Reasons why you might get BANNED:
1. The words "download," "fansub," "scanlation," and "Bit Torrent" are absolutely not allowed on the Encyclopedia and are subject to a permanent removal of Encyclopedia submission privileges. This includes links that do not directly use those words on their titles, but contain illegal download links.
2. If you copy a sample entry and paste it as an Episode Title, Release Date, Opening Theme, Ending Theme, etc., you will be banned.
3. If you post your personal information (i.e. Hometown, E-Mail Address, etc.) as that of an anime staff or cast member, you're out of here.
4. If you post gibberish such as "adsfl1ihalkhtaselradfg," kiss your Encyclopedia submission privileges goodbye.
5. If you attempt to add imaginary titles to the Encyclopedia, or add an imaginary staff/cast list for any anime title, don't bother logging in tomorrow.
6. If you use BabelFish to make alternative anime titles in different languages, we only have one thing to say to you: Adios!
7. If you post pornographic pictures or just images that have absolutely nothing to do with anime, picture yourself finding out that you just got banned.
8. If you make threats against Encyclopedia Staff after being given a fair warning, there go your privileges.
9. If you signed up with the intent to spam the Encyclopedia, we won't hesitate to kick you out without prejudice.
10. On rules 1-9, violators may be slapped with the title SPAMMER under their username, depending on the extent of their violations. No questions asked.
Keep in mind that we record the IP addresses of every user here. So if you've been banned, don't try to set up a new account, because you'll just get yourself kicked out again.