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NEWS: IGN Top 25 Animated Movie

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Joined: 20 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 3:12 pm Reply with quote
Fantasia at #21? Give me a break. And while I'm a big fan of South Park, the movie shouldn't be a #3. Minus points for caving into fanboy rants and including FF: The Spirits Within. Not a great list IMO, though the anime picks were pretty good (Kiki's should have been there though). IGN's Ultimate Comics Bookshelf is a much better list with a good selection of manga, from classics (Akira, Nausicaa, Lone Wolf and Cub), today's popular series (Blade of the Immortal, Trigun) to obscure (in the US) gems (Sanctuary, Galaxy Express 999, Adolf). http://comics.ign.com/articles/646/646012p1.html#other. I have alot of other suggestions, but for a list done by a mostly mainstream comic site, it's pretty good.
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Joined: 01 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 4:23 pm Reply with quote
OMG here I go again with another novel-length post. If only forum posters were paid by the letter (or at all) I'd be a millionaire.

#25: Final Fantasy deserves a place on the list for its animation-and ONLY for its animation. Having said that,the cliched cast of characters (our team of heroes consists of the no-nonesense heroine, her strong-but-sensetive love intrest, wise old mentor, smart aleck, girl who obviously likes the smart aleck cause they bicker all the time, and a black guy who dies. That's not a vauge description-that's all there is to these characters.) and complete lack of anything Final Fantasylike (except for a guy named Cid...and even then, they spell it "Sid") should keep this at the bottom of the list. Good choice.

#24: Pinnochio definatly deserves to be higher on the list. Excepting Fantasia, this is Walt Disney's best film, and certainly his best traditional work. It brought forth more classic characters and motifs than any other of his films, and the formula of fun and humor balanced with morality and adventure that was a bit off-kilter in Snow White is firmly established here.

#21: Absolutly, Fantasia deserves to be in the top five. At a time when animation was moving away from the musical format and things like the Silly Symphonies were begining to be seen as quaint, Disney produced this film as the ultimate example of his belief that sound and animation are inexorably linked. He succeeded to such a degree that he did something nearly impossible-he took compositions that were hundreds of years old and redefined them to his vision. Nowadays, no one can hear Sorcerer's Apprentice without thinking of Mickey, or Dance of the Hours without picturing the dancing hippos.

#18: If the remake of Charolette coming out next year is half as good as this movie, I'll be shocked into a coma.

#16: Grave of the Fireflies gets to EVERYONE. One of my dad's friends, a former drill instructor (one of those mean, loud ones like in the movies, at least according to him) who fought in the Korean War, saw it with us, and he was bawling like a little girl. So was everyone else in the room. If this movie didn't make you cry, you're probably Hitler or something.

#7: Incredibles is a movie that scores on absolutly every level. I don't know anyone who didn't love it, including people who normally don't like animation and/or superhero flicks. When we finally perfect human cloning, the technology should be used primarily to make more of Brad Bird.

#4: I can't understand why Nemo placed above Incredibles. It's a fine movie, but I'd place it below Incredibles, Monsters Inc and Toy Story 1 (but not 2) on the list of Pixar flicks. It's very good, but it loses points for cobbling together most of its major themes from previous Pixar movies (mismatched pair going on an journey and learning to get along while overcoming the machinations of an evil little kid as seen in Toy Story, our hero learning about the parental responsibility of letting go as in Monsters Inc, and so forth.) Beautifully animated,though.

#3: Apprentally this holds the record for the highest percentage of cuss words in a single film. It's also way better than it has any right to be and the best animated musical of the last decade. Too bad the TV show rarely shows the kind of spark found in this movie.

#1: Yeah, okay, someone over at IGN got into the horseradish again. TS2 is fun, it's cute, and it's completly inferior to the original. Not that it's a bad movie by any means, but in my book it simply wasn't as funny, exciting, or entertaining as TS1, or any other Pixar film except maybe A Bug's Life. There are some good sequences to be had here, like Jessie's heartbreaking flashback montage and the bit where Buzz and friends attempt to cross the street, but all in all it simply lacked the charm of the original, which thrived on the chemistry between Woody and Buzz, a chemistry which is largly nonexistant in the sequel because the two spend almost the entire film seperated, and the companions they get instead simply aren't able to capture that same spark. Still a good movie, even if it is a little morbid, seeing as how the central theme is, "One day we will all be abandoned and forgotten in a trash heap somewhere so we should party with the singing penguin while we can." Good metaphor, good movie, but best of all time? Please.

For the real best animated movie of all time, see number two on this list. Laughing
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Joined: 23 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 8:04 pm Reply with quote
I'll bet those editors are parents of 4-6 year old kids....

All of em are Disney movies....probably have every single Disney DVDs...

I'm angry that they haven't listed or even mentioned Akira, Ghost in the Shell, and Ninja Scroll....These 3 movies are classic animated movies with full of action, one of the kind plot, and unforgettable characters....Even non-anime fans have watched these movies and recognize them instantly....

I hate these Top what-ever lists done by people who have seen wide variety of their subjects.....I know I've seen every single of those movies and I don't agree with the list omitting those 3 movies....

