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NEWS: CMX on Tenjho Tenge

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midori kou

Joined: 22 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 12:44 pm Reply with quote
Hmm... Seems like they really didn't answer anything. It was more like "maybes" floating in the air. I'm glad that The Young Magician is getting the shrinkwrapped treatment because of how gory it is. I find it interesting the sexual content is often censored despite the current mainstream media. Howlong will this last for TenTen? The world may never know.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 12:59 pm Reply with quote
Well,I guess this is better than nothing,in my opinion.

As for The Young Magician,the only reason,it's getting the "shrinkwrap" treatment is because it doesn't seem to have mass appeal,as far as I know.
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Joined: 04 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 1:12 pm Reply with quote
You know, they could do some wonderful things if they decided to release seinen manga in the Vertigo line (i. e. Planetes or Tenjo Tenge). Since the titles in the genre would be indestinguishable from the Vertigo line. And did they ever edit anything in Vertigo?
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Joined: 13 May 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 1:19 pm Reply with quote
Alchemist449 wrote:
You know, they could do some wonderful things if they decided to release seinen manga in the Vertigo line (i. e. Planetes or Tenjo Tenge). Since the titles in the genre would be indestinguishable from the Vertigo line. And did they ever edit anything in Vertigo?

Why? The CMX line have release mature manga: Monster Collection, Sword of the Dark One etc. Changing to a vertigo line would not change the company releasing it since DC has the final say.

Last edited by darkhunter on Fri Jul 15, 2005 10:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 3:00 pm Reply with quote
a re-release of tenjou tenge?, Twisted Evil
this gives me "THE" reason to buy it.
I didn't buy the first release because of the edits.
but this is a whole different story.
CMX finally seems to be listening to the fans Razz
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The Xenos

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 3:46 pm Reply with quote
Yeah. CMX still is being jerky and will not admit its mistake.

Of course that thing that should kill manga fans is this (emphansis mine):

newsarama.com wrote:
Abernathy did report that there have been many discussions about the line as a whole, both in regards to future packaging (whether or not complete or portions of series will be collected into box sets) as well as the demographics seen buying the CMX titles, and trying to figure out how to transition them to other DC fare.

So is CMX jsut a ploy trying to lure manga fans itno DC comics? I dunno, but that idea sucks. Hell, I love DC and would want to get manga. (Well, it was pretty much Tenjo Tenge I wanted to get.) So I find it really odd they would try that instead of making their DC titles more acessable.

Hell, just today I was trying to get a couple of my friends brothers to get All Star Batman & Robin, offering to buy it for them, but they weren't interested. They got Sonic comics instead. Hell, they way all the books are, even as a long time Bat-fan I have my doubts.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 5:39 pm Reply with quote
He he. They got served. Laughing

But on a more serious note, its almost like they're trying to reverse the trasitional process with their fans. My best friend was a comic fanatic before we discovered manga and anime. Now he hasn't bought a sing comic in 7 years and stored away most of his collection. Let's face it, manga is more interesting and has a more broad appeal to people. U.S. comics just don't have that appeal. There's a manga about just about everything. Plus as mentioned in that news article's blog, getting 150-200 pages of good reading material is a really good deal. All I know is that I'm not paying a cent for anything that says CMX on it. Especially Ten Ten.
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midori kou

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 9:02 pm Reply with quote
Let's face it, manga is more interesting and has a more broad appeal to people. U.S. comics just don't have that appeal. There's a manga about just about everything.

I don't think that's the main problem of traditional American comics. I believe the main problem is that they remade almost every story in their publishing line so many times that it becomes redundant. I mean, how many times DC reintroduced Superman or Justice League? Personally, I love the complexity of their comics as equally as Japanese manga. But it just comes to the major question: Is that all they got to tell us?
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Joined: 29 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 9:13 pm Reply with quote
"Asked if CMX is considering releasing an uncensored version of Tenjo Tenge, Phillips said that there had been discussions about it."

That's good actually, at least they are thinking among the right lines.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 10:07 pm Reply with quote
Let's face it, manga is more interesting and has a more broad appeal to people. U.S. comics just don't have that appeal. There's a manga about just about everything.

