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Joined: 07 Oct 2004
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Location: Glendora, CA (Avatar Hei from Darker than BLACK)
PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 6:30 pm Reply with quote
Alright I recently saw a trailer Patlabor the movie, and I've always been a litttle interested in this series/movie/ova but didn't really want to spent all that money. Now that I have netflix I am ready to take the leap and start this series.
But here my question there are a lot of series and movie and I am not sure where to start. I mean can I watch the OVA and get the same results as the TV series. Or for that matter do I have to watch the OVA to understand OVA 2 New Files.
Anyways here is the list of the series available if someone could please give me a break down of which of these series/movies are worth my time and what is the correct order.
Patlabor TV
Patlabor OAV
Movie 1
Movie 2
Movie 3
Any information would be very much appriecate, so thank you.
Till next time,

Delta Kiral
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Joined: 23 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 6:48 pm Reply with quote
Well the OAV came first. And the first 2 movies are kinda continuations of it, although the OAV isn't necessary to understand the story(I think the second movie is closely related to an episode in the OAV).
The TV series is not related to the OAV's story. It's a completely different story. There's also more comedy than in the OAV. The second OAV(the New Files), is a direct continuation of the TV series.
The third movie is related to the manga, if I'm remembering the book that comes with the special edition of the movie right. But again, the manga is not necessary(especially since the US only got 2 volumes of the manga).
The movies are much more serious than the OAVs or TV series, but there's still some humor.

I really wish Viz would rerelease the manga, and give us the whole thing this time!! I don't know why they stopped, but if it was because of bad sales, they should really give it another shot, especially since it was released here well before the big manga boom. There seems to be renewed interest in the series especially with the movies being rereleased, so it's as good a time as any.
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Joined: 19 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 7:09 pm Reply with quote
Patlabor TV is really an excellent series I bought all three of the box sets for it real cheap durring a sale a while back. I'd highly recomend renting it if you can. I've also seen the 3 movies, 1 and 2 are great, but I didn't think too highly of 3 as it delagates the main characters to bit player status. I haven't seen either of the OVAs yet though.
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Abarenbo Shogun

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 7:10 pm Reply with quote
bahamut623 wrote:
I really wish Viz would rerelease the manga, and give us the whole thing this time!! I don't know why they stopped, but if it was because of bad sales, they should really give it another shot, especially since it was released here well before the big manga boom. There seems to be renewed interest in the series especially with the movies being rereleased, so it's as good a time as any.

Seeing that Crying Freeman was recently re-released by Dark Horse, I'm betting that the license is in limbo right now.

As for the DVD's, I suggest staying away from the new release of Movie #1 and stick to the Manga Entertainment version. Manga somehow made the movie flow right with the VA's and kept it in tune with the musical score.

The movies are obviously more cerebral than the TV and OAV series.

Movie 1 spoiler[has numerous biblical references that seamlessly intergrate into the storyline. From the Babylon Project to the 666 reference, it's very errie. Also, Gotoh is very philosophical in this movie.]

Movie 2 spoiler[essentially deals with one soldiers revenge on Japanese society by "blinding them". The movie plays more heavily on the politics of Japan, and i'm not completely sure if the movie questions the legitimacy of the Japan Self Defense Forces and especially Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution.]

Movie 3 spoiler[is one of the more confusing movies of the bunch. SVU2 plays a more minor role in this movie, and I got extremely lost in the whole bioengineering thing.]

So my suggestion is to stick to the OAV and TV series unless you really want a "brain drain" type of a flick.
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Joined: 07 Oct 2004
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Location: Glendora, CA (Avatar Hei from Darker than BLACK)
PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 7:19 pm Reply with quote
Abarenbo Shogun wrote:
So my suggestion is to stick to the OAV and TV series unless you really want a "brain drain" type of a flick.

So If I am going to watch the TV series watch the TV series and then OAV 2?

Or watch OAV 1 and then the three movies?
Thanks so much to those who have responded thus far.
Till next time,

Delta Kiral
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Joined: 04 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 7:28 pm Reply with quote
I've seen the movies and the TV series, I preferred the movies more than the series. I enjoyed the plots in the movies (1 & 2 anyway, 3 was pretty confusing) and liked how they had more action and drama, while the TV series focused more on comedy. Since the movies have nothing to do with the TV series, I'd go with the movies first.
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Joined: 26 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 3:52 am Reply with quote
If your planning on buying both then watch the OVA 1 first.

But if you can't buy the TV series.

The movies can be watched anytime as they are standalone stories.
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Randall Miyashiro

Joined: 12 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 12:05 am Reply with quote
I'm a huge fan of the series OAV and Movie and would recommend you watch them in release order, although I prefer the tv/new files continuity over the original series. The second OAV series follows where the tv series ends and has the same production staff, and even the episode number (according to the interviews) continues from the series. THe second OAV has the same eye catch and begins has the tv series ED credits for the first few episodes. The second half of the New Files (post Griffin) are really some of the best anime episodes ever. They are mature and well thought out, and remind me of the more recent Planetes.

I love all of the very subtle anime references in the series. From Noa staying up late watching Gundam, to the title Gyakushu no Shaft. There even is an episode of Patlabor called the Black Trinary! The Red Spectacles poster and reference also had me cracking up. Is that a Wizardry in joke near the end of the new files with Trebor, or was it Werna? I just remembering thinking "man that's obscure" at the time.

The Honneamise release of the movie is amazing. I love the 5.1 mix, but wished that they would have included the original mix, so you could compare the redubbing. The second DVD is only 30 minutes long, but the books are gorgeous. The storyboard book is completely translated, unlike the Samurai 7 LE boxes.

i'm baffled why this series doesn't do very well compared to in Japan. My assumtion is that it (like Planetes) isn't as flashy as most mecha show and is aimed towards a more mature audience.
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