Also every anime movies are Miyazaki films as well...but they forgot Kiki's Delivery Service and Nausicaa...those 2 are better choice than Spirited Away and Mononoke Hime IMO.....although there are no bad Miyazaki films but not listing Nausicaa as better Miyazaki film isn't right....
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 8:31 pm Reply with quote
Awesome, another thread dedicated to bitching about why their personal tastes werent included on a pointless internet poll. HORRAH!
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Joined: 18 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 11:45 am Reply with quote
Normally I don't complain about lists and ratings, but something is really wrong here. Bambi at all the way down at 23? Pinocchio at 24? Fantasia at 21?? Not even Snow White made the top five, for heaven's sake. I'm sorry, but these placements are absolutely ridiculous. Someone did enough research to give the relatively forgotten (outside of animation fandom) The Iron Giant its rightful place, so why is the rest of this list so confounding?
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 1:54 pm Reply with quote
Being someone who far prefers 80's Miyazaki to 90's-2000's Miyazaki, I wish they had found room for at least Totoro on the list, but, otherwise, I'm just... indifferent. I'm happy Pixar dominates this list, though.

I do find it slightly amusing that all 4 of the anime films mentioned on the list are films I included in my Overrated Anime Films list that I wrote in 2003. Not that the IGN list really makes any claim to be authoritative.
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Joined: 22 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 9:30 pm Reply with quote
If they were gonna put all those Disney movies there, then the Lion King should have been #1.
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Joined: 19 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 11:29 pm Reply with quote
South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut is #3? Please...

And where's "Castle of Cagliostro"?
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red stranger

Joined: 26 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 11:44 pm Reply with quote
Wyvern wrote:
#25: Final Fantasy deserves a place on the list for its animation-and ONLY for its animation.
I like FF-SW, but there's no way it belongs on any top 25 or even top 100 list. The animation is good, but that's all. Everything else about the film sucked. There are many films out there where the animation isn't as good, yet the film itself is much better.

I also don't think that the South Park film should be on the list, because it doesn't really go much beyond the show. It's South Park with a bigger budget and more production time.

Wyvern wrote:
#7: Incredibles is a movie that scores on absolutly every level.
I love anything Pixar to death, but again, I don't think this should have placed so high.

Wyvern wrote:
#4: I can't understand why Nemo placed above Incredibles.
Well, it's a better looking film, and even though the plot isn't really new for Pixar, it's as if the other films were just practice for this one. It's also has more universal appeal than The Incredibles. Not everybody likes superheroes, but many people love cute animals...

Wyvern wrote:
TS2 is fun, it's cute, and it's completly inferior to the original. Not that it's a bad movie by any means, but in my book it simply wasn't as funny, exciting, or entertaining as TS1, or any other Pixar film except maybe A Bug's Life.
I disagree. The animation was better in TS2, and I think the plot was more original, at least the part about the being shipped to Japan. I thought the characters were better in TS2 as well, since the toys in TS1 seems so hostile and judgemental. Also TS2 seemed more polished, over all.

If I were compiling this list, I would have put Spirited Away on top, though I think most people would have had Lion King or Beauty and the Beast up there. Snow White should have been in the top 5, for sure.
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Joined: 05 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 10:21 am Reply with quote
What?!! Where's the Fox and the Hound. That was most beautiful movie I've ever seen. And Fantasia needs to be higher than "Transformers the Movie" Mad How did that even get on the list. Pinnochio needs to be higher. And the one I think that should've been number 1 is #8 on the list. Wink
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Mugen The Great

Joined: 26 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 5:18 pm Reply with quote
red stranger wrote:
Well, it's a better looking film, and even though the plot isn't really new for Pixar, it's as if the other films were just practice for this one. It's also has more universal appeal than The Incredibles. Not everybody likes superheroes, but many people love cute animals...

The Incredibles was a better movie than Finding Nemo, and it has better animation than and just as much universal appeal as Nemo. Nemo had amazing underwater animation but the huge difference of quality between the animation of the fish characters and the humans was a bit off-putting, whereas Incredibles put a great amount of detail into every single aspect of the movie. Also, even if superheroes aren't as much a universal theme, I have yet to meet a single person who didn't like The Incredibles.

As for the list, the choices were mostly good, but the order they were put in caused several problems. If there wasn't any ranking and this was just a random list of films, people wouldn't be complaining half as much. Using the movies put on the list, I'd say this would seem like a more reasonable order:

25. Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
24. Transformers: The Movie
23. Charolette's Web
22. Metropolis
21. Dumbo
20. South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut
19. Bambi
18. Aladdin
17. The Little Mermaid
16. Monsters Inc.
15. Shrek
14. The Nightmare Before Christmas
13. Pinnochio
12. Finding Nemo
11. The Lion King
10. Princess Mononoke
9. Beauty and the Beast
8. Grave of the Fireflies
7. Toy Story
6. Fantasia
5. Snow White
4. The Iron Giant
3. Toy Story 2
2. The Incredibles
1. Spirited Away
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Joined: 03 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 1:59 pm Reply with quote
Well I'm not entirely satisfied with that list either, but since The Nightmare Before Christmas was rated so high I'll shut up and pretend to be happy.

There's no way such a list would ever clash with my personal Top 25 anyway...
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