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Power Rangers [Don't think it's OT]

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Joined: 19 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:57 pm Reply with quote
Ron Wasserman, the man who did the music for Mighty Morphing - In Space Power Rangers, was informed of an animated series for Power Rangers.

The information came from Jetix, the offspring of Disney. Now they didn't say if it's an anime from Japan or if Disney's original show, but it may be their own thing since they're running out of money for the Power Rangers, hell they set up the base in New Zealand because it's more cost-effective.

Anyway, the point of this is, would anybody here watch an animated Power Rangers? Or will people pass it off because they grew out of actual PR's earlier on?
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Joined: 24 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:07 am Reply with quote
I would just pass it off. I'm already too old to watching kiddy shows like that and even kids are getting tired of Power Rangers.
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Joined: 29 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:17 am Reply with quote
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Last edited by Moros on Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:04 am; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 13 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:31 am Reply with quote
I would be willing to check out the first episode or watch it now and then but I doubt I would ever seriously follow the series. I don't think I could enjoy it beyond nostalgic reasons... but I do think it's the type of show that would work really well in animated form.

Moros wrote:
I never got into Power Rangers myself, on account of it being banned at my school, then quickly taken off air. One of the incidents that forced it off the air actually happened at my school, two kids were fighting each other PR-style. One pushed the other off the playground (a fall of ~10 feet, or 3m) and seriously broke his arm (lucky he didn't die, or get paralysed). Similar incidents at other schools convinced the network to can it before any court action could be launched.

The same thing happened to my cousin. He was pushed off the playground at his school and not only was his arm badly broken, but his spleen was ruptured as well.
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Joined: 19 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:36 am Reply with quote
@ Moros (EDIT: HAHA, nice jokewith the spoiler tag): Where do you live?

Power Rangers is still pretty big with today's kids and toys are still everywhere. I can't go many stores around here without seeing something PR related there. Stores like Wal-mart or K-mart, that is, Albertsons has a lot and other stores too.

I think that almost every kid needs tosee PR from like ages 4-10 at least, any of them, all of them were cheesy but all of them had the clear-cut image of what good and evil, right and wrong are. Which is a really good way to teach them kids that.

I realized I didn't even answer my question, I of course will watch it. I haven't ever missed an episode of Power Rangers, and won't miss an animated version. I just got done watching behind the scenes of the PR Movie and the behind the scenes of Operation Overdrive, did you know we get the hand me downs from Japan? Our monster costumes are from the japanese tvshow and are torn and beat up,we have to fix them which costsa lot of money, and the Japanese Operation Overdrive Power Ranger suits were made of silk, we made copies of them with other material though.

Last edited by Iwatch2muchanime on Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:02 am; edited 1 time in total
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Redbeard 101
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:41 am Reply with quote
I'd give it a glance. I mean I can't very well say that's too childish for me, and then finish watching Riskey Safety. Embarassed I used to love the Power Rangers back in the day. After the ninjazords though I kinda grew out of it. Soon after that it's a new cast for every version of the show which just sucks. For sentimental reasons I'd check it out and watch the first 2-3 episodes just to say I at least did. I mean I liked Gravion by ADV which is basically the same damn show lol. Just more fanservice. Wink
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Joined: 19 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:44 am Reply with quote
psycho 101 wrote:
I'd give it a glance. I mean I can't very well say that's too childish for me, and then finish watching Riskey Safety. Embarassed I used to love the Power Rangers back in the day. After the ninjazords though I kinda grew out of it. Soon after that it's a new cast for every version of the show which just sucks. For sentimental reasons I'd check it out and watch the first 2-3 episodes just to say I at least did. I mean I liked Gravion by ADV which is basically the same damn show lol. Just more fanservice. Wink

GOOD, someone wiil watch it, why don't you like new peoplefor every season? That's how it originally was, we had our Mighty Morphing season extended 3 seasons out and then went into Zeo, then Turbo, slowly changing the people, then by the time we hit Lost Galaxy, it hit new people for every season. Which is how the Japanese had it first.
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Joined: 07 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:56 am Reply with quote
I'd like to say I give it a chance but I just don't know. The only Power Rangers I ever watched was the first season and after I grew tired of it. Which is unfortunate considering I heard some of the later series became really good.

It depends really on what's being animated if it's some weird dino ranger series probably not if it has the old school feel I might watch a little.

Moros wrote:
Today's kids probably don't even know what Power Rangers are. It hasn't been on TV round where I live, nor have there been any toy deals (without a TV series, toys find it hard to sell)

Last I check in the US it was airing on a few different channels it's airing on Saturday morning and has been on there for quite some time. So it's still doing well enough to warrant it being on TV.
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Redbeard 101
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:02 am Reply with quote
Iwatch2muchanime wrote:

GOOD, someone wiil watch it, why don't you like new peoplefor every season? That's how it originally was, we had our Mighty Morphing season extended 3 seasons out and then went into Zeo, then Turbo, slowly changing the people, then by the time we hit Lost Galaxy, it hit new people for every season. Which is how the Japanese had it first.

