Reading this always brings back fond memories of my childhood.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 2:45 pm Reply with quote
I know you have high standards in your reviews, but I couldn't help but thinking that your hatred for the Galaxy Angel anime has spread to the manga of it, though they are similar in many ways. I honestly wouldn't have even minded you giving it a "C" since that is at least satisfactory, but giving it a "D" has, to put it plainly, pissed me off. Doing a quick google search on Galaxy Angel Beta reviews, here are the first relevant results I have come up with:


You don't have to change your opinion either, but I just want to show people that you are in the minority here and that most people who read the Galaxy Angel manga do like it. Even the previous review of the Galaxy Angel manga on this very website has spoken of it in a very positive manner. Yes, I do think you have a bias against Galaxy Angel, very much so. Just don't ever review the games cause I have no doubt in my mind you would give them a low rating, influencing less people to buy it, and decreasing the sales of a spectacular game. Ok?

My main point isn't to make you change your review or opinion on Galaxy Angel, my main point is show others that most people like Galaxy Angel and that you are in the minority (not that ranting on a forum is going to have anywhere near as great of an effect as an official review, but I felt I needed to say something anyway).

Yes, I know I'm complaining, but do you really find it surprising at all seeing as I'm absolutely crazy about Galaxy Angel?
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 3:27 pm Reply with quote
I don't find it surprising at all. Moe fan eat this stuff up.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 3:36 pm Reply with quote
darkhunter wrote:
I don't find it surprising at all. Moe fan eat this stuff up.

Yes, they are a large part of it, but I've seen many non "moe" fans enjoy Galaxy Angel too. The "sci-fi" feel to it, as well as the often prased storyline and gameplay of the game has drawn in other fans as well. In Japan, it has drawn in a huge number of people, not limited to the "moe" group. My friend, who is a mecha fan, really likes Galaxy Angel as well. In the US, the hard part is actually getting people to watch/read/play it because there are very few who are willing to. Doesn't surprise me though as most Americans are extremely uptight and "image" plays a huge role in many people's lives.

But if you do give it a chance, most people who watch/read/play Galaxy Angel like it. Unfortunetly for me, one of the few who doesn't like it is doing the reviews for the anime and manga here on ANN.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 6:30 pm Reply with quote

Do seriously think that I'm waging some personal vendetta against a certain series? I have better things to do with my life than go around muttering, "Mrrrrrr, I must kill everything that is to do with Galaxy Angel..."

I'm sorry I don't agree with the rest of the internet. But so what? I can only report the honest opinions that are in MY head, and even if Jesus Christ himself said that he thought Galaxy Angel was a damn good series, I would have to respectfully disagree, based on what I've seen.

You know, I like the individual elements that Galaxy Angel has in it. I like the whole moe deal of cute girls doing cute things, and frankly I would give stuff like Yotsuba&! and Ichigo Mashimaro pure A+'s if not for my crushing sense of fairness. I like sci-fi epics with expansive universes, like Stellvia and RahXephon. I even like screwy, hyperactive comedies that bend genre conventions seriously out of shape, like Animal Yokocho.

It is just unfortunate that, in the two chances I've given Galaxy Angel (which is one chance more than I give most things), it fails to execute when all those aspects are brought together. It's cute, but not cute enough; funny, but not funny enough; science-fiction...ish, but not science-fictionish enough. Above all, the story just isn't interesting to me. And it's not because it fails to be any of the titles I mentioned above. I don't think to myself, "Well, it would be cooler if it were THIS OTHER SERIES." No; I always engage a story on its own terms, and Galaxy Angel, on its own terms, just doesn't do it for me.

And don't give me that insinuation about protecting some "image." You know, I have a full set of Bottle Fairy figures that I keep on my desk because I want them closer to me than anything else (don't make me have to bring out the picture). There are plenty of "cute" manga and anime that I hold in just as much esteem as the "macho" and "artsy," if not more so, and it is not my fault that Galaxy Angel--popular as it is--fails to be one of them.

P.D I'm not sure I can take seriously a review that uses the word "Mangalicious."
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 6:58 pm Reply with quote
Patachu wrote:

Do seriously think that I'm waging some personal vendetta against a certain series? I have better things to do with my life than go around muttering, "Mrrrrrr, I must kill everything that is to do with Galaxy Angel..."

No, but you do have a dislike for GA. It's possible to hate something without putting too much time and effort into it.

Patachu wrote:
I'm sorry I don't agree with the rest of the internet. But so what? I can only report the honest opinions that are in MY head, and even if Jesus Christ himself said that he thought Galaxy Angel was a damn good series, I would have to respectfully disagree, based on what I've seen.

Somehow I knew you were going to say something like this anyway even though I specifically said that my point was not to change your opinion or the way you review. Trying to change you would be a wasted effort on my part. I'm trying to tell others that you're in the minority and that most likely they will like Galaxy Angel. Although it will likely have little or no effect, I feel a need to do it as a GA fan.

Patachu wrote:
And don't give me that insinuation about protecting some "image." You know, I have a full set of Bottle Fairy figures that I keep on my desk because I want them closer to me than anything else (don't make me have to bring out the picture). There are plenty of "cute" manga and anime that I hold in just as much esteem as the "macho" and "artsy," if not more so, and it is not my fault that Galaxy Angel--popular as it is--fails to be one of them.

That comment was not directed at you. It was directed at the people who don't give Galaxy Angel a chance in the first place. I thought I made it clear.
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