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How often do you update your "My Anime list" ?

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Joined: 05 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:45 am Reply with quote
Alright so at first this question may sound a bit silly, but I have a reason for asking.

A lot of times when I am reading people's posts or see them voice their opinions, I always like to check out their MyAnime List to see what they've watched. I feel like it gives me more insight to their logic or thought process.

I will also admit that I may even draw conclusions from their results. For example, say someone strongly dislikes Honey and Clover but his Seen All list includes nothing but Shonen shows. I might look at that and be like "oh that's why".

Do any of you do the same? Do draw conclusions about someone from their MyAnimeList? (I'm not saying it's right at all, haha)

As for me, I find myself updating my Seen All list all the time. I guess it started one day when I was bored in the office. I mostly just do "Seen All" and "Want to See". Lots of "Seen Some" stuff I may not list if I've only seen an episode or so. After awhile I found adding onto the list quite addictive and an easy way to recommend friends shows.

- I forgot to mention I actually don't rate shows on my Seen All page. Most likely because I think a lot about a shows rating even after viewing.

How about you guys? Do you update your list frequently or not at all? Do you ever draw conclusions from looking at someones? Does my list say anything about me? Haha.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:54 am Reply with quote
I update My Anime lists fairly frequently. I use them to keep track of shows I want to see/buy and what I have seen as well as to categorize the DVDs I currently own. (I even keep track of DVDs I used to own but subsquently sold/traded.)

I keep track of which fansubs of the current season I am watching and what episode number I am on. Same for shows I've seen "some" of. That really helps me to pick up where I left off when there is a long time in between viewings.

I don't tend to check other people's anime lists very much for some reason. I suppose if I did, I might be tempted to draw conclusions about their tastes and preferences. Seems kind of natural.
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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:06 am Reply with quote
I only really keep My Collection up to date. I've occasionally gone through the alphabetical lists looking for stuff I've seen but I usually get so far, need to stop and forget where I got to. I've never even tried categorizing.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:42 am Reply with quote
Ussually once I have started a new show and fairly certain I will continue, then I try to remember within a couple of days to add it to my "seen some" part. Once I think I have seen all of an anime, I will usually try when I get to this site to check the encyclopedia article, and when I know it has finished, I put it to seen all. I mostly watch the current shows, so most use of it is at the begining and end of new seasons.

Though up to recently I didn't rate most of the shows, but since a few weeks back I am trying to start the habit of rateing the shows once they are "seen all".

I do look at others lists, I like to see if they have seen the same as myself, possibly our tastes in different shows might be a reason, or an exception for differences of opinion. If that makes sense?
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Joined: 25 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:43 am Reply with quote
I update my anime list after every show because somewhere along the line I got into writing my own little reviews on my laptop and now I compulsively update. It is interesting to see my early reviews being very brief but my current reviews are closer to a page in length. I am less fussy about highlighting catergories such as 'must see' because I sometimes watch an anime just randomly and I could never stick to a pre-determined list.

I like the simplicity of the ANN system compared with the more crowded MAL system so I prefer updating my lists on this site. Has for looking at other people's lists; usually you can guess what types of anime genres they like depending on the posts they make. I would not base judgement on somebody just because they like a particular genre that I do not and vice versa, such as horror (+) vs fanservice harem comedy (-).

The only factor I can ascertain from your list Darksorrow29 is that you watch too much anime. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:49 am Reply with quote
Mine's generally pretty up-to-date. Maybe I'll be a couple days behind on updating a show I've started or finished watching because if I log in it changes the new posts date on forum threads, and sometimes I'll just completely forget about a show. My list over on MAL I generally update immediately.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:13 am Reply with quote
I have no internet at home only through my phone so it's kinda annoying to update my lists but I'm trying.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:19 am Reply with quote
I only maintain the 'My Collection' list... by the time I stumbled across this site, I had way, way too many old rentals under my viewing belt. I doubt I could really draw up every show I've seen from memory. Going over the entire encylopedia to find the ones I've seen just seems way to daunting. Plus, for some shows, I'd feel like I was cheating. For example- I know I've seen Takegami: Guardian of Darkness. I remember the 2nd VHS was switched with the first, so I watched it out-of-order but only had to pay for one rental (after I watched part 2, I took it back and told them it was the wrong tape, and they let me swap. Freebie!) Thing is- I don't remember the show. At all. Not one tiny lil' bit. So does it count as a 'seen it' or not? There's more than one show out there like that, where I can remember getting the tape and returning the tape, but not the actual show. There's shows I remember bits of, but I'm not sure what anime they were. I don't really want to try and figure ti all out, so I stick with what's concrete- the things I own.
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Joined: 11 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:45 am Reply with quote
Darksorrow29 wrote:
Do any of you do the same?

