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Sunday Spotlight [2005-04-24]

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 2:43 am Reply with quote
I'm actually surprised Yuuki worked on Sukeban Deka, as that looked like something animated by Go Nagai's studio. Kahn comes off like a typical suit, and doesn't really sound like he believes in the properties his company licenses. Still, at least he's slightly progressive in the sense that he recognizes an older audience for certain titles.
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Haiseikoh 1973

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 2:49 am Reply with quote
Some critics cite that the uncut releases contain uncharacteristically low episode counts, English translations and release schedules. Any thoughts?

I don't know, I don't work in that area so I don't know what's going on with them. I think again everything is related to how we release the cut version.

Gee, for a CEO of a $2 billion company, he sure is oblivious to how his company is handling two of their properties. I would expect him to at least know some basic knowledge of his companies day-to-day affairs at least.

I think this is how Enron went into bankruptcy.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 2:54 am Reply with quote
Am I the only person more excited about the fact that properties like Tokyo Mew Mew and One Piece are going to come out uncut?!

Also, CEOs don't have to worry about stuff like episode count and stuff. That's what marketing and production people do.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 3:08 am Reply with quote
Haiseikoh 1973 wrote:
Some critics cite that the uncut releases contain uncharacteristically low episode counts, English translations and release schedules. Any thoughts?

I don't know, I don't work in that area so I don't know what's going on with them. I think again everything is related to how we release the cut version.

Gee, for a CEO of a $2 billion company, he sure is oblivious to how his company is handling two of their properties. I would expect him to at least know some basic knowledge of his companies day-to-day affairs at least.

I think this is how Enron went into bankruptcy.
Well he can't say that anymore now that the question has been asked of him. I'm sure that if he does care about these things, and to me he seems to care on the outside at least per that interview, he will have brought it up at his next board meeting and instructed that department to get a report back to him about it. It's interesting to hear someone at that level saying that the "anime fan" market for uncut is not as large as for the general cut one. Could we all be looking at it through rose coloured glasses, me thinks? Also I'm a bit perplexed at the way he discribes a duel demography I mean 6 - 10 then 8 - 14 is much too overlapsed to be concidered two different groups IMO. I would have thought 6 -11 then 12 to 17 would have made more sense. Wink

Hey Ohoni! This should save you from writers cramp then mate. Wink

Last edited by Mohawk52 on Sun Apr 24, 2005 3:25 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 3:13 am Reply with quote
Sakechan: It was going to happen eventually anyway. There's no way 4Kids is gonna make their money back exclusively on kids who watched the dubbed and edited versions of OP and Mew Mew like they did with Yu Gi Oh. Well not OP, anyway. They probably had to put their entire company as collateral for that property. As for Mew Mew, they probably noticed the success of the uncut CCS, and wanted in on that.

Mohawk: It's not that the anime market is that small as much as the hardcore fans who are willing to pay for the uncut versions, instead of seeing it for free on tv, are small. CCS was different, because Nelvana really fudged the entire plotline of the series, instead of just subplots like other companies.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 3:18 am Reply with quote
GATSU wrote:
Sakechan: It was going to happen eventually anyway. There's no way 4Kids is gonna make their money back exclusively on kids who watched the dubbed and edited versions of OP and Mew Mew like they did with Yu Gi Oh. Well not OP, anyway. They probably had to put their entire company as collateral for that property. As for Mew Mew, they probably noticed the success of the uncut CCS, and wanted in on that.

Do you think before you post?

No honestly, do you? There is far and beyond more money to be made from the children's market, enough to overshadow the uncut one.

Mew Mew never had the same draw as CCS, and while CCS was big Anime-wise, it isn't the same kind of "Big" that 4kids thinks it is.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 3:25 am Reply with quote
GATSU wrote:
Sakechan: It was going to happen eventually anyway. There's no way 4Kids is gonna make their money back exclusively on kids who watched the dubbed and edited versions of OP and Mew Mew like they did with Yu Gi Oh. Well not OP, anyway. They probably had to put their entire company as collateral for that property. As for Mew Mew, they probably noticed the success of the uncut CCS, and wanted in on that.

Um, no. One Piece and TMM fans have been whining and pissing about getting uncut DVDs for quite some time now, so I'm sure it wasn't as obvious to them as it apparently was to you that it would be released uncut. The market for uncut DVDs for shows like TMM are a speck of dust in comparison to the cut DVDs that parents will buy for their kids, who are, might I add, not hardcore anime fans.

