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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 7:48 pm Reply with quote
Personal i rather enjoy Godanner, i managed to get the DVD 1 + box for only around 8$ at best buy this weekend, and have been looking forward too it since i first saw the fan subs of it ages ago.

It's got a plot, you just have to wait for it, to make itself clear.
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Starwind Amada

Joined: 26 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 8:17 pm Reply with quote
Why is it that ADV always licenses the crappy stuff? At least 25% of their library is pure garbage filled with outdated harem hijinx, cliches, and unneeded fanservice.
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Joined: 22 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 9:14 pm Reply with quote
ADV licenses stuff like this because people actually like these things. The primary genres people like are big robot shows, harem anime, some sci-fi and hentai. It is also the main reason why shoujo is so hard to sell here.

I like the occasional big robot show with fan service, but I also like classic shows and multi part TV shows (Gundam and Macross) that have a deeper story line like Macross or even Legend of Galactic Heroes (wishes this would be licensed)
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 9:25 pm Reply with quote
Starwind Amada wrote:
Why is it that ADV always licenses the crappy stuff? At least 25% of their library is pure garbage filled with outdated harem hijinx, cliches, and unneeded fanservice.

It's really more like 75%, because 25% of their shows are really original and awesome, and then the rest is cookie-cutter crap.

That being said, Yugi the Negotiator is on my "must see" list. :D
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 9:28 pm Reply with quote
I feel for ya. The weather in Cali makes me want to move to Seattle.
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Joined: 26 Feb 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 9:38 pm Reply with quote
Rain in New England is pouring miserable gobs of wetness in an already muggy sauna. (Don’t even get me started on the summer I spent living in Galveston! I wanted to murder things and cook them for supper, I was so depressed.)

Ah!!! I love living in Southern California, except lately we have been having a pattern of hot weather with high winds for half a week, and then cold foggy weather for the half a week, and then back to Hot weather again...etc, etc...

Without a doubt, Koi Kaze is one of the most poignant romances to come out in recent years, even though it portrays a heavily unconventional, and even unacceptable, love story. Everything about it is executed well, from its subdued artwork, to its soft instrumental tracks, to even its slow, dream-like pace.

I think Koikaze is the sleeper hit of the year. It has a really good romatic story despite it being such a controversial story between two related siblings. It is really under the radar of so many people, but I don't blame viewers who might be offended by the subject.
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remember love

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 9:40 pm Reply with quote
I personally like the stuff ADV comes out with. Robotech, Cassahen:Robot Hunter, orphen, just for examples. Besides Starwind someone has to bring them out. If not ADV then someone else is still going to, ADV just were the ones to make the decisions to do so. And,apparently, they must be doing good with these titles because they continue to bring out stuff you concider "crappy". What you hate starwind doesn't mean everyone else hates them.
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Captain Crotchspike

Joined: 23 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 9:50 pm Reply with quote
I'm rather baffled by your description of Godannar. You make it sound much more stale than it actually is. The characters are vibrant and fun in both personality and design, I really don't see where the "look-alike characters" comment came from. It's like you were watching a different show. While I'm at it, I guess I'll note that Goh's being "kind of dick" stems from his protectiveness of Anna, since he doesn't want her to end up like his former partner (as opposed to the typical "being a dick for the sake of being a dick" category that many anime heroes fall into). The fight scenes were really awesome and brilliantly animated - I don't see where "repetitive" comes from. Sure, "robot kills monsters over and over", but it's done with so much flair and flashy posing that it's exciting every time.

I don't see why you think the story doesn't make any sense, since aside from not explaining what the Mimetic Beasts are (not that it's anything new to not explain what the bad guys are in the early episodes of an anime) and the mysteries of Mira and Club Mariner's return, things are laid out pretty clearly. Were you just overwhelmed by how this show never lets up? There's a never a slow moment in this.

