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REVIEW: InuYasha the Movie 3: Swords of an Honor

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Joined: 06 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 9:07 am Reply with quote
The movie was ok. (my fav out of the 4) I think the major hole of the movie was the fact that Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were like " I don't want to fight with him" the ENTIRE time, and were to stubber (or have their heads too far up thier buts) to relise that for the good of the world THEY HAD TO WORK TOGETHER! I mean, come on, I expect that at the beginning but it when on thoughout the ENTIRE move. That was my only complaint really. Other than that it was good. (I've only seen it subbed BTW Anime hyper)
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Joined: 14 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 2:30 pm Reply with quote
The Reviewer wrote:
The dub falters greatly in the fact that it, like the original, uses the same voice actors from the anime.

Uh, what the hell does that even mean? "Like the original..." Original what? Original TV series? Original movie? And it "uses the same voice actors from the anime"? What anime is THE anime?

I'm assuming the reviewer is trying to say that the dub falters because it uses the same cast as the TV show. This seems to me to be a very silly argument to make, not only because the InuYasha dub cast is pretty good in my opinion, but because people are already familiar with that voicecast, and that voicecast is already on staff for those roles. Hiring a new voicecast for the movie would be cost prohibitive, and it would highly offend viewers who are already used to the dubbed voices, which considering its profile on Adult Swim, is probably the vast majority of InuYasha fans.
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Joined: 11 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 2:56 pm Reply with quote
I have to second the opinion about the english cast. They were excellent. To me, after seeing 100+ episodes, Monica Stori IS Kagome. Richard Cox IS InuYasha, and so on. Their performances were equal to that of the series. After so long, they are each comfortable with the characters they voice, giving the movie a nice fluidity to it.

I'm especially glad that Rin was in the movie;and she had more than 2 lines of dialogue!

Great movie! I thoroughly enjoyed it.
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Joined: 06 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 4:53 pm Reply with quote
I agree to the responce that that doesn't make any sense. Why would they NOT use the same cast from the TV series for the movie? But anyway, I personally like the original japanese version better (and since I'm an Amature voice actor I like some of my fellow AVAers 10 times more that Monica and Richard) When I saw the first movie I liked it. Later one I relised it was not because of the actual movie it self, mostly it was because I was watching it subbed. After having seen the ep on AS up till that point, it was my first time hearing the original and I LOVE it. After a while Monica's version of Kagome (which is alot higher soundingg then the original, and the original isn't as air-heady) hearing the orignal was a welcomed change (Why does Sango call Moroku Hoshi-sama, I will never know...it sounds weird to me Anime hyper) In actually I've stopped watching the Inuyasha series all together. Seen all 4 movies, seen the last ep of the anime (Total let down I might add.spoiler[ No Kiss, only SNUGGLING and the fact that they STILL hadn't figured out that the baby that that girl with the mirror is Naraku's weakness/heart is reeaaallyy sad because Inuyasha is what, 167 eps long and they STILL didn't know...come ON!] , and there's no way on earth I would collect that LONG ASS manga series (and I pray for anyone who does because they will NEVER finish it) So I've moved away from the Inuyasha craze, but I will occasionaly comment, such as now, about it.
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Joined: 21 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 12:54 am Reply with quote
Whearn9999 wrote:
I have to second the opinion about the english cast. They were excellent. To me, after seeing 100+ episodes, Monica Stori IS Kagome. Richard Cox IS InuYasha, and so on. Great movie! I thoroughly enjoyed it.

lol...you know I could say the exact same thing about japanese cast, which is sooooo much better. In my opinion, Kappei Yamaguchi is RANMA and INUYASHA. Satsuki Yukino is KAGOME and KANAME (FMP for those who don't know who she is).

Frankly, I just don't like dub. The main reason probably being is that it's not original. For example, I would never watch TV shows like FRIENDS in japanese dub...it's just wrong.

Here is something interesting though. The anime, Afro Samurai, is going to be voiced in english, originally, starting Samuel L. Jackson. They have seriously picked the perfect person to work for that series. This will mean Japan would have to deal with English track (subtitled) when it airs at 2006. It's something to look forward to Razz
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Joined: 09 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 1:30 am Reply with quote
AuraShadow wrote:
Why does Sango call Moroku Hoshi-sama, I will never know...it sounds weird to me

Houshi basically means 'monk'. I think Sango doesn't want to call Miroku by name since he's a pervert. And she doesn't want to appear friendly/familiar towards him. However, I've heard that spoiler[Sango calls him Miroku in the Japanese version eventually... during some Sango/Miroku moment or something...] I'm not really sure, it was something I overread in passing a long time ago.