Saying that is the same thing as people who call manga "that type of porno comic". The American comic industry certainly more diverse than superhero stories. While I wouldn't say they have as many titles that appeal to younger audiences (which is expected considering just how much larger the Japanese manga industry is), I wouldn't simply call American comics less interesting, especially with all the generic crap currently flooding America. I personally read more manga, but there are many great comics out there aimed at all diffrent types of readers.
But I don't think anyone was suprised that CMX avoided the tough questions. At this point, I'd be very suprised if they didn't release an uncut version of TenTen.
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Bahamut God

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 10:11 pm Reply with quote
Alchemist449 wrote:
You know, they could do some wonderful things if they decided to release seinen manga in the Vertigo line (i. e. Planetes or Tenjo Tenge).

Wait, I thought that Tokyopop had the Planetes manga. Is CMX releasing more planetes manga or something? (I don't see any news about it. >_>) I'm just worried about one of my fav. manga series.

Also, I'm one of the many who would buy a un-edited release of Ten Ten in a heart beat. I won't buy the edited release, of course.

Finally, what the's vertigo line? >_>
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Joined: 13 May 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 10:18 pm Reply with quote
Serge wrote:
"Asked if CMX is considering releasing an uncensored version of Tenjo Tenge, Phillips said that there had been discussions about it."

That's good actually, at least they are thinking among the right lines.

More like trying to get fans off their back. If they were serious about it, they would have definitely say more than just "we're thinking about it" or "we're working on it".
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midori kou

Joined: 22 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 1:26 am Reply with quote
[quote="Bahamut God']Finally, what the's vertigo line? >_>[/quote]

The Vertigo line is basically all of DC's edgy and dark-themed comics. If I remember correctly, Constantine came from that line which was later adapted into the movie.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 1:26 am Reply with quote
Wow, the room wasn't all that packed--unless they came late--they don't like to interrupt panels once they start.

As I recall, someone asked if anyone's studied the demographics of the CMX audience & if it's crossing over to the Regular DC line & the answer was it's only just been discussed recently so they have no figures. I think it was in connection to the female audience--are they being drawn into DC by reading manga? They didn't always repeat the questions so it wasn't always clear when they fove straight into the answer. They were asked on the popularity of the line &, again, couldn't comment, but did point out they were adding titles & not dropping any, so that indicates something.
They also had no comment on how they pick titles to license.
The Tenjho Tenge questioned bordered on beating a dead horse. Someone asked why they should buy CMX's version?--there isn't another version licensed in the US. THe question was asked in various ways about a half-dozen times & always got an "unable to comment" so the questioners were basically venting.
Boycotting the whole line is cutting one's own nose off to spite one's face. Just don't buy Tenjho Tenge. I've enjoyed From Eroica, Madara, Sword of the Dark Ones, & Tenryo. I didn't find Tenjho all that interesting, so I haven't picked up any other volumes.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 4:52 am Reply with quote
As I recall, someone asked if anyone's studied the demographics of the CMX audience & if it's crossing over to the Regular DC line & the answer was it's only just been discussed recently so they have no figures. I think it was in connection to the female audience--are they being drawn into DC by reading manga?

A better question would be, "Are they drawn to DC's manga?" I don't feel it's being marketed very well to any demographic, male or female. And Time Warner owns both DC and Adult Swim, so there's no excuse for the lack of synergy, especially considering Tokyopop did bang-up business advertising Princess Ai on tv. I think DC assumed that people would buy it, just because it was there. But they're really horrible at building awareness, and they're just hurting potential WOM by ignoring the fans.

They were asked on the popularity of the line &, again, couldn't comment, but did point out they were adding titles & not dropping any, so that indicates something.

It indicates they're still looking for a break-out hit. I don't think any manga company-particularly in the current market-would want to flood the shelves with more titles, unless that company genuinely believed in them, or unless it had enough success that it could afford to risk low sales on a certain product in the hopes that it will become popular. And since DC fits neither category of publisher, it's fairly obvious they're just throwing darts.

They also had no comment on how they pick titles to license.

I'm guessing whatever the Japanese publisher whom they negotiate with recommends. They're probably hoping whatever's
popular in Japan will do well here. That seems to be a recurring industry problem lately...

Boycotting the whole line is cutting one's own nose off to spite one's face. Just don't buy Tenjho Tenge. I've enjoyed From Eroica, Madara, Sword of the Dark Ones, & Tenryo. I didn't find Tenjho all that interesting, so I haven't picked up any other volumes.

Well if they're going to lose money anyway, they might as well just sell their line-up to a company which would have more experience promoting it.
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