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NEWS: Evangelion Film Remakes Begin Global Campaign in Korea

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Joined: 30 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 8:18 pm Reply with quote
I wonder how long it'll take to make it to the States. Most people over here aren't even aware of the fact that there is a remake...
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Richard J.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 8:57 pm Reply with quote
Don't worry, I'm sure the fansubbers will make sure to let everyone know about the remakes just in time to keep fans from having to buy those horribly inferior DVDs with their vile dubs and polluted Japanese track. Rolling Eyes

In all seriousness though, I'm a little worried that nothing has been coming out from ADV about this. As I see it, there are three possibilities:

1) ADV is so confident that they will license and release the new EVA that they feel no need to even talk about about. It's just a given fact of nature.

2) ADV already knows that they can't license and release the new EVA and are unwilling to reveal this fact to the public. It would mean they're in way more trouble than anyone ever suspected.

3) ADV is biding it's time to see if the remakes are actually worth licensing, but they're getting things ready in the mean time. Cash cows need to be milked as much as dead horses need to be beaten.
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child of Lilith

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 9:20 pm Reply with quote
Maybe this is the reason for all of ADVs recent belt tightening. They could be trying to get together enough money to pay for the license for the movies. I know they weren’t able to get the rights to Death/Rebirth and End because it was too expensive for them last time around. I’m sure they don’t want that happening again.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 11:35 pm Reply with quote
I just started dling a copy! Man I'm excited Very Happy

Have there been any good english language fan reviews of it? A friend of mine bought a bootleg of it in Taiwan, but apparently only watched it once while extremely tired and fell asleep in the middle (not due at all to the quality of the movie)... I haven't heard from him since.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 2:19 am Reply with quote
child of Lilith wrote:
Maybe this is the reason for all of ADVs recent belt tightening. They could be trying to get together enough money to pay for the license for the movies. I know they weren’t able to get the rights to Death/Rebirth and End because it was too expensive for them last time around. I’m sure they don’t want that happening again.

You know, I actually wouldn't be surprised if that were the case. They'll probably at least do a limited screen theatrical distribution. I mean, even some non-anime fans have seen some of Eva and found it interesting. That and the anime fans probably have a better chance of getting their friends into a theatre for a film than into their basement for a 26 episode marathon.

I'm just glad its started making the rounds, that means its on the way.
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Top Gun

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 2:59 am Reply with quote
Not that I think this is the case in any sense of the word, but if Anno's continued wanking-off to his ten-year-old emo-fest were in any way responsible for a potential delay in the release of Gurren-Lagann, there'd be hell to pay from many quarters, and I'd be leading the pack. Razz

And before anyone gets on my case for that, I actually liked Eva well enough as a whole, or at least enough to buy the individual Platinum disks. But holy hell, both Anno and a good portion of his fanbase need to move past it already. It may have been something revolutionary ten years ago, but the industry's moved beyond it, despite what Anno's quotes would suggest. Personally, I feel the last thing that anime needs is a completely new rehashing of one of the most genuinely unlikeable casts that has ever been animated. (Seriously, a group of textbook cases of various psychological disorders does not a gregarious bunch make.) The cow's already been milked to the point where there's not a drop left in the tank; was there any need to rip its udder clean off? Razz
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 4:26 am Reply with quote
FYI: Taiwan will have it on big screen this April. Exact date unknown yet.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 4:39 am Reply with quote
Top Gun wrote:

Yeah, the moment you used that term? That's when your opinion became irrelevant.

Also, "moving on"? They're not milking Evangelion any more than the Gundam franchise is milking Gundam.

The rampant Evangelion detractors are far more irritating than the people who assigned erroneous interpretations to the program years ago.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 10:20 am Reply with quote
All I have to say is, when is this coming to the States??? Very Happy

But holy hell, both Anno and a good portion of his fanbase need to move past it already

Yeah, you know that whole Star Trek/Star Wars/LotR thing? I think a good portion of their fanbases need to move past it already. I mean, they were revolutionary 30-50 years ago, but the industry's moved beyond them.

Oh wait...

Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 1:45 pm Reply with quote
Richard J. wrote:

2) ADV already knows that they can't license and release the new EVA and are unwilling to reveal this fact to the public. It would mean they're in way more trouble than anyone ever suspected.

A scary thought ... unforetunately it sounds all too realistic! :[ If ADV were intending to accquire that license, they'd most definitely have announced it by now; Evangelion is ADV flagship title, and one of, if not the, most popular anime ever in the US. But if ADV don't get it ... who will? Honestly, I want the whole original cast returned for this movie's dub!
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Top Gun

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 3:08 pm Reply with quote
penguintruth wrote:
Yeah, the moment you used that term? That's when your opinion became irrelevant.

What, did I hit too close to home? Or is that term suddenly "uncool" to use? When one has a main character who whines "Nobody likes/understands me!!!" multiple times in the first few episodes, what other label can one be tempted to give him? Razz
LordPrometheus wrote:
Yeah, you know that whole Star Trek/Star Wars/LotR thing? I think a good portion of their fanbases need to move past it already. I mean, they were revolutionary 30-50 years ago, but the industry's moved beyond them.