I don't.

Do draw conclusions about someone from their MyAnimeList?

No, I don't draw conclusions from someone's list. With so much in anime, this would be like trying to relate to a dictionary.

How about you guys?

I will often update my list after every new purchase. A while ago, I actually tried to keep separate lists, but it ended up being too tedious, so I reduced it back down to one. Though, one of these days, I'll actually update the thing to add my own personal reviews to them.

Does my list say anything about me?

Since you asked...

Your list screams I Fansub Sites - Hug Me!
Not that I care, but some of those titles aren't even available here and you speak very well for being Japanese.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:16 am Reply with quote
I tend to forget about the "my anime list." Even though i come to the forums fairly often and read up on them, i rarely check my list and keep it up to date. It gets updated by chunks based off of what i remember watching though. There is just too much anime around for me to go through the encyclopedia looking for shows I watched and forgot about.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:35 am Reply with quote
I have to admit, I don't update often. I'll go and put a whole bunch in and then sort of forget about it. And then I'll remember again and go work on it some more.

It tends to happen mostly when I actually buy some DVDs and want to add that to the "own" section.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:44 am Reply with quote
Haha I was mostly joking about commenting about me on my list, but thanks for those who played along Smile

Last edited by Darksorrow29 on Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:51 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:46 am Reply with quote
Ah, this was a good reminder.

I am pretty religious about updating my stats over at anime-planet, but I haven't updated my list here in quite a while.

*scurrying off to do so* Smile
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:58 am Reply with quote
I like to keep track of things I've been watching, anime and otherwise, so I generally try to keep up with stuff like that. I use the facebook movie app to rate every movie I watch, not so much for the sake of actually rating it, but so I have somewhere to check in and get a quick list of what I've seen in case I forget. So I use the My Anime thing on here a lot too for the same purpose. I actually don't even watch that much anime anymore and this is the first time I've been on this forum in like two years, but on those occasions when I do watch something I am surprisingly still pretty anal about making sure I update my list on here so I can keep track of what I've seen. I rate everything that I've seen all the way through and try to review most of it too, but I don't rate/review things I haven't finished. The exceptions are those things that I'd seen all the way through back before My Anime was implemented -- I added them to my Seen All because I remembered having seen them, but didn't rate or review them because I didn't really remember much about them.

My Seen Some is a mix of the very few shows I still watch, and a bunch of shows I saw a couple episodes of at some point, did not dislike, but didn't keep watching (this is the vast, vast majority of the list, and looking at it now I don't even remember a lot of these). My Will Not Finish is a bunch of shows that I expressly decided I did not like and would not continue with. I haven't added anything to WNF in a long time because at this point I watch so few things, and they're things that I only watch on the recommendation of someone whose taste I trust or because they're continuations of other series that I can't seem to give up on (Gundam, Macross, for example), that I pretty much finish everything I start these days.

I don't think I've ever looked at anyone else's list and I pretty much assume that nobody is looking at mine either, even though I do go ahead and write sometimes pretty verbose reviews anyway. Actually I've always thought that the encyclopedia should incorporate the My Anime reviews people write into maybe a separate reviews page accessible from the main encyclopedia entry (the same way you get to the episode titles or the trivia or whatever). The encyclopedia already compiles the ratings people give and that's certainly helpful, but the reviews seem like a more or less untapped resource. They're already right there on the site, they just need to be better integrated where people will actually see them.
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Joined: 05 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:13 pm Reply with quote
The first thing i do when i finished watching a new anime, is to go here and add it to seen all and then rate it. And i don't really think very hard over how to rate it, i just do it, based on my feelings at that moment. Though that means that sometimes after a rewatch, i have to edit the rating, but it's pretty rare.

It's just a way to keep track of what i have and haven't watched. But it's also fun to check out other peoples lists.
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