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Tokyo Godfathers: Family Friendly?

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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 7:53 pm Reply with quote
It is not often that I make threads, but something that happened only a few minutes ago has inspired me to do so. I was looking at the new posts in the Talkback forum, where I noticed a locked thread. Deciding to find out why it had been locked (a sad habit of mine) I viewed it, and discovered that necroposting was to blame. Okay, so far so normal. However, as I was scanning down the page I read the old posts, and discovered that some of them did not believe that Tokyo Godfathers was actually a family friendly film.

This surprised me, because I never thought that people could think of it as not good for families. And here's why. It has very strong themes of redemption, forgiveness, and tolerance towards people who aren't like you. Of helping out others even if it means going out of your way. That people belong with their families. That families, whether drawn together by blood or by friendship, can bicker all the time and yet will still do what is right and necessary for one another. That no-one is perfect, but to do your best anyway. That though life is hard, you just live through, and you can even turn it around. That a good deed does not go unrewarded. And finally, that miracles do happen.

That is a large list of worthy themes, and yet those people in the thread I mentioned seemed hung up by the superficial details. I concede that it probably isn't the best movie to show to anyone under eight, and even then children between eight and twelve inclusive should watch with an adult. However, just because you cannot show it to the very young does not prevent it from being "family friendly".

What does that term even mean? Film advertisers often use it in place of "child friendly" and special interest groups often treat it as meaning "no sex, no drugs, no violence, no real people (only caricatures or one dimensional cardboard cutouts), and nothing interesting going on". I like to think that the term is about promoting families, even if the "family" depicted isn't of the traditional nuclear sort.

So anyway, I've talked enough. If you would like to respond, I wouldn't mind hearing your definitions of "family friendly". Oh, and of course, your opinion on Tokyo Godfathers. I showed it to my family, and they really liked it. My parents more than my far younger brothers, but only because they (and myself) could perceive - and enjoy - the movie on multiple levels.

Cheers. Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.
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Joined: 17 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 8:06 pm Reply with quote
This is good timing because I just got around to watching that the other day. I can see it as being a very good family film (as long as you don't mind some mature themes in it). I thought it was a great xmas movie, it was very moving and heart warming. Plus it took place during xmas time. I tried to get my family to watch it but they don't really like anime.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 9:02 pm Reply with quote
For all of about 3 seconds, there's a woman nursing and we see her breast and another character comments on it. And some talk of the one characters commiting suicide (although spoiler[she doesn't in the end])

this reminds me to watch it again, seeing as how its xmas time and all.

Other than what I said above, its more family friendly to me than not, assuming you are watching it with people who won't snigger at sex related body parts. It's one of the few Christmas movies I've seen, from any country of origin, that is not about Santa, Grinches, and other holiday icons. The Tokyo Godfathers characters are most definatly selfless, three homeless people with almost no money themselves doing everything they can to reunite an abandoned baby with its mother on Christmas day without asking anything in return except for the baby's safe return to its parents.

I don't enjoy cheery and unrealistic holiday movies. Sure, this scenario is just as unlikely as the Grinch coming down your chimney, but unlike other movies that end in sudden love and joy that apply only to the holidays, Tokyo Godfather is enjoyable at any time because its themes don't apply to the holidays only, but to really anything and I've watched it in the middle of summer and thought it was just as good then as it is during the holidays.

I'd call it family friendly, but not intelligence insulting like I think most Ameican CGI movies are becoming where they lack anything objectionable or even to think about, and it's really annoying me. I saw Bolt with my friend last month, and it was pretty mindless and nothing I'd want to see again because it was just so straight forward that it bored me. It's certianly family friendly, but its because nothing objectionable happens. Probably everyone blaming things on video games has made everyone freak out that if their kids see the slightest thing objectionable, or like get a BBgun and shoot cans or something that their kids will become insane late in life or something.

I wouldn't necessarily call Tokyo Godfathers a "safe and objectionable free" movie, but I'd still call it family friendly.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 9:56 pm Reply with quote
classicalzawa wrote:
I wouldn't necessarily call Tokyo Godfathers a "safe and objectionable free" movie, but I'd still call it family friendly.

I was wondering if you would post here, given your recent Avatar. Anyway, you put it really well. Just because a movie decides to deal with "adult" themes does not make it bad for children to watch, as long as someone watches with them. Thankyou.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 10:36 pm Reply with quote
Honestly, I'd say it's family-friendly to the extent of how old your family is, guys. I'll agree that the themes in it are strong and there's some great heartwarming moments, but...I would rate it 12 and up, honestly. I wouldn't be comfortable with my 10-year old sister seeing it.

There is a scene with a gang of thugs beating an old man to death.

There is a scene where a waiter gets shot and it turns very chaotic. The young girl character also stabs her father and it's somewhat bloody.

A lot of the content regarding Gin has to do with being blackmailed along with financial issues regarding his family, which isn't objectionable, but it's a pivotal thing that isn't real accessible to young kids.

Then there's the gay bar and Uncle Bag discussing how his husband died of AIDS. It's not something I would be crazy trying to explain to my younger sister who doesn't even know what sex is yet, much less how men do it with other men...

There is the breast moments, but honestly they weren't the first things to come to my mind, the other things were.

It's not that I don't think it's a good movie and all, but I wouldn't call it a "family" film, at least not for small children. There are too many themes and aspects that would need explaining, and there are parts of the content that are out of the realm of interest for younger ages. Add to that it's a subtitle-only movie, and most younger kids aren't interested in reading subtitles, heck, it scares a lot of adults away!
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 11:04 pm Reply with quote
dtm42 wrote:
I was wondering if you would post here, given your recent Avatar.

Curses! I have done something predictable!

I think JesuOtaku makes a good point in that it's not really 10-year old friendly, I'd call it a "PG" rating, and not just a "G" rating. While I'd call it family friendly, I think it should still be watched with someone older who has probably seen it before.
Of course, I'm the youngest in my family (even including cousins whom I never see for living too far awar, and I'm 20) so yeah, seeing as how I'm the youngest, just about any movie is family friendly for me right now. I'd be a bit wary showing it to someone younger who might not want to see the violence, but anyone in high school or older really should be fine with it. It's not smiley, cheery, uber feel good type family type movie (like Ratatouille is), but I remember Star Trek being considered family friendly viewing, but when I was 8, I couldn't pay attention to it whatsoever, lol.
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