I fail to see how any of those presents a valid comparison. The recent LotR resurgence is due to a movie adaptation of a 50-year-old book, no different than any other book-to-movie transfer that's ever been done. Both Star Trek and Star Wars have had reams of brand-new material since the inception of their franchises: new series, new movies (despite the lack of quality of those of the latter franchise), novels, comics...you name it. And then, we have the new Eva movies, which are...a re-telling of the story that was created just ten years ago? A re-hashing (or at least mostly one) of the exact same story progression and character development, only a decade removed from the original? How is that necessary in any sense of the word?

You know what makes me particularly angry? It's not the rabid Eva haters (and like I said, I don't count myself as one of them, seeing as how I rather bloody liked the series, at least the first time through). It's not the rabid Eva fanbois who view Hideaki Anno as the greatest thing since sliced bread. No...it's those types who, during this whole ADV uncertainty, were shooting off their mouths saying "hey maybe there cutting money to get teh new eva movies awesome lulz." Putting the utter ridiculousness of such an action aside, the fact that anyone in their right mind would rather a flat-out remake be licensed over several brand-new series (including Gurren-Lagann, of all things) just boggles the mind.

I watched (and bought) the original series. I watched the utter mind**** that was End of Eva. Hell, I even watched the pointless recap that was Death. But you couldn't interest me in these new movies if you paid me. Maybe some people feel their need to buy their eight or ninth copies of what's essentially the same series, but not I. Not for an ending that will probably make even less sense than the first two did.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 4:44 pm Reply with quote
Top Gun wrote:
penguintruth wrote:
Yeah, the moment you used that term? That's when your opinion became irrelevant.

What, did I hit too close to home? Or is that term suddenly "uncool" to use? When one has a main character who whines "Nobody likes/understands me!!!" multiple times in the first few episodes, what other label can one be tempted to give him? Razz

That term was never cool to use. Only imbeciles with a complete lack of sympathy or vocabulary use the term "emo". The term you would use for somebody who shows an excess of unearned emotion is "melodramatic", which Shinji Ikari is not. He's earned those emotions.
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Joined: 24 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 5:06 pm Reply with quote
Top Gun wrote:
Not that I think this is the case in any sense of the word, but if Anno's continued wanking-off to his ten-year-old emo-fest were in any way responsible for a potential delay in the release of Gurren-Lagann, there'd be hell to pay from many quarters, and I'd be leading the pack. Razz

And before anyone gets on my case for that, I actually liked Eva well enough as a whole, or at least enough to buy the individual Platinum disks. But holy hell, both Anno and a good portion of his fanbase need to move past it already. It may have been something revolutionary ten years ago, but the industry's moved beyond it, despite what Anno's quotes would suggest. Personally, I feel the last thing that anime needs is a completely new rehashing of one of the most genuinely unlikeable casts that has ever been animated. (Seriously, a group of textbook cases of various psychological disorders does not a gregarious bunch make.) The cow's already been milked to the point where there's not a drop left in the tank; was there any need to rip its udder clean off? Razz

Considering Evangelion is the original psychological mecha series and it created a genre I think we should remember it. Gundam and Eva are two of the most influential franchises of all time in anime. I think Anno's right, nothing new has really been done in the mecha genre beyond Eva.

I think you also forget that few concrete statements about Eva have been made and thus if there are any new extras on a new release I think people would be more than willing to buy them.

Also, apparently these films aren't going to be a simple retelling, we're either going to get a really messed up ending or something very fitting. Heck, I have no problem with the EoE or TV series end but if Anno wants to spin it another way sure why not.
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Top Gun

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 6:05 pm Reply with quote
So a series like Gurren-Lagann wouldn't count as something at least somewhat different in the mecha genre? Or Eureka seveN? Or Big O? Those are just the mecha series I've seen (or partially seen in the case of GL) that chart a different path than Eva. And then there's RahXephon, which I haven't seen myself but have heard many describe as "Eva, but better." In my mind, it was the height of arrogance for Anno to make that statement. Yes, anime as a whole owes a lot to Eva, but to say that nothing that's come afterwards has helped evolve the field? Please.

(Onoz, my lack of sympathy. In my mind, the only thing Shinji "earned" was a reality check in the form of a nice slap across the face. If my "lack of sympathy" ever met up with Mr. Ikari, I imagine it'd play out something like this: "Hey, you. Yeah you, rocking back and forth and whining about 'not running away.' Get up, grow a pair, just freakin' do Asuka already, run up and give your good-for-nothing father a swift kick in the nards, and go blow some crap up in your kickass bio-robot-thingey.")
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 7:06 pm Reply with quote
Top Gun wrote:
(Onoz, my lack of sympathy. In my mind, the only thing Shinji "earned" was a reality check in the form of a nice slap across the face. If my "lack of sympathy" ever met up with Mr. Ikari, I imagine it'd play out something like this: "Hey, you. Yeah you, rocking back and forth and whining about 'not running away.' Get up, grow a pair, just freakin' do Asuka already, run up and give your good-for-nothing father a swift kick in the nards, and go blow some crap up in your kickass bio-robot-thingey.")

You type that in your wife-beater shirt, internet tough guy?

I must applaud you for covering all the usual Eva-hater talking points, though. And in a lovely compact, no-support form, too!
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