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Interview: Made in Abyss staff at Anime Central

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Angel M Cazares

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 12:28 pm Reply with quote
Good interview. The white whistles they have appear to be similar to the ones that come in Sentai's premium box sets.
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Joined: 30 May 2015
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 3:10 pm Reply with quote
Woah, kudos for asking that hard question at the end, Theron.

I kinda already expected them to handwave it like "we can't exactly deny the intentions on the source material, but we do just may execute those scenes with our own interpretation from it even though we are adapting them fully anyway", albeit the reality is that they just did a quite wonderful adaptation and they knew that the public this was directed to was used to the content, regardless of how they tried to at least tone it down a bit at some parts, while others can't really be seen in a "different perspective" (also, I'm pretty sure the first episodes alone would have had some much more mixed reactions if they have kept that dialogue of when one of the kids saw Riko being bondaged as punishment and later comment about Riko's privates and how her lack of pubic hair was not arousing to him).

It's a fair and neutral answer, but gotta say they are clearly aware of it and would prefer the rest of the content to be our focus as the viewers (and yeah, if you exclude those parts, the content is phenomenal indeed) haha
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 4:03 pm Reply with quote
danpmss wrote:
Woah, kudos for asking that hard question at the end, Theron.

I actually almost dropped asking that one because I was uncomfortable bringing the subject up, but since that was the biggest controversy about the series I felt I would be remiss if I didn't. Your evaluation of his response was basically the same as mine.

As for the White Whistle thing, all three of them had different whistles, so I don't think they were the same one that Sentai put out in those sets unless different varieties were distributed.
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Cardcaptor Takato

Joined: 27 Jan 2018
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 11:22 pm Reply with quote
Maybe the whistles will be included with home video releases of the movies? Made in Abyss has been one of my personal favorite anime and manga in recent years. Thanks for doing such an interesting interview!
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 06, 2019 3:45 am Reply with quote
danpmss wrote:
Woah, kudos for asking that hard question at the end, Theron.

I kinda already expected them to handwave it like "we can't exactly deny the intentions on the source material, but we do just may execute those scenes with our own interpretation from it even though we are adapting them fully anyway", albeit the reality is that they just did a quite wonderful adaptation and they knew that the public this was directed to was used to the content, regardless of how they tried to at least tone it down a bit at some parts, while others can't really be seen in a "different perspective" (also, I'm pretty sure the first episodes alone would have had some much more mixed reactions if they have kept that dialogue of when one of the kids saw Riko being bondaged as punishment and later comment about Riko's privates and how her lack of pubic hair was not arousing to him).

It's a fair and neutral answer, but gotta say they are clearly aware of it and would prefer the rest of the content to be our focus as the viewers (and yeah, if you exclude those parts, the content is phenomenal indeed) haha

Wow, didn't know about that pubic hair thing in the manga. Urgh, urgh and a thousand times URGH... Good Lord, that last boner joke in the final episode was awful enough but this is clearly crossing the line. As a father of a little girl myself I can't begin to express how absolutely repulsed and appaled I'm by this thing now.

It really is a pity because I did enjoy the soundtrack and the world setting but I'm not touching this with a ten foot pole... and someone in Japan should call the cops and have the computer of the mangaka checked... just sayin'

Also, I find it really baffling that there are people (including many ANN reviewers) that overreact at "controversial" stuff like Goblin Slayer or Shield Hero yet praise to no end a series that includes a 12 year old boy (who looks 5) getting a boner in front of a naked 12 year old girl (who looks 3)... seriously WTF...
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Joined: 25 Jan 2015
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2019 9:07 am Reply with quote
danpmss wrote:

Also, I find it really baffling that there are people (including many ANN reviewers) that overreact at "controversial" stuff like Goblin Slayer or Shield Hero yet praise to no end a series that includes a 12 year old boy (who looks 5) getting a boner in front of a naked 12 year old girl (who looks 3)... seriously WTF...

They did complain about it (James did it in his review of episode 11, Jacob and Gabriella flat out called some instances pedophilic). However, there's a difference between misguided sexual humor involving minors and entire series premises being based on fedora wielding hot takes on sexual violence against women
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 07, 2019 10:31 am Reply with quote
cheshire1501 wrote:
They did complain about it (James did it in his review of episode 11, Jacob and Gabriella flat out called some instances pedophilic). However, there's a difference between misguided sexual humor involving minors and entire series premises being based on fedora wielding hot takes on sexual violence against women

That was not the case (it was a prominent element, not the whole basis of the premise), so let's not exaggerate.
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