I really hope people don't cast this aside as "lol just another tits 'n robots show", because while you'll probably enjoy it the most of you're into robots and/or fan service, it's the great characters that help to put this show ahead of so many others. It's just too fun to miss.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 10:20 pm Reply with quote
I more or less agree with Bamboo on Yumeria and completely agree with her on Planetes 2, Le Portrait de Petite Cossette, and especially Koi Kaze 2. The merits of the latter in particular cannot be extolled enough, and I'm very pleased to see another ANN reviewer jump on its bandwagon.

As for Godannar, my own review of that is coming up so I'll reserve comments for there.
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Starwind Amada

Joined: 26 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 10:23 pm Reply with quote
remember love wrote:
What you hate starwind doesn't mean everyone else hates them.

Please don't put words into my mouth. I never said that what I hate, everyone hates. You just assumed that. That was not what I meant. I was just saying that a lot of their titles are unoriginal and filled with cliches and other tired themes we've all seen countless times before.
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ANN Executive Editor

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 10:31 pm Reply with quote
GATSU wrote:
I feel for ya. The weather in Cali makes me want to move to Seattle.

Gabba what now?

I live in Orange County and the weather has been beautiful lately. I was outside all day yesterday at Disneyland; weather couldn't have been nicer.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 10:47 pm Reply with quote
I live in Orange County

I thought you were from Arizona. Or was that Ms. Answerman?
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Joined: 24 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 10:57 pm Reply with quote
I actually own 5 of the 7 titles that were listed on this column - the only ones that I don't have are Koi Kaze and Kodocha, althought I will definitely check out Koi Kaze in the near future.

Petite Cossette scared the willies out of me, but it's such a compelling visual treat that I already made it my choice for DVD release of the year. I watched it in its native Japanese and I'm not bothering to watch the dub because the seiyuus did such a wonderful job capturing the tragic essence of the characters. It was mentioned in the Cossette review thread that there are a bunch of useless characters, and they're right. But the captivating story more than neutralized the uselessness of the extra characters. I'm definitely re-watching it for Halloween (it might be better than the Monday football game that's scheduled).

I actually enjoyed Yumeria (no surprise there since I admitted a few times that I loved Sister Princess). Since both Yumeria and SisPri are based on dating simulations, I didn't expect them to have stellar writing. Very few video game-related anime sells on comprehensive writing. Most of them sell on attractive characters that have very distinctive personalities and are fun to watch. Yumeria is an anime that just fun to watch. There's no intelligence to it, and to me that's not entirely bad.

I haven't watched my copies of Planetes, Yugo, and Godannar yet so I will hold my comments until I finally get the chance to view them (although I will be wise to comment on Godannar when Theron posts his review - I should have watch my copy by then).

Incidentally, there are SisPri references in Yumeria, and there's actually a connection between SisPri and Petite Cossette. I'll let you figure out what the connection is. Wink
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ANN Executive Editor

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 11:06 pm Reply with quote
GATSU wrote:
I live in Orange County

I thought you were from Arizona. Or was that Ms. Answerman?

I'm from Arizona. Then I moved to New York. Then I moved to Orange County.
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Joined: 20 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 12:11 am Reply with quote
Rain in New England is pouring miserable gobs of wetness in an already muggy sauna. (Don’t even get me started on the summer I spent living in Galveston! I wanted to murder things and cook them for supper, I was so depressed.) How do you people do it? How do you stand the mugginess? How do you enjoy basking in moisture? You people are heroes amongst heroes.

Aw, it doesn't suck that bad. Well, the rain does and over the past couple of winters have been particularly cold (made even worse by the crappy public transportation), but summer is fairly pleasant in my opinion (well, except if you job is putting numbers on the seats of an entire football stadium that's made of metal...). Of course, I also wouldn't mind having Hawaii's "80-degrees-no-humidity" weather 365 days a year.
Anyways, I'm a bit out of the loop when it comes to anime, but Yugo sounds interesting enough to look into. I'm also tempted to buy Planetes, as the manga holds a special place in my heart, but there's the fear that I'll be horribly disappointed with the adaptation. Can anyone compare the two?
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