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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 9:59 am Reply with quote
did the same thing in Paraonoia agent 10 when he says "your job is to run around like a Goddamn dog".

wonder why they would make such a pointless edit, especially when consider all the anti religious stuff on Family Guy, Robot Chicken, etc.

Last edited by v1cious on Mon Aug 08, 2005 7:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 10:44 am Reply with quote
Oh, you'd be surprised about how touchy people get about this. I have encountered several people who take more offense to God being used that way than to the use of certain four-letter words.

If what you say about Robot Chicken is true, though, then that is a curious case of hypocrisy.
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ANN Past Staff

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 10:55 am Reply with quote
Cartoon Network interview:
2. Can I get a copy of these guidelines if they exist?

Sorry, we aren't allowed to give out those guidelines, they are "top secret." That said, I can tell you that we are not allowed to show: Alcohol consumption (directly), Gambling (directly), abuse of minors, blood from any major wound, language (obviously, this includes "kill" and references to God, as well as the whole spectrum of "swear" words), and- here's where it gets tricky- "situations considered too brutal or intense for younger viewers".

Clearly they've lightened up since then, but I always wondered why they had a problem with "God" in the first place.
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Joined: 17 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 12:40 pm Reply with quote
Good to see Klye Pope is still on the face of the Earth. Smile

Though I've never heard them say "Goddamn" on Family Guy or Robot Chicken. "Oh my God" yes, but not that. I still don't get why anime can't say it. I've actually heard X-Play on G4 say "Goddamn" sometimes, and thats G4, I thought they censored more. (not that I'm complaining).
Oh well, nice to know Samurai Champloo 7-8 was completely unedited though. I actually thought episode 5 of Paranoia Agent was unedited.
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Joined: 22 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 12:56 pm Reply with quote
I wouldn't be suprised if people complain if the word God is used in this sense. They sure do complain if I say it IRL Rolling Eyes
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Joined: 11 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 1:25 pm Reply with quote
When I was in elementary school and in some Bible study thing, I said "aw God!" (maybe I spilled my drink or something) and I got scolded, so I can understand this edit a bit. But this is on Adult Swim. It's not little kids who are going to be watching. It's the same with some books too. Not to get too far off track, but some things like Paranoia Agent or Harry Potter aren't really anti-God. That only goes for stuff like the His Dark Materials series (Goldern Compass, etc.), yet you don't hear all this stuff against it. Oh the hypocrisy.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 1:37 pm Reply with quote
v1cious wrote:
wonder why they would make such a pointless edit, especially when consider all the anti religious stuff on Family Guy Robot Chicken, etc.

Because it's not so much the word "God" as it is the word "goddamn" that's the problem. It's like the word "assh*le;" you can say "ass" and you can say "hole," but you can't put them together or you get bleeped. Same thing here; you can say "God" and "damn" all you want as separate words, but you just can't say "goddamn" together because, in the eyes of the censors, it's just as bad as exclaiming "f*ck!" at the top of your lungs. And it seems to be typical that when these lovely compound words are bleeped out, only half of the word is muted and the other stays, which results in us just hearing "ass*----*" and "*---*damn."
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 3:13 pm Reply with quote
Its a tad bit sad but oh well.
I was scared something happen to our good old edit lore keeper. Of course it was still stupid and un-needed for a 1:00 am programing block. God arguments and cenorship aside Smile

ps...God damn ;D
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The Xenos

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 3:24 pm Reply with quote
Man. This is crap. Now I personally can't stand hearing people using God's name in vain, even in movies, but I am not offeneded by it. It bugs me when they overdo all the characters swearing in films, this one especially. Hell, I think this is worse than the f-bomb which only desecrates sex.

At the same time, I've learned ot live with it and it is good in stories to show that people do that and some people don't care. So all these people who are offended by this need to grow up and learn to live with people.

Since when has Freedom of Speech been restricted when people are offended? I can talk about religion all I want. If you are offended by it, tough. That's when you use your freedom to argue back on why you don't agree. You don't censor someone.

I'm sick of both right wing religious bozos and left wing athiests morons trying to censor religion. It's dman un-American. It's separation of church and state and Freedom of Reigion, -not- freedom from religion.

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Dejitaru Otoko

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 4:37 pm Reply with quote
I've actually heard X-Play on G4 say "Goddamn" sometimes, and thats G4, I thought they censored more. (not that I'm complaining).

Anime Unleashed on G4 frequently lets characters use the S-bomb on Serial Experiments Lain and Soultaker. But that always seems to air after midnight.

