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The Mike Toole Show - The Other 100 Best Anime Movies of All Time, Part 2

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Angel M Cazares

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 11:32 am Reply with quote
Another batch of intriguing movies. I disagree with Mike's comment that Children Who Chase Lost Voices is not one of the best movies from Makoto Shinkai. The earliest work from him was certainly intriguing and kind of interesting. But to me Shikai started doing consistent, well written movies with Children Who Chase Lost Voices. He continued to make progress with the Garden of Words, and then did the amazing Your Name.
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Joined: 01 Feb 2014
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 12:09 pm Reply with quote
Maybe the article should have a link back to the original Paste list, so we can double-check what was already on it--
I had to go check to see if Sailor Moon R: Promise of the Rose was already there, because I don't know why anyone else would put Sailor Moon S Movie on theirs.

And Slayers Return isn't exactly "representative" of the "best" of Slayers, but the best one can say about it is that it's the better of the feature movies. (Although the "Book of Spells" half-hour OVA's were miles better.)
The entire Lina & Naga movie/OVA canon doesn't really do the series any service, since it's from a different production company, has jarringly cheaper animation styles, an ugly male-bashing initiative to the humor that would scare Rumiko Takahashi (how many male characters that L&N meet are either foppish fools, borderline-rapist jerks, or old geezers that Lina clobbers into the floor after mistaking their enthusiasm for being dirty-old-men?)--And worst of all, clashes with the comic tone of the TV series, in that Gourry, Amelia and Zelgadis were good characters, but Lina got our sympathy as the token greedy/egotistic Daffy Duck. With the movies/OVA's we have obnoxious Lina paired with comically more obnoxious Naga, and laugh at the comic potential of how much they hate each other...Oh joy. Confused
(The difference in production companies between the TV and the OVA's became a running in-joke on Slayers: Evolution-R, where an oddly familiar obnoxious loud-laughing new sidekick couldn't show her face behind armor for the entire series, couldn't remember her name--is it "Nala"?--couldn't recall anything that had happened to her before, and is last "seen" trying to get out of a wooden box once she finally got out of the armor. Lest any lawyers complain.)
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Joined: 16 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 12:39 pm Reply with quote
I guess you can call Sky Crawlers "meditative" though I think "boring" is a much better fit. And this is coming from a fan of Patlabor 2 which is "Establishing Shot: The Animated Movie... when it isn't".

From Up on Poppy Hill Oh, I saw that, the spoiler[not quite incest story. And by not quite, I mean you still better get a blood test. But why is a character witness better evidence than anything scientific?]. Oh...

Scratch the "not quite".

Children Who Chase Lost Voices, another one I may have seen or at least fast forwarded through in search of something interesting.

Sacred Star of Milos, the fan fiction film? That one had me face palming right from the start; You all do realize that the Elric brothers who are academics in all things magical would not be surprised by the existence of Rune magic? It'd be like me, a student of chemistry, being surprised that such a thing as "physics" existed.

Last edited by Animegomaniac on Sun Apr 02, 2017 12:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Hiroki not Takuya

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 12:46 pm Reply with quote
Another great compilation! Really looking forward to the next, because of the fair and balanced synopsis' which, in the case of films I know, is right on (and I agree with). As I've mentioned elsewhere recently, I love Shinkai but in overall anime film ranking his work is only "Top 20 (or 50)" so it was interesting to see Children.. at this position. I think The Place Promised... may be coming in this list as it was a better film.

For Poppy Hill, as for Children..., it's just good not to see the usual unfair ("stupid/boring, I hate it") criticism which some on ANN have been wont to post for these. Poppy Hill I found was an enjoyable film, not sure if it's a "Top 50" but at least it was better than Earthsea which some still say was the best ever for no reason I can imagine other than they liked the books.

^Edit, and here we have it
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 12:51 pm Reply with quote
I didn't like Children Who Chase Lost Voices it's like some weird combination of Studio Ghibli film and Indiana Jones and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull it has to be my least favorite Shinkai movie. However I can understand why some would like it Up On Poppy Hill had nice direction but the story felt clichéd at times however it had solid execution but kind of "meh" writing.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 1:04 pm Reply with quote
Loving this list. So much stuff I've never heard of. Have to find some of these goodies. I'm specially intrigued by Yuki. A film done by a bonafide Japanese commie?
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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 1:10 pm Reply with quote
Another interesting list from Mike. Really cool to see inclusions like Nasu & Locke the Superman, as I've wanted to see them for a long time, & happy to see titles like Arion (didn't know YAS hated it, but I can understand why), DB: Battle of Gods, & Kochikame the Movie. Personally, I'd put Kochikame the Movie 2 over the first one, as it ups the comedy/action mix even more so to appropriately zany levels, but Movie 1 is still really great, & the fact that it has subtitles of any sort (let alone legally-produced, at that!) does give it the advantage. I'd love to see a company at least give the Kochikame movies a release over here, as they are both very friendly to newcomers & work especially well on their own.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 1:17 pm Reply with quote
It was intriguing to learn that Area 88 is actually a three-episode OVA. The DVD released last decade only contained two episodes, suggesting there is something we have been denied for some reason. Fortunately the contracted story does not seem to suffer from such an omission.

