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Joined: 09 Jan 2008
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Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 3:16 pm
The guy in the bottom left looks like Agito from "gin-iro no kami no agito"
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Joined: 09 Mar 2006
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Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 3:28 pm
Having been a devoted Tenchi Muyo fan my whole life, I really can't wait for this series. The franchise may be considered old-school by today's standards, but I just revisited Tenchi Universe a while ago and was merely reminded why I've always loved this show and its spin-offs.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 3:38 pm
pachy_boy wrote: | Having been a devoted Tenchi Muyo fan my whole life, I really can't wait for this series. The franchise may be considered old-school by today's standards, but I just revisited Tenchi Universe a while ago and was merely reminded why I've always loved this show and its spin-offs. |
You loved that abominable third OVA? You have a higher tolerance for bullshit than I do, then.
Kajishima needs to stop already.
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Polly E.
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Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 4:16 pm
penguintruth wrote: |
pachy_boy wrote: | Having been a devoted Tenchi Muyo fan my whole life, I really can't wait for this series. The franchise may be considered old-school by today's standards, but I just revisited Tenchi Universe a while ago and was merely reminded why I've always loved this show and its spin-offs. |
You loved that abominable third OVA? You have a higher tolerance for bullshit than I do, then.
Kajishima needs to stop already. |
Not sure which I'd call more abominable, the third OVA or in Tokyo.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 4:21 pm
Polly E. wrote: |
penguintruth wrote: |
pachy_boy wrote: | Having been a devoted Tenchi Muyo fan my whole life, I really can't wait for this series. The franchise may be considered old-school by today's standards, but I just revisited Tenchi Universe a while ago and was merely reminded why I've always loved this show and its spin-offs. |
You loved that abominable third OVA? You have a higher tolerance for bullshit than I do, then.
Kajishima needs to stop already. |
Not sure which I'd call more abominable, the third OVA or in Tokyo. |
You can excuse Tenchi in Tokyo because it's not Kajishima, and so you can justify it as being a bastardization. But the third Tenchi OVA was Kajishima's doing, so it's inexcusable that it was so awful. He ruined his own work.
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Joe Mello
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Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 4:31 pm
Am I the only one getting sort of a Duke Nukem vibe from all this? Maybe I'm reading the clues wrong.
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Joined: 09 Mar 2006
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Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 5:59 pm
Yes, the 3rd OVA was a bit of a letdown--even so, I still liked Ryoko and Ryo-ohki's relationship in the first episode and Sasami's fight scene was cool in of itself, but I'm just speaking for myself
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Dark Elf Warrior
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Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 6:15 pm
Three of those characters reminded me of Shiris, Lyna and Pirotess from Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight.
I love Tenchi Muyo, the first 13 episode OVAs and Tenchi Universe were the best. Tenchi in Tokyo was entertaining, but you won't find it in my collection, and the third OVA? That was disappointing. I agree, Kajishima messed up on that. But I'm willing to give this new anime a try should it get licensed, however I'm not having very high hopes I admit.
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Joined: 24 Dec 2005
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Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 1:13 am
I can admit Tokyo was a flop,but the 3rd OVA series ad the rest was not. It solved a lot of nagging questions from the original series which is a plus.The only downside is that the original VA wasn't included. Also i'd definately liked GXP,especially the final epsiode. From what it seems so far,this series will be a lot more like dual with more action which might be a good thing.
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Joined: 28 Nov 2007
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Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 9:38 am
I Just can't wait until it comes out. i just hope it better then his last work.
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Joined: 03 Feb 2004
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Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:47 am
penguintruth wrote: |
pachy_boy wrote: | Having been a devoted Tenchi Muyo fan my whole life, I really can't wait for this series. The franchise may be considered old-school by today's standards, but I just revisited Tenchi Universe a while ago and was merely reminded why I've always loved this show and its spin-offs. |
You loved that abominable third OVA? You have a higher tolerance for bullshit than I do, then. |
How can that be true? Seriously, if you TRULY believed the things that come out of your mouth regarding Tenchi, you wouldnt' come here every time there's new news on the new series to say, "Tenchi sucks! Kajishima sucks!" We know you hate it, so why not move on with your life? I know, you and the few others can't do that though, can you? Nope, you'd rather dwell in the sewers of how badly Kajishima raped your childhood because OVA 3 didn't go the way you though it should go.