And call me crazy, but once, I was watching some show on G4 (probably X-Play, as that and Anime Unleashed are G4's only good shows) and I think it was in the afternoon or early evening, and they had one of those "hip-hop on your cellphone" adds, and in the background music, I swear they let one of Snoop-Doggs MF-bombs go uncensored. So go figure.
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Joined: 30 Oct 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 4:48 pm Reply with quote
Dejitaru Otoko wrote:
I've actually heard X-Play on G4 say "Goddamn" sometimes, and thats G4, I thought they censored more. (not that I'm complaining).

Anime Unleashed on G4 frequently lets characters use the S-bomb on Serial Experiments Lain and Soultaker. But that always seems to air after midnight.

Actually, their standards seem to be just as wonky. In "SoulTaker", they once cut out - not muted, cut out - a couple instances of a character using the s-word. And recently, I heard that in one show they removed the word for a female dog. Weird.

In any case, censoring the word "goddamned" doesn't look to me like a censorship of religion. If that were the case, they would've removed mentions of the Bible in one episode and a scene where two of the main characters are hung on crosses. "Goddamned" is just another case of bizarre language censorship in this country, like the word "@$$hole".
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Joined: 07 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 4:54 pm Reply with quote
.Sy wrote:
When I was in elementary school and in some Bible study thing, I said "aw God!" (maybe I spilled my drink or something) and I got scolded, so I can understand this edit a bit. But this is on Adult Swim. It's not little kids who are going to be watching.

It's not because of kids who might be watching. It's because, like it or not, the majority of American citizens are Christian (to an extent). Now, how Christian most Americans are is a different discussion all unto itself, but you can't ignore that there are definitely going to be a number of television viewers in this country (myself included) who consider "God dammit" to be against the third commandment: Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

Let me explain a little. This commandment is not really about swearing or even saying "God dammit," though that does definitely apply. It's about using the name of the Lord unnecessarily, like as an exclamation of suprise, disgust, anger, etc. Thousands of years ago, Hebrews held the name of the Lord (YHWH, or Yahweh) in such high regard that they would be reluctant to say it at all, and if necessary, they would whisper it. Anyone who was studying scripture and needed to write the name of the Lord would stop and wash their entire body before doing so. This is because they feared the Lord! Think "Voldemort" (He-who-must-not-be-named) from Harry Potter, but not evil.

While modern religions obviously do not hold the same kind of reverance for the Lord's name as they once did, I think you'd be suprised at how many of us object to hearing the name of the Lord used in such a disrespectful manner all the time. Saying "God!" for no particularly religious reason is so commonplace nowadays, you probably don't even notice how often it happens.

A good bumper sticker I saw once said: God's last name is not "dammit."
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 4:59 pm Reply with quote
arxane wrote:
In any case, censoring the word "goddamned" doesn't look to me like a censorship of religion. If that were the case, they would've removed mentions of the Bible in one episode and a scene where two of the main characters are hung on crosses. "Goddamned" is just another case of bizarre language censorship in this country, like the word "@$$hole".

Yeah, censoring it is not really based all that heavily on any religious agenda per se (or at least no overt form of it). It's just one of those words you can't typically say on television, which just so happens to have the word "God" in it. It's like saying the censorship of the word "assh*le" is due to some anti-hole agenda. Cartoon network and Adult Swim aren't doing this out of some opposition against or bending to religion, they're doing it because, bluntly put, it's a naughty word that's naughtier than most.
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Starwind Amada

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 7:20 pm Reply with quote
arxane wrote:

In any case, censoring the word "goddamned" doesn't look to me like a censorship of religion. If that were the case, they would've removed mentions of the Bible in one episode and a scene where two of the main characters are hung on crosses. "Goddamned" is just another case of bizarre language censorship in this country, like the word "@$$hole".

Have you forgotten the crosses that became helmets on posts in the final episodes of 08th MS Team and Gundam 0080?

Oh yeah, and that baseball mitt in SAC had "goddamn" written on it. They didn't erase "god". Thank god. Laughing
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Dejitaru Otoko

Joined: 25 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 7:46 pm Reply with quote
Actually, their standards seem to be just as wonky. In "SoulTaker", they once cut out - not muted, cut out - a couple instances of a character using the s-word. And recently, I heard that in one show they removed the word for a female dog. Weird.

It's possible that I'm remembering hearing the S-bombs when Anime Unleashed aired on TechTV before the merger of G4 and TechTV. So maybe the language standards were different for TechTV.

But I know the Snoop Dogg MF-bomb incident I described was recent; maybe a month ago. I echo your sentiment arxane: WEIRD!
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