Kochikame piques my curiosity. From its description, Patlabor's lighter moments immediately come to mind, or failing that, the better parts of Your Under Arrest. Certainly a franchise to bear in mind in case it ever surfaces from the abyss.

A formative experience for me as a young fan was waiting for The Sky Crawlers to finally receive an English-language release. Having followed the project from its inception, my patience was duly rewarded—the film is delicate, whisperingly eloquent and bleak without being alienating—though I certainly learned a little about the time scales involved when licensing theatrical anime.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 1:31 pm Reply with quote
Magical Sisters Yoyo & Nene is a sparkling gem of a movie I discovered quite by accident a few years ago. It's magical girls on steroids. Both the main characters and supporting ones are well realized and likeable-Yoyo in particular is very well done. Kids and adults both will find this movie very entertaining and enjoyable-tis a pity it'll never come out over here, darn it anyway.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 2:00 pm Reply with quote
My thoughts on this batch:

Area 88-yeah, more a series of OVAs than movies, but whatever it is, it's really damn good. As much as I definitely would have loved more, I think it chose a perfect stopping point. Maybe I'll check out the manga someday, who knows.

A Journey Through Fairyland-this might possibly be the first anime I ever saw, I have vague memories as a kid that ended up being from this movie I found out much later. On its own, it's an enjoyable imaginative movie, like if someone gave a bit of plot to Fantasia in many ways. But I think the other Sanrio movies are a lot better. But I really wish Discotek would get this one to add to their Sanrio pile too.

DBZ: Battle of the Gods-I really enjoyed this, it went back to the stupid fun of Dr. Slump in many ways. Watching Vegeta freak out the whole movie is awesome. "This is Buu's pudding!" scene was awesome.

Locke the Superman-I got this since an old Mike Toole column had mentioned it as one of the greats that was a VHS only release. Well, Discotek fixed that problem, so I picked it up. I tend to enjoy scifi with psychic powers, so this was a hit for me.

I'm going to add Door into Summer to my watch list, I enjoy Keiko Takemiya, after all.
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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 2:31 pm Reply with quote
Zin5ki wrote:
It was intriguing to learn that Area 88 is actually a three-episode OVA. The DVD released last decade only contained two episodes, suggesting there is something we have been denied for some reason. Fortunately the contracted story does not seem to suffer from such an omission.

That was CPM's DVD release. ADV later re-released the Area 88 OVA in its complete, 3-episode form on DVD.
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Joined: 01 Feb 2014
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 2:32 pm Reply with quote
Hiroki not Takuya wrote:
For Poppy Hill, as for Children..., it's just good not to see the usual unfair ("stupid/boring, I hate it") criticism which some on ANN have been wont to post for these. Poppy Hill I found was an enjoyable film, not sure if it's a "Top 50" but at least it was better than Earthsea which some still say was the best ever for no reason I can imagine other than they liked the books.

I groaned at the Ghibli-completist "chore" of going into Poppy Hill on disk, suspecting why it was a GKids release and not a Disney one, and saw that Miyazaki pere's storyboard influence was still visibly there after all--
The "Period slice of life" isn't as much of a non-plot as it sounds, and when we get into the crazy hobby-student world of renovating the old club building, the pans up the three-story staircase, with the colorful chaos on every balcony, bears more than a LITTLE suspicious resemblance to the pans up the busy tourist-filled bathhouse from Spirited Away.
...No one's making me watch Only Yesterday without a fight, though. Anime smallmouth + sweatdrop

And if we've got the birth-of anime Area 88 and Windaria, and the generationally 70's proto-anime Taro, Beanstalk and Fairyland, in the middle of the list, I can only boggle what's going to rank in the Top 50 on reputation...
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Nonaka Machine Gun B

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 2:47 pm Reply with quote
That Nasu cycling film sounds like Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby told from John C. Reilly's character's perspective, but an arthouse film instead of a comedy.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 3:09 pm Reply with quote
The key to understanding Poppy Hill is that with the film's framing -- apparently the original was set in the seventies and Umi wanted to be a photographer rather than a doctor -- means that Umi would be at Toudai's medical school in 1968, right at the centre of the riots.

This is an easy thing to miss, but it's not exactly the sort of outcome you're likely to reach by accident.
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Joined: 02 Sep 2016
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 3:26 pm Reply with quote
Speaking about Videogame anime movies, I thought Street Fighter 2 The Movie would be here. It´s as good as the SF 2 TV series, making for the best stuff to be spawned off the game series, apart from Assasin´s Fist
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