And if you notice, Rebecca did the review and we already knew that she doesn't care for the Inuyasha dub. She's mentioned her option before... uh somewhere here.

I'm glad to see that the third movie turned out to be interesting and isn't a 'stretched-out episode'.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 5:36 pm Reply with quote
I must also respectfully disagree with most of Rebecca's comments about the dub. I did not find it difficult to watch, nor did I feel that the original performances outshined the dub performances.
There are definitely bad dubs out there, but this is not one I would point to as an example.

But I've always liked the Inuyasha dub, so to each his/her own, I guess.

I must also respectfully disagree that the first movie was "horrible" (especially compared to this one). Beyond the new info about Inuyasha's parents, this one impressed me far less than the first movie did.
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Fiction Alchemist

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 11:24 pm Reply with quote
I've never heard Inu-Yasha's sub aside from a few voice samples recently. However, I've never been that fond of the dub voices. I think most of them are okay, easily better than the dub cast for Gundam SEED (same studio). Man, Gundam SEED has some of the nastiest dub voices I've heard outside of a 4Kids dub.

Anyway, to me the dub voices have always seemed a bit off. Naraku and Sesshomaru are pretty good, though.

But if I hear Don Brown voice one more random villager with that same Scorponok voice, my head just might explode. Smile

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Joined: 14 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 4:03 pm Reply with quote
Frankly, I just don't like dub.

Yeah, and that's your preference. I just find it silly for anyone who's professionally reviewing anime to bag on a dub just because it is a dub. I'm a music journalist myself, and I realized long ago that it's not your job to state your opinion, but to communicate to the people reading whether they will like it or not. If the reviewer doesn't like dubs, fine, but they should review the dub based on what people who prefer dubs will think of it. And on that basis, InuYasha's dub is one of the better ones.
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Joined: 18 Mar 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 4:25 pm Reply with quote
jgreen wrote:
I just find it silly for anyone who's professionally reviewing anime to bag on a dub just because it is a dub.

Hrm funny, I don't remember saying "it's a dub so it's bad". In fact I especially enjoyed two of the newcomers and state so very clearly in my review.

I'm a music journalist myself, and I realized long ago that it's not your job to state your opinion, but to communicate to the people reading whether they will like it or not.

A reviewers job isn't to tell people what they should or shouldn't think, it's to say "Hey, this is what I thought about this". It IS my job, as a reviewer, to state my opinion. That's the whole point of a review!

If the reviewer doesn't like dubs, fine, but they should review the dub based on what people who prefer dubs will think of it.

Wow, I'm so glad that you know me even better than I do!

Just because I don't like a dub, it doesn't mean I hate all dubs. In fact I DO prefer dubs, but only when they're decent. If you like cheesecake and you're served a particularily bad piece, does it mean you hate cheesecake just because you don't eat that bad piece? And at the same time, someone else might think that piece is just fine! Good for them, they can enjoy it. I won't.

I'm fully aware that people do like the Inuyasha dub. I'm sure there are people out there who like other dubs I don't, and who hate other dubs I like. But my job as a reviewer is to review something and talk about what I thought about it.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 5:07 pm Reply with quote
jgreen wrote:
Frankly, I just don't like dub.

Yeah, and that's your preference. I just find it silly for anyone who's professionally reviewing anime to bag on a dub just because it is a dub. I'm a music journalist myself, and I realized long ago that it's not your job to state your opinion, but to communicate to the people reading whether they will like it or not. If the reviewer doesn't like dubs, fine, but they should review the dub based on what people who prefer dubs will think of it. And on that basis, InuYasha's dub is one of the better ones.

Wow. For a 'music journalist', you don't seem to know jack all about what a review is.

I've made this point a million times but the point of a review is not "People who like this sort of thing will like this sort of thing!" it's a reasoned critique and analysis of the work that calls on the reviewer's knowledge, opinion and comparison basis.

Go take a few classes in journalism, journalism ethics and maybe film theory and media criticism and then come back here and repeat to me the nonsense you just spouted.
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Joined: 14 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 1:36 pm Reply with quote
My apologies, I guess my opinion wasn't communicated quite as clearly as I would have liked.

My second comment was made a good week and a half after I had read the review and commented on it, so my mistake for misrepresenting your review in my second post, as I didn't re-read it before I started spouting off. Basically, I read the review, 9 days went by, I watched the movie (thinking the entire time "ANN's reviewer didn't like this dub? I don't see how that's possible...), then I got on to check for any additional comments since my original post. The review was not fresh in my head, so any misconstruing on my part can be blamed on that and not on my attempts to read minds.

