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NEWS: Melty Blood PS2 Game

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Air Bike Cop

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 1:15 pm Reply with quote
Would have made some sense to port it to the Dreamcast as the arcade version runs on Dreamcast-based hardware.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 1:40 pm Reply with quote
Air Bike Cop wrote:
Would have made some sense to port it to the Dreamcast as the arcade version runs on Dreamcast-based hardware.

That would have made some sense, except apparently, the NAOMI arcade board that Act Cadenza runs off of, dispite pretty much running off the system-architecture, is lots more capible due to it having like... twice the memory the DC has in most areas. Act Cadenza wouldn't have made an efficent port to the DC due to memory issues and such.

Such a shame. As much as I love Melty Blood, and as much as I really want to play Act Cadenza, I don't have a PS2.... and don't really plan strongly on getting one.

It's an extremely joyous announcement with a hint of bitterness. =/
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The Xenos

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 1:45 pm Reply with quote
Well here's hoping it ends up getting brought over to the US. Though I'm still itching for Berserk to get broguht over too, so I am not holding my breath.

Got the orginal Melty Blood on my pc.

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Joe Mello

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 3:06 pm Reply with quote
Yes sir, may I have another. Very Happy

As long as its based on the AC version I will be quite happy. I want the boss characters, durnit. ><
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 3:44 pm Reply with quote
In the arcade version did they balance the characters because I rember the pc version man you could be really cheap with some people,
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Joined: 09 May 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 4:14 pm Reply with quote
I'm a big Type-Moon (Tsukihime/Fate) fan, so it would be nice to see this released in the U.S., but chances of that are approximately zero.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 5:23 pm Reply with quote
cyrax777 wrote:
In the arcade version did they balance the characters because I rember the pc version man you could be really cheap with some people,

Eh. Around the last updates... especially with Final Tuned, the characters got a lot more balanced. Makes sense, considering Final Tuned was made to resemble Act Cadenza as closely.

Geh. At least it'll have a better chance of showing up at conventions now. =P
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Joined: 05 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 8:26 pm Reply with quote
At first, I couldn't seem to find what I was looking for anywhere on the net. I checked AnimeNation. I checked their source, TheMagicBox. I even tried the official Melty Blood page. And I see that it's not been updated in months, and has a link to a fighting tournament that makes one isolated reference to Melty Blood on its front page. A page which doesn't contain the information I'm looking for.

And then there comes renewed hope -- the Melty Blood official BBS. Where I find (maybe?) just what I wanted -- A RELEASE DATE! It would have been nice if ANN'd put that in the article. Maybe they've abstained for journalistic purposes. If the May 25th date *is* confirmed on AnimeNation's page, I certainly didn't see it.

If anybody wants to see the source that all the Japanese members on the BBS seem to be passing around, I think I may have just found it (56k, just load the first image, it's what confirms PS2):

Sorry the scans are so fuzzy (I didn't make them!), and unfortunately, I don't see the May 25th date anywhere in the article (or any other date, for that matter). But I didn't attempt to read too thoroughly, so, if somebody else sees it, great! May 25th seems so close at hand, really. If that turns out to be the real release date, I'll be surprised.

EDIT: ugh, now I know why. -_-; There's so much dispute amongst the Japanese fans as to "when the real date is." Here's a sample photo of a guy's note to himself for "October 2006".

Oh well, when we know, we'll know. ^^;
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Captain Crotchspike

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 2:11 am Reply with quote
Shiki MSHTS wrote:
That would have made some sense, except apparently, the NAOMI arcade board that Act Cadenza runs off of, dispite pretty much running off the system-architecture, is lots more capible due to it having like... twice the memory the DC has in most areas. Act Cadenza wouldn't have made an efficent port to the DC due to memory issues and such.

Even so, considering this system can run Guilty Gear X and Street Fighter III just fine, I find it hard to believe that Melty Blood wouldn't work on the system. I think it's more of a matter of the Dreamcast being...well...dead. There's still the occasional shooter for the collectors, but it makes less and less sense to bother with each passing year. If they ever do bother though, well...that would still be cool.

It'll be nice to finally play this version, as the PC version was practically patched to death (low tiers remained mostly the same and high tiers were neutered, just about nerfing the entire game into just poke-then-combo). Not having to huddle around a computer when I want to play it with people will be neat, too.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 1:23 pm Reply with quote
as for dreamcast the only games I've seen still come out for it are just dating sim ports.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 1:31 pm Reply with quote
Captain Crotchspike wrote:

Even so, considering this system can run Guilty Gear X and Street Fighter III just fine, I find it hard to believe that Melty Blood wouldn't work on the system. I think it's more of a matter of the Dreamcast being...well...dead. There's still the occasional shooter for the collectors, but it makes less and less sense to bother with each passing year. If they ever do bother though, well...that would still be cool.

It'll be nice to finally play this version, as the PC version was practically patched to death (low tiers remained mostly the same and high tiers were neutered, just about nerfing the entire game into just poke-then-combo). Not having to huddle around a computer when I want to play it with people will be neat, too.

Street Fighter III, while the sprites and animations in it are still consideribly very fluid and nice, it ran on the CPS-3 board, which is at this point, decade old technology. While the DC is still pretty old as well, it's not as old as the CPS-3 board. I can't really do any spec to spec comparison, but the DC has proved it's ability to handle Arcade fighting game ports and 2D quite well, at least ones close to it's time.

Guilty Gear X.... well... that ran on the NAOMI board... but truthfully... it's not as intensive on graphics and effects. Plus... seeing as eventually Sammy merged with Sega, and were working closely together prior, it was likely easier to figure out how to efficently port it to the DC.

Act Cadenza, supposedly uses gobs and gobs of effects and memory. Seeing as the PC version is well over 1.5 gigs... and features somewhat less than Act Cadenza, there'd probably definately be problems trying to port it to the DC.

I guess you're also probably right about the DC being dead (though... there has been a recent event about Sega re-releasing Dreamcasts in Japan to accompany a certain game), and profitiblity would likely suffer. It would have been somewhat ideal when Melty Blood was still a low profile doujin fighter, but seeing how with Act Cadenza, it's become much more mainstream... it probably needs all the publicity it can get.

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Joined: 04 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 2:48 pm Reply with quote
Too many bishounen and bishoujo in the game for my tastes.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 1:17 pm Reply with quote
Izlude wrote:
Too many bishounen and bishoujo in the game for my tastes.

That, my friend, is no way to blow off a very good game.

Btw, Nero strikes me as anything but bishi.
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