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NEWS: Prince of Tennis OAV

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Cosmic Kath

Joined: 31 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 6:06 pm Reply with quote
Yaaaaaaaaay! *hugs random people*
I don't know about you guys but I'm totally pumped! Anime hyper

If anyone's interested I have some other release dates that I got a while back from www.white-line.tk

Part 2: 24th March 2006

Part 3: 26th May 2006

Part 4: 22nd September 2006

Part 5: December 2006

Part 6: February 2007

Part 7: April 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:00 pm Reply with quote
Great news! Is there any information on how many episodes will be on each disc? I assume more than one, since I can't see them really getting a whole lot accomplished in just seven episodes, and still giving it the Prince of Tennis feel.

At least I won't have to wait three or so years for the manga to get that far in English.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 10:53 am Reply with quote
GoodLuckSaturday wrote:
Great news! Is there any information on how many episodes will be on each disc? I assume more than one, since I can't see them really getting a whole lot accomplished in just seven episodes, and still giving it the Prince of Tennis feel.

Probably just one episode per disc. That's how OAV's are genereally released in Japan. The episodes are typically 30 to 50 minutes each (VS 25 for a "half-hour" TV series episode).

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 4:51 pm Reply with quote
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Vitruvius wrote:
As to Volume 1, a web page of Bandai Visual says it will be 25 minutes
and a booklet issued by Bandai Visual says it will be 30 minutes.

So 25~30 minutes for the first volume, assuming they aren't making mini-episodes, that's a 1-episode disc. All the other discs will undoubtedly be the same.

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Joined: 30 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 10:04 pm Reply with quote
tempest wrote:
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Vitruvius wrote:
As to Volume 1, a web page of Bandai Visual says it will be 25 minutes
and a booklet issued by Bandai Visual says it will be 30 minutes.

So 25~30 minutes for the first volume, assuming they aren't making mini-episodes, that's a 1-episode disc. All the other discs will undoubtedly be the same.


That's a little too bad, although it is expected. It makes it interesting to see how it turns out. They kind of jumped through some of the matches towards the end of the anime anyway, so if they cut back on the suspense, they may be able to get quite a bit done. Thanks for the information!
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Chibi Wildwolf

Joined: 02 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 12:59 am Reply with quote
I believe there's only one episode about 25 minutes in length per DVD. (At least, that's what the place I've pre-ordered Zenkoku Taikai from has listed.)
What I'm interested in is... how will the difference between the end of the anime series and that corresponding part of the manga affect the OVA? I'm not spoiling anything, but in the manga version, Ryouma is in Japan for the beginning of Nationals, and thanks to some screencaps, he's there in the anime, too. Just wondering how that's possible, since the US Open and Nationals were SUPPOSED to be running at the same time.
It also makes me wonder exactly how much of Nationals they will be doing in seven episodes. Against the first school, all five sets are played. There is no way to fit that into one episode. There are also at least three more schools that I am certain that they will play against. (I hope they somehow do all of Nationals!)
But I can't wait for it~! **runs off, singing happily about the new school that's going to be in Zenkoku**
On a tangent: And Cinepuri, too. Yep!! And another musical is coming out in March as well. So much going on this year...
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