I like seeing the same cast come back once I've gotten used to them. In live action tv series I'm on of those guys that likes the core charcters to stay the same. add or remove new ones and supporting casts but once you've had one main cast in for a few seasons and people like them it just seems to make sense to use them. Plus, many people I know, like myself, can't get interested in a show when they keep changing the characters. You get used to one set and then you got another, and another, and another. After a while it just feels like what's the point of watching. Anyone I like will be gone next season.
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Redbeard 101
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:02 am Reply with quote
Iwatch2muchanime wrote:

GOOD, someone wiil watch it, why don't you like new peoplefor every season? That's how it originally was, we had our Mighty Morphing season extended 3 seasons out and then went into Zeo, then Turbo, slowly changing the people, then by the time we hit Lost Galaxy, it hit new people for every season. Which is how the Japanese had it first.

I like seeing the same cast come back once I've gotten used to them. In live action tv series I'm on of those guys that likes the core characters to stay the same. add or remove new ones and supporting casts but once you've had one main cast in for a few seasons and people like them it just seems to make sense to use them. Plus, many people I know, like myself, can't get interested in a show when they keep changing the characters. You get used to one set and then you got another, and another, and another. After a while it just feels like what's the point of watching. Anyone I like will be gone next season.
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Joined: 12 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:05 am Reply with quote
Since Power rangers is still in a sealed up region in my heart, i will check it out. If its good, then ill continue it, and if its crap....you get the gist.

Afterall, i grew up with Mighty MOrphing Power Rangers.. and...Who can ever forget the Power Rangers MOvie! And in that movie, you know the part where they were fighting the birds on the Rocky waterfront/cliff??, that was filmed at my Home town Very Happy Very Happy

see...its still in me Very Happy

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Joined: 19 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:06 am Reply with quote
psycho 101 wrote:
Iwatch2muchanime wrote:

GOOD, someone wiil watch it, why don't you like new peoplefor every season? That's how it originally was, we had our Mighty Morphing season extended 3 seasons out and then went into Zeo, then Turbo, slowly changing the people, then by the time we hit Lost Galaxy, it hit new people for every season. Which is how the Japanese had it first.

I like seeing the same cast come back once I've gotten used to them. In live action tv series I'm on of those guys that likes the core charcters to stay the same. add or remove new ones and supporting casts but once you've had one main cast in for a few seasons and people like them it just seems to make sense to use them. Plus, many people I know, like myself, can't get interested in a show when they keep changing the characters. You get used to one set and then you got another, and another, and another. After a while it just feels like what's the point of watching. Anyone I like will be gone next season.

I'm like that too, if the show itself stays the same, but every Power Rangers is different from backstory, to setting, to aliens, to mutants. Some Power Rangers have to hide their identity, some (like SPD and Operation Overdrive) announce it. Some people have powers to begin with, some don't, and Zords differ every time and some times the Zords have stories of their own, like Mystic Force/Lost Galaxy/Wild Force. It's different every time.

Ya DaZ616, I actually still believe that MMPR The Movie was an actual good movie, Turbo not so much, but MMPR did good, and even had their suits as Armor.
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Joined: 20 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:35 am Reply with quote
Oh the Power Rangers, man that takes me back...

Well, I might check it out just to see what's it's like; but I'm not going to have high expectations. I remember I grew out of it pretty quickly, I think I stopped watching after the 3rd season or so, I can't quite remember but it was before Turbo.
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Joined: 31 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 4:01 am Reply with quote
Iwatch2muchanime wrote:
psycho 101 wrote:
GOOD, someone wiil watch it, why don't you like new peoplefor every season? That's how it originally was, we had our Mighty Morphing season extended 3 seasons out and then went into Zeo, then Turbo, slowly changing the people, then by the time we hit Lost Galaxy, it hit new people for every season. Which is how the Japanese had it first.

I like seeing the same cast come back once I've gotten used to them. In live action tv series I'm on of those guys that likes the core charcters to stay the same. add or remove new ones and supporting casts but once you've had one main cast in for a few seasons and people like them it just seems to make sense to use them. Plus, many people I know, like myself, can't get interested in a show when they keep changing the characters. You get used to one set and then you got another, and another, and another. After a while it just feels like what's the point of watching. Anyone I like will be gone next season.

I feel the same way. The reason why I stopped watching power rangers was because they got rid of the original Yellow Ranger (I think her name was Trini) and replaced her with some guy.

I might watch it, just to see if I'll like it. Hopefully when they decide to show something like that here it's not in Tagalog dub. They still show Power Rangers here (don't know which one) with sucky Tagalog dub.
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Joined: 04 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 5:16 am Reply with quote
jetz wrote:

I might watch it, just to see if I'll like it. Hopefully when they decide to show something like that here it's not in Tagalog dub. They still show Power Rangers here (don't know which one) with sucky Tagalog dub.

I watch Power Rangers in Cartoon Network, Jetz! No dubbing needed there! Yes, I watch Power Rangers, and I'm a fan of the series... And jetz, Power Rangers SPD is what Abscbn is currently showing!

YES!!! I'll watch it if it's funny and cute!(I find PR funny..)
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