Fans of TMM/people who watch it fansubbed/talk about wanting it on DVD =/= actual number of people who buy them.
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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 3:32 am Reply with quote
GATSU wrote:

Mohawk: It's not that the anime market is that small as much as the hardcore fans who are willing to pay for the uncut versions, instead of seeing it for free on tv, are small. CCS was different, because Nelvana really fudged the entire plotline of the series, instead of just subplots like other companies.
Also because of the fansub saturation problem. Wink
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 4:33 am Reply with quote
Steve: Actually, in the case of Ultraman Tiga, 4Kids found out more adults were watching than kids, which was why they released the uncut versions of the show. And if you honestly expect children to continue buying into a 100+ episode series which isn't Pokemon, Yu Gi Oh, or DBZ, you're sadly mistaken.
That's the kind of thing only the hardcore otakus would be doing. You're also right about Mew Mew not having the same draw in the sense that it seems to skew better to male and female viewers than CCS, which was a series with a pre-dominantly female fanbase with a few male converts. (Which is why it perplexes me that Nelvana hoped the total opposite would occur if they reversed the gender roles.) And if 4Kids didn't think it was "big", then they wouldn't acknowledge their female audience as "big".

Sakechan: One Piece is an expensive license, even for a major company like 4Kids, which acknowledges being "more selective", after having picked it up. Ignoring the hardcore anime fan market on a series as extensive as that would be corporate suicide. As for your argument regarding Mew Mew, Nelvana probably had the same attitude about CCS, and yet the uncut Japanese version actually outsold the edited dubs. This also seems to be the case with Sailor Moon, which did ok under DiC, but phenomenally under Geneon and ADV. And once again, it's long been proven that the most watched fansubs are also the most likely to sell here legally. (And no, if anyone else wants to know, I'm not getting into a debate on the morality of fansubs.)

Mohawk: I don't think the uncut Yu Gi Oh and Shaman King would significantly be hurt by fansubs, but you might be right about other series. Although at this point, the market is probably its own worst enemy with oversaturation.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 4:45 am Reply with quote
GATSU wrote:
Steve: Actually, in the case of Ultraman Tiga, 4Kids found out more adults were watching than kids, which was why they released the uncut versions of the show. And if you honestly expect children to continue buying into a 100+ episode series which isn't Pokemon, Yu Gi Oh, or DBZ, you're sadly mistaken.
That's the kind of thing only the hardcore otakus would be doing. You're also right about Mew Mew not having the same draw in the sense that it seems to skew better to male and female viewers than CCS, which was a series with a pre-dominantly female fanbase with a few male converts. (Which is why it perplexes me that Nelvana hoped the total opposite would occur if they reversed the gender roles.) And if 4Kids didn't think it was "big", then they wouldn't acknowledge their female audience as "big".

Ultraman Tiga was a flop from what I heard, and live action too, so it doesn't count. Subsequently, which not every child would buy every cut DVD, there is a significantly higher ammount who would as opposed to older people who'd buy the uncut. 4kids make profit returns from advertising and GIANT MERCHANDISE. It just seems like DVDs are an essential point because half of the interview was done about DVDs.

Also, who cares about CCS right now? Who cares about Nelvana? Infact the giant leap of logic you have there, assuming CCS and TMM had anything to do with each other is astounding. He said something along the lines of there being lots of girls, and that 4kids' wanted to try and expand on that market. Where you got the idea this was all inspired by CCS makes no sense, because they never mentioned it, never cared about it, and certinaly don't intend to start caring about it now.

Stop doing this "first post" miniscule analysis crap and GO AWAY.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 5:33 am Reply with quote
Steve: I agree with you for the most part on cut vs uncut sales, but only for shows like Yu Gi Oh and Pokemon, which were made to sell toys. The opposite is usually the case for other titles. And 4Kids probably recognizes the female market based on research done on merchandising sales of their titles, as well as sales for titles of their competitors. To be oblivious would seriously hurt their market share.
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Joined: 24 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 6:36 am Reply with quote
I read about Speed Grapher in Anime Insider #21 (p. 26), and it sounds like a very intreging series. There aren't that many anime in the mystery genre that I'm aware of - the only ones that I've seen were the underated Spiral and the overated Dectective Conan - so another mystery series is perfect. Speed Grapher is one of the three new Studio Gonzo titles that was featured in the AI article (the others are Trinity Blood and Basilisk).

Bamboo, you're not the only one who's looking forward to uncut One Piece - I am too (although I don't bash 4Kids as much as most of the forum users here Wink ).

Last edited by biliano on Sun Apr 24, 2005 10:49 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 13 Apr 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 8:46 am Reply with quote
SakechanBD wrote:
Am I the only person more excited about the fact that properties like Tokyo Mew Mew and One Piece are going to come out uncut?!

I'd be more excited if their releases of Shaman King and Yugioh weren't dubtitled. I can deal with the 3 ep/$19.99 level since discounts get it down to $12, but to do the translations as they were - with some close captioning to it... hard to get excited.
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Joined: 16 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 9:31 am Reply with quote
So the director of Yugioh did Speed Grapher!? That worries me, quite a bit seeing how Yugioh was awful, and Speed Grapher looks cool.
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Joined: 18 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 10:36 am Reply with quote
Treeloot wrote:
So the director of Yugioh did Speed Grapher!? That worries me, quite a bit seeing how Yugioh was awful, and Speed Grapher looks cool.

Well, he also partly directed Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, which many Gundam fans consider the best Gundam incarnation ever produced.
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