I fully understand that all reviews are simply one person's opinion, and Zac's definition of it as "reasoned critique and analysis of the work that calls on the reviewer's knowledge, opinion and comparison basis" hits it right on the head. What I was arguing was the logic in Ms. Bundy's review that the dub somehow "falters" by continuing with the same cast people are familiar with from what, 3 seasons of the show and 2 previous movies. This isn't a standalone movie, it's one small part of a huge anime/manga empire, but it seems like the dub, with it's C rating, isn't being judged fairly in my opinion.

Zac, you are precisely right with your "reasoned critique" description of what a review should be. But it becomes a problem when a reviewer puts too much of themselves and their own biases into their review and it becomes more about them than about the art they're trying to critique (not that I'm saying Ms. Bundy did this in her review, mind you....just explaining my original comment). Ever been to Pitchforkmedia.com? Some of their CD reviews will go on for hundreds of words talking about where the reviewer was the first time they heard it and how the setting profoundly impacted their life, and it just kind of makes you scratch your head and say, "Yeah...but is it worth $15 or not?"
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Joined: 28 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 10:26 pm Reply with quote
Zac wrote:

I've made this point a million times but the point of a review is not "People who like this sort of thing will like this sort of thing!" it's a reasoned critique and analysis of the work that calls on the reviewer's knowledge, opinion and comparison basis.

Bolding mine. Isn't that what Bamboo Dong does quite often? :wink:

I think people need to step back from this and remember one simple little rule: take every review with a grain of salt.

Every reviewer has a different style. Bamboo often makes a point to note which, if any, shows are similar to the title being reviewed (at least, she does in Shelf Life). Rebecca doesn't. That's simply a stylistic difference between the two reviewers.

Additionally, some people will, as has been pointed out, like some dubs that others do not. Heck, most people I've talked to love the Cowboy Bebop dub, but I've met one or two who didn't. It's easily possible for even a popular, generally recognized as decent, dub to not appeal to some people. This is especially true in cases where a person watches the sub first - heck, I've gotten so that I must watch a dub version first in almost every case, or I can't watch it (oddly, it doesn't go the other way; I can still enjoy a show subbed after watching it dubbed if it's well-acted. Weird). But not always. Sometimes, a voice just strikes you wrong.


Go take a few classes in journalism, journalism ethics and maybe film theory and media criticism and then come back here and repeat to me the nonsense you just spouted.

Eh, wasn't complete nonsense. :) I can see where that would be a helpful reviewing style (that is, to try and impress upon the reader what it's like, compare/contrast it to other stuff, etc... while of course still giving an opinion). It's just that not every reviewer writes like that; and while some can pull it off quite nicely (Bamboo! :D ), others... well, with others, it would read like a book report. :) And in the end, no matter what, you are ALWAYS going to get a bit of very personal opinion. Does that opinion neccesarily match up to the majority's, let alone your own? Nope. :wink: And it doesn't have to.

Er, on topic, though... I don't mind the dub voices. I've heard better, but I've also heard much worse. I think it odd to have complimented the music, though. You've said it's the same as in the series, yes, Rebecca? Eh, it's OK. Nice music, but not all that earth-shattering. Or maybe it's just that Bebop has spoiled me. :lol:

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Joined: 28 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 1:06 pm Reply with quote
AuraShadow wrote:
there's no way on earth I would collect that LONG ASS manga series (and I pray for anyone who does because they will NEVER finish it)

Actually I'm buying the entire series for my library, and most of the kids who come to our anime club have read them all multiple times.
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Joined: 28 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 5:31 pm Reply with quote
Actually I'm buying the entire series for my library, and most of the kids who come to our anime club have read them all multiple times.

Good for them! I wish our local library carried more manga. Last I checked, we only had a copy or two of Barefoot Gen, and THAT was in the middle of the WWII section. I keep meaning to go back and check that one out, actually...

More OT, sorry: Hey, I have a question for you, librarygirl: at least in your area, what's the policy on book donations? Because I'm thinking of donating some of my old manga and some of my old (but mostly in good condition) Babysitters Club books and such. The local used bookstore doesn't want most of my books because right now the local economy's not so good they're scared to buy anything that's not a recent nonfiction (mostly language books) or classic English literature. Well, they'd probably buy the manga (they have a healthy comics section that includes some Japanese and Korean stuff and every time I buy a language book or a foreign comic of some sort, I end up talking to them and they mention manga selling really well compared to some of their other stuff), but the library has so few manga, that heck, if I'm gonna donate some, I might as well donate the manga, too... I've been feeling very much in the "donation mood" ever since Katrina hit N.O. Yeah, I know. It's not supporting the Red Cross, but I still feel like donating SOMETHING, and hey, I love my local library.

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