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Gai Super Napalm

Joined: 09 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 01, 2002 2:06 pm Reply with quote
Tenchi wrote:

Tenchi wrote:

...but by "wider" I mean that I predict that they'll make a few dozen prints which will tour the country, as opposed to just the 13 prints they did for Metropolis.

Oh, pardon me, Studying the Box Office Mojo stats closely, I noticed that the number of screens the film was playing at this past weekend (13) was down by 3 from the previous weekend (for which boxofficemojo.com was unable to give a complete list for whatever reason). So the total number of prints for Metropolis would appear to be at least 16.

I could have just edited my previous post, but this pushes the number of my posts to an even 100! Three digits baby! Even more than GATSU has! Second only to Tempest, actually.

Whoo hoo! This brings the number of posts I have up to a grand total of "who the hell cares!". My "people think im a dork" quotient has raised by a full 7%!

Tenchi do you have penis envy? Your meaningless nitpicky comments in no way emulate the structure and insight of most of GATSU's well formed opinions (besides his answerman comments which are entertaining, anyway). Of course its pretty entertaining to watch you struggle for some way to one-up anyone who posts at all.

Actually, you often have coherent thought, too.. but when someone appears to be confused over something (like the meaning of widescreen), you overcomplicate your explanation to them with meaningless (at least to them) technical jargon when you could just explain it in a way they'd understand (black bars at the top and bottom of your TV ^^).
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 01, 2002 5:46 pm Reply with quote
Gai Super Napalm wrote:

Whoo hoo! This brings the number of posts I have up to a grand total of "who the hell cares!". My "people think im a dork" quotient has raised by a full 7%!

Oh come on. It's an exciting, if meaningless, personal milestone, like when the odometer flips over from 99 999 to 100 000. Just having a little fun.

Gai Super Napalm wrote:

Tenchi do you have penis envy?

Oh, one can write "penis" in here? I thought the obscenity filter took care of that.

Gai Super Napalm wrote:

Your meaningless nitpicky comments in no way emulate the structure and insight of most of GATSU's well formed opinions (besides his answerman comments which are entertaining, anyway). Of course its pretty entertaining to watch you struggle for some way to one-up anyone who posts at all.

What's wrong with a little nitpicking? Keeps the conversation as accurate as possible. Half the time I nitpick, I'm nitpicking my own posts anyhow. I frequently post information on substantative things too. (I was the one who first posted about the Taco Bell/AFA/Cardcaptors controversy.) As for my little comment about GATSU, all I was getting at is that he used to post here aggresively, but doesn't post quite so much anymore. I was a little surprised when I first noticed on the "memberlist" that my number of posts outnumbered his.

Gai Super Napalm wrote:
Actually, you often have coherent thought, too.. but when someone appears to be confused over something (like the meaning of widescreen), you overcomplicate your explanation to them with meaningless (at least to them) technical jargon when you could just explain it in a way they'd understand (black bars at the top and bottom of your TV ^^).

Well, "widescreen" has more than just one use; it could just mean "letterbox" (the black bars), but it can also refer to the aspect ratio of the screen itself, in which case there are not always the black bars if you're watching on a widescreen set. And if I know the proper industry term for the ratio of the standard 1.33:1 TV screen ("Academy Ratio"), why the hell can't I use it, especially considering I fully explained what it was in my reply? I think my explanation of "widescreen" was perfectly clear.
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Joined: 14 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2002 10:24 am Reply with quote
stop the fighting Exclamation
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Gai Super Napalm

Joined: 09 Jan 2002
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Location: Hoboken, NJ
PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2002 1:50 pm Reply with quote
Tenchi wrote:

Well, "widescreen" has more than just one use; it could just mean "letterbox" (the black bars), but it can also refer to the aspect ratio of the screen itself, in which case there are not always the black bars if you're watching on a widescreen set. And if I know the proper industry term for the ratio of the standard 1.33:1 TV screen ("Academy Ratio"), why the hell can't I use it, especially considering I fully explained what it was in my reply? I think my explanation of "widescreen" was perfectly clear.

I know about most of that I was just poking fun and doing a little nitpicking myself.

Theres a difference between replying to someones question and answering it.. sometimes you have to tone down the 'technical stuff' to effectively answer someones question. For instance, when someone thinks widescreen is going to effect the audio track of a movie, its safe to say that explaining the dual meaning of widescreen doesn't really clarify the fact that it doesn't have anything to do with whether or not a release is subbed or dubbed, even if thats inclusive.

And 'penis' is pretty benign, I don't see why it shouldn't be allowed/should be filtered. ^^
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2002 8:58 pm Reply with quote
Gai Super Napalm wrote:

And 'penis' is pretty benign, I don't see why it shouldn't be allowed/should be filtered. ^^

You never know, some places have ridiculous obscenity filters... Bandai's old AnimeVillage.com message board wouldn't let you write any words with the letters "S" "H" "I" and "T" consecutively, in that order, which made it difficult to write certain common Japanese names like former Prime Minister Takeshita for example. And the Guestbook at the official Tom Green website won't let you write any words with the letters "C" "U" and "M" in that order, which makes it impossible to write the word "documentary", as I tried to do, seeing it asterixed a couple of times before I figured out what was happening.
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Joined: 04 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2002 1:11 am Reply with quote
Yep, Cowboy Bebop is a good anime series and I'm sure that the movie is going to rule. Twisted Evil
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anime uncut

Joined: 13 Mar 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2002 4:08 pm Reply with quote
I thought "Cowboy Beebop" was already made into a movie last November, like "Akira" in September.

Last edited by anime uncut on Fri Mar 15, 2002 4:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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anime uncut

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2002 4:16 pm Reply with quote
Tenchi wrote:

Gai Super Napalm wrote:

And 'penis' is pretty benign, I don't see why it shouldn't be allowed/should be filtered. ^^

You never know, some places have ridiculous obscenity filters... Bandai's old AnimeVillage.com message board wouldn't let you write any words with the letters "S" "H" "I" and "T" consecutively, in that order, which made it difficult to write certain common Japanese names like former Prime Minister Takeshita for example. And the Guestbook at the official Tom Green website won't let you write any words with the letters "C" "U" and "M" in that order, which makes it impossible to write the word "documentary", as I tried to do, seeing it asterixed a couple of times before I figured out what was happening.

Try writing the name of movie director Alfred Hitchcock.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2002 4:47 pm Reply with quote
anime uncut wrote:

I thought "Cowboy Beebop" was already made into a movie last November, like "Akira" in September.

Uh... yeah, I think we're all aware of that; the reason we're using the future tense here is that, as of this writing (March 15th, 2002), Columbia/TriStar, which has the domestic distribution rights, has yet to release the Cowboy Bebop movie in North America either theatrically or on video. If we were talking about the Japanese theatrical release, we'd all be using the past tense.
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Joined: 17 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2002 11:10 pm Reply with quote
I'm definatntly going to wait for the US release, but I was wondering who will get the lisence. I liked the dub cast for the series and I am hoping they will bw the same. David Lucas made a really great Spike Spiegel.
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anime uncut

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 2002 1:35 pm Reply with quote
Why is it some scenes in the animated (drawings and computer graphics) film, reminded me of the Goose-stepping Nazis in Pink Floyd's "The Wall" and the opening (Magnito's chidhood) of "X-Men"?
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