It is only an anime for crying out loud!
Whether you think it sucks or whether I think it was OK, it doesn't matter. It is only an animated series, not your life savings. There are plenty of shows I dislike and I don't feel compelled to write in every stinking thread that pops up in a related discussion to say, "it sucks." Why would I want to do that? I understand people who like the series discussing what the do like about it or even its weaknesses. Heck, I understood after the series came out how people got mad that OVA 3 did go where they thought. However, OVA 3 has been out for a few years now.
I mean come on! How many years are you going to just keep saying how badly you hate OVA 3 or Kajishima? Kajishima isn't going away so you and the other few who can't move on with your lives are going to have to deal with it. Knowing that you all can't it will drive all of you spare just makes me laugh myself silly.
So yeah, we know you hate it -- I don't care. Move on and discuss something you DO like rather than eating hate and misery all day. For the rest of us who know that this is just mere entertainment that we happened to enjoy (and NOT saying that it is some masterpiece or anything) and not a life-or-death issue, we'll continue to discuss how we are looking forward to seeing Kajishima's new project.
Thus endeth the rant.
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Tortoiseshell Tabby Girl
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Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 10:05 pm
Yay! More Seikishi news! And I was just thinking today about how much I'm looking forward to this series. I think it was about lunchtime that I was also wondering if there would be a cute creature in the series (like Ryo-Ohki, Fuku, or that little dog in Dual! who's name escapes me right now) due to my recently seeing Fuku's image on the Internet (she's so adorable).
This trailer is nice too, though I think I still like the first trailer a bit more. I definitely appreciate ANN providing the romanized names and English-translated occupations of the characters; I looked at ANN's list while I played the trailer in a small window to the side. Now I'm trying to figure out if those two Furan characters are related to each other, and how they might be related since they look so different in terms of style and attitude. It's also nice to know that the one female character in the first released picture has green hair and is named "Doll." When I saw that, D from Dual! came to my mind and made me wonder if Doll is somehow related to D's character. Doll has a name that begins with "D" and is reminiscent of how D was kind of like a "Doll" because she wasn't in her real body (I'm remembering that right, right? It's been a while since I watched Dual! ). Doll also has green hair and one eye covered, like D, and seems to have purple eyes like D, although it's kid of hard to tell.
And the inclusion of princesses....makes me think of Ayeka and Sasami, although I'm sure these new princesses are different (especially the one who looks like an elf). The conceptual drawings in the background look neat, too!
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:21 am
I love when AstroNerdBoy returns to ANN just to defend his hero Kajishima's awful third Tenchi OVA. It's the only thing he ever does here. You didn't even comment on his new work.
Sorry, it's just that, how can I expect anything else Kajishima to do be any good when he's so obviously lost it? GXP was bad enough as it is, but after that third Tenchi OVA, it's become clear that Kajishima is lost in his own self-induldgent garbage, and it's sad to see what was once a very creative man fall so low. And so far, the trailers for this new thing have failed to spark any interest in me. I never even really liked Dual! all that much.
But you are right in that I haven't let up on the third OVA and should probably just let it go.
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Joined: 03 Feb 2004
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Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 7:41 am
penguintruth wrote: | I love when AstroNerdBoy returns to ANN just to defend his hero Kajishima's awful third Tenchi OVA. It's the only thing he ever does here. You didn't even comment on his new work. |
Um, who said Kajishima was my hero? I love it when the people who despise Kajishima ignore my own criticisms of the man because I dare to defend him at all. Nope, to these people I'm CLEARLY promoting how wonderful he is, how god-like he is, how OVA 3 is the best anime in the universe, etc. I never do any such thing, but haters can only see hate and nothing else. Some of these bozos I can ignore, but I admit, I read your post and couldn't control myself.
