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NEWS: Perfect Blue on BD, Appleseed Sequel on BD & HD DVD

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Joined: 07 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 2:52 pm Reply with quote
I like the Hybrid HD/DVD format - I can buy the HD version along with the standard DVD version and buy the HD player later when the prices comes down - or there is a good sale again. I think HD is the clear winner. They outsold Blueray a good 20 to 1 in the stores around here.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 3:25 pm Reply with quote
Nicely played there Geneon of Japan.
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Joined: 01 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 3:49 pm Reply with quote
kokuryu wrote:
I like the Hybrid HD/DVD format - I can buy the HD version along with the standard DVD version and buy the HD player later when the prices comes down - or there is a good sale again. I think HD is the clear winner. They outsold Blueray a good 20 to 1 in the stores around here.

That's not the current worldwide count, as Blu-Ray is (as of last count), was winning this was 2:1. That is a lot more definitive then just a couple of your local stores.
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Joined: 31 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 4:00 pm Reply with quote
Primus wrote:
kokuryu wrote:
I like the Hybrid HD/DVD format - I can buy the HD version along with the standard DVD version and buy the HD player later when the prices comes down - or there is a good sale again. I think HD is the clear winner. They outsold Blueray a good 20 to 1 in the stores around here.

That's not the current worldwide count, as Blu-Ray is (as of last count), was winning this was 2:1. That is a lot more definitive then just a couple of your local stores.
The sales figures released today:
Please keep the format war crap off of ANN.

I'd like to know if that Japanese Blu-ray of Perfect Blue will have the English dub.
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Joined: 06 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 4:28 pm Reply with quote
So now we have Perfect Blue Ray? Laughing
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 6:40 pm Reply with quote
Does anyone know if Perfect Blue was an HD master? Or was it remastered? Since it was a theater film that means it had an HD master, right?
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Joined: 06 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 9:43 pm Reply with quote
any chance of English sub or dub on perfect blue since this is on blue ray.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 11:11 pm Reply with quote
Nice, I just saw the trailer for Appleseed and was dissapointed when it said only DVD. Now I'm glad that it's confirmed to be coming out in Blu ray. I need to see this in 1080p HD. Also, I hope this war ends soon. Though, for me I'm a strong supporter of Blu ray and it seems like anime companies will also start to support the format as well. The latest chart is really showing who is winning. With space up to 50 gb I can't imagine how many episodes they can fit in one BD disc for some animes.
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Randall Miyashiro

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 8:25 am Reply with quote
Dargonxtc wrote:
Does anyone know if Perfect Blue was an HD master? Or was it remastered? Since it was a theater film that means it had an HD master, right?

There are a bunch of movies (even recent ones) that were released on 35mm that don't have an HD master. I think mastering features in HD is a relatively new (last 5 years or so) thing. I remember it being a big deal when the Phantom Menace came out on DVD, and this had the extra incentive that it was shot on HD. Unless it was mastered in HD recently, I would imagine that Perfect Blue is undergoing a new transfer from the original film negatives for this new release. I believe that almost everything being released on the new formats are off of 1080 masters. The only exceptions that I can think of are Air and I believe Yukikaze which I hear will be upscaled. I can't help but think that these recent anime titles were mixed and rendered (especially with Yukikaze's CG) in 480 so a true 1080 master is impossible without rerendering. I believe 28 Days After was also shot in 480 digital so a remastering is not even an option.

It seems that if it has the English dub or sub is still unknown. Many of the Blu-ray titles that are out or announced that have English tracks from R1 releases like Utawarerumono, Yukikaze, GITS Innocence have the English audio tracks included.

I think HD is the clear winner. They outsold Blueray a good 20 to 1 in the stores around here.

Do you have any figures to back up this claim? If you look up the list of anime released on Blu-ray versus HD-DVD it would seem that Blu-ray has far more titles on the horizon compared to HD-DVD (21 Blu-ray titles versus 3 HD-DVD for November+ globally) :


I'm a dual owner (just bought 12 Blu-ray and 7 HD-DVD discs this week) and don't see one format being superior than the other. I wouldn't be sad if either format "won" but from what I have gathered HD-DVD is dead in Japan (there is only one title that makes it to the top 1000 best selling DVDs on amazon.co.jp) which might be worth noting since we are anime fans. I'm not trying to start a debate since I'm not really on either side (I find it funny that many who do don't own both or even one HD format) but rather want to point out a few statistics which indicate that HD-DVD is not a "clear winner."
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Joined: 15 May 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 2:19 pm Reply with quote
Randall Miyashiro wrote:
I believe that almost everything being released on the new formats are off of 1080 masters. The only exceptions that I can think of are Air and I believe Yukikaze which I hear will be upscaled. I can't help but think that these recent anime titles were mixed and rendered (especially with Yukikaze's CG) in 480 so a true 1080 master is impossible without rerendering.

I wish Air was not an Upscale collection, and wish the box set didn't cost SO much... beside it was something like limited edition too.

If anybody ask about with or without english, use logic... old series en blue ray HAVE or MUST have english on their realese, a subtitle track only weight a few MB meanwhile a Audio track its bigger but the advantage of BD over HDDVD is space.

I want to ask, no body asking about the "Limited Edition" on the Perfect Blue? what could increase 30dlls more? another disk? a gift? or the packed?
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 5:13 pm Reply with quote
Djshinnosuke wrote:
If anybody ask about with or without english, use logic... old series en blue ray HAVE or MUST have english on their realese, a subtitle track only weight a few MB meanwhile a Audio track its bigger but the advantage of BD over HDDVD is space.
Unfortunately, you cannot make that assumption. The two English sites I have found to order the just-released Japanese Blu-ray of Metropolis both say the disc doesn't even have a subtitle track.



I've never used either site; it could be that they just don't have the information. AnimeOnDVD says that it just has Japanese subtitles.


If anyone knows of a site that has more complete information on Japanese releases (that's actually in English) it would be nice if you could provide a link.
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Joined: 05 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 7:35 pm Reply with quote
Djshinnosuke wrote:
If anybody ask about with or without english, use logic... old series en blue ray HAVE or MUST have english on their realese, a subtitle track only weight a few MB meanwhile a Audio track its bigger but the advantage of BD over HDDVD is space.

Actually, because Japan and America share the same region, it's not so clear cut. I haven't been following anime releases, but as far as movies go, American releases NEVER have Japanese subtitles because they don't want people in Japan importing them.
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Randall Miyashiro

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 12:20 am Reply with quote
Djshinnosuke wrote:

If anybody ask about with or without english, use logic... old series en blue ray HAVE or MUST have english on their realese, a subtitle track only weight a few MB meanwhile a Audio track its bigger but the advantage of BD over HDDVD is space.

This isn't a safe assumption since the decision goes beyond disc capacity. Even though English subtitles take very little data space on DVDs most Japanese standard definition DVDs don't have English subs. It is odd to note that Brave Story which had English subtitles on it's R2 DVD release didn't have subtitles on the Blu-Ray release.

It seems as though English subs/dubs are included on the Japanese Blu-ray releases if there are plans for a US release on BR, so they can get both countries discs with one pressing. Then DVD menus on the Blu-ray for Honneamise is in Japanese, and I'm pretty sure that it is from the exact same pressing as the Japanese Blu-ray. The same goes for the import Jin-roh which has the English tracks. I wonder if BVUSA is still planning on releaseing Patlabor on Blu-ray for the States.

I don't think Metropolis on Blu-ray has subs, but I believe Memories does, which I'm probably going to order later this month with my CDJapan end of the year coupon.
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