Anyway, I was merely commenting on YOUR "bullshit" statement and how that you can't be serious when you say you can't tolerate bullshit (Kajishima, OVA 3, whatever) and then jump into every conversation on said "bullshit" to say, "its bullshit." That's all.
Look, I don't care that people dislike OVA 3. I don't care if people hate it. That's not the point. What I have never understood is how one man's anime can drive people so nutty in hate and rage.
Take Star Wars -- classic movie by most people's standards. Then Empire Strikes Back comes out. Some people didn't care for the darker tone but others lived. Finally, Return of the Jedi came out. A lot of folks didn't care for the teddy bears but otherwise accepted it.
Then the fans had YEARS to wait for more Star Wars. When the prequels finally came out, many people loudly screamed about how terrible they were, how Lucas sucked, etc. Now, I'll be the first to admit that the prequels aren't as good as Star Wars or Empire, but they do have good elements. I recognize this.
Take Phantom Menace. Before this movie came out, Jedi were just chumps in my mind. As a kid, no one wanted to be a Jedi (after Star Wars came out) and no one wanted a light saber in our playground. Everyone wanted a blaster like Han Solo.
As we got older, in our discussions of Empire or Jedi, we did note how Luke was a stronger character and the Emperor was certainly bad-arsed but in our minds, the Jedi were wiped out simply because they were weak. After all, what good would a light saber be against an army with blasters?
It was Phantom Menace were the Jedi finally became "cool" in my mind. They were stealthy like ninja, swordsmen like samurai, and they had skills that showed why they with a light saber could handle quite a few people armed with blasters.
So, while Phantom Menace had a lot of flaws (and when I watch the DVD, I always skip the pod race), I recognize the pluses to, which is something those that railed against it cannot or will not do.
This ties in with OVA 3. There are plenty of interesting, positive things in the series. I have stated them over and over but of course those who have just poo-poo'd the series don't want to hear that. They'd rather wallow in misery and a few act like they are on a personal quest from God to make sure everyone knows how terrible Kajishima is, GXP is, and OVA 3 is, therefore avoid Kajishima's new product because it will surely stink too.
My remarks weren't just targeted at you (and I know you realize this), but all those who just can't get over it and move on. I don't care if it is an anime, movie, TV series, or what, NOTHING justifies harping about how terrible it was years after the anime, movie, or TV series are over. It is something to be forgotten and for you guys, it should NOT matter that there are people who like it. It is not you guys concern.
Quote: | Sorry, it's just that, how can I expect anything else Kajishima to do be any good when he's so obviously lost it? GXP was bad enough as it is, but after that third Tenchi OVA, it's become clear that Kajishima is lost in his own self-induldgent garbage, and it's sad to see what was once a very creative man fall so low. And so far, the trailers for this new thing have failed to spark any interest in me. I never even really liked Dual! all that much. |
There's nothing wrong with saying that the new trailers don't spark your interest. People have different tastes and that's not a crime.
Quote: | But you are right in that I haven't let up on the third OVA and should probably just let it go. |
I think it would make your life better. After all, you don't want to turn into something worse. ;
As to the new series, I look forward to seeing it.
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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 5:35 pm
penguintruth wrote: |
Polly E. wrote: |
penguintruth wrote: |
pachy_boy wrote: | Having been a devoted Tenchi Muyo fan my whole life, I really can't wait for this series. The franchise may be considered old-school by today's standards, but I just revisited Tenchi Universe a while ago and was merely reminded why I've always loved this show and its spin-offs. |
You loved that abominable third OVA? You have a higher tolerance for bullshit than I do, then.
Kajishima needs to stop already. |
Not sure which I'd call more abominable, the third OVA or in Tokyo. |
You can excuse Tenchi in Tokyo because it's not Kajishima, and so you can justify it as being a bastardization. But the third Tenchi OVA was Kajishima's doing, so it's inexcusable that it was so awful. He ruined his own work. |
Not so much ruined his own work, but blew a good bit of the budget on GXP leaving very little for OVA-3, IMHO. This is looking like a GXP/harem clone. The man is obsessed with harems.
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