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Interview: Michael Sinterniklaas and Stephanie Sheh on Your Name

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Joined: 27 Aug 2011
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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2017 2:41 pm Reply with quote
Just wanted to add my appreciation for the wonderful dub by Stephanie and Michael and the whole cast. It's rare for me to like a dub version this much. And I look forward to buying the Dub release when it becomes available.
Watched both sub and dub in the theater and it was still a fantastic experience for both versions. Very Happy
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Joined: 16 Oct 2010
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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2017 4:54 pm Reply with quote
So I really, really love this interview. I didn't know they both directed and acted the leads so finding that out is super interesting. It makes me want to watch the movie again to notice those subtle things like recording at 4am lol. I love the chemistry between them and, yeah, definitely gotta watch again!
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John Thacker

Joined: 28 Oct 2013
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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2017 7:21 pm Reply with quote
Thanks for the interview, I enjoyed it quite a lot.

And to be honest, I think the dialect in the Japanese version, it's not really an accent, it's a way of saying things grammatically, expressions and stuff like that and we don't have enough of that in the English language regionally to effectively make that direct swap. So in anime it's always done with an accent. But whenever they substitute Southern for a Kansai-ben it always take me out of the show.

With Kansai-ben, there is an "accent" in the sense of changing sounds, but it's mostly in intonation. (That's as opposed to Tohoku-ben or Kagoshima-ben, which really do have different phonemes.) Also note that, as in every culture in the world, women tend to have less pronounced accents than men in Japan, at least when it comes to the really sort of unintelligible different sounds.

We actually do have quite a lot of different grammatical uses and expressions in American English, and certain of them persist in quite educated Southerners, for example, who otherwise don't have the characteristic vowel shifts and may not think that they sound Southern. A few examples given in Wolfram & Reaser include the double modal ("might could," "might should," etc.), the use of the progressive -ing form with stative verbs ("I was wanting to see the movie" instead of "I wanted to see the movie," or "She is liking that a whole lot" for "She likes that a whole lot"), and even a pattern of preferring (as the British do) the contraction of subject and be or have to the contraction of be and have with not when all appears. (Being more likely to use "He's not here" than "He isn't here," or "I've not seen the movie" rather than "I haven't seen the movie.") That's aside from the more recognizable ones that are more easily marked as uneducated, like the "I got me an X" or "I liketa [froze to death]" or "I done finished it."

It would be an interesting experience to see a dub done with my personal idiolect, which uses a lot of Southernisms (along with a few other Southern and NC distinct things, like pronouncing the "y" sound before "u" after "t" and "d" and "n" and distinguishing "cot" and "caught" while not distinguishing "pin" and "pen" in casual speech") yet still gets told that I "don't have an accent" because I don't have the vowel shifts and drawl people associate with Southern. You could do a dub entirely with a character with that voice; I'm not sure how much people would notice that it was supposed to be an accent, though.
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Joined: 24 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2017 8:09 pm Reply with quote
When it comes to Southernisms, I will stand and defend to death the use of y'all. There is no second person plural pronoun in English. That's just nonsensical. If I'm translating Spanish to English and come upon the second person plural pronoun 'ustedes' then what the heck do I use? "You" doesn't indicate plurality and "You all" doesn't come off the tongue well and looks stiff when written out.. It may seem redneck and uneducated, but y'all is the closest thing I have without using "ye" from Old English.
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Joined: 24 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2017 10:10 pm Reply with quote
Yeah... Mitsuha's accent was way too subtle. I found myself wondering during the movie why they didn't give her any kind of accent, and why they even removed the line where Taki's friend asked "What's with the dialect?"
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Joined: 05 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2017 2:56 am Reply with quote
I haven't seen the dub, but it was a fantastic film and an interesting interview. Looking forward to checking it out in English once the home release is available.
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PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2017 3:36 am Reply with quote
One reason that I want to see this movie, other the Shinkai hype, is because of Mike Sinterniklaas. Why him? He was Mahado/Dark Magician.
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Joined: 11 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2017 8:02 am Reply with quote
I saw the sub on a Delta flight and the dub in a theater, and IMO they did a solid job on the dub. Sounds like having these two direct each other was an ideal arrangement; the thinking behind how to read Taki-in-Mitsuha's losing the bike is an example of how that paid off.

Also, this was a really good interview.
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PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2017 12:41 am Reply with quote
Michael and Stephanie kick so much ass in the dubbing world. I always appreciate their countless hours of hard work in the business. : )

John Thacker wrote:
With Kansai-ben, there is an "accent" in the sense of changing sounds, but it's mostly in intonation. (That's as opposed to Tohoku-ben or Kagoshima-ben, which really do have different phonemes.)

Indeed. Kind of like how Ebisumaru from Ganbare Goemon and Tentomon from Digimon say "Goemon-han" and "Koshiro-han" respectively when talking to Goemon and Izzy, rather than the standard "-san" honorific.
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PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2017 7:44 am Reply with quote
I don't really watch dubs these days, but this was fascinating to read. I knew that the lead parts were challenging in that two people had to play each other for long stretches of time, but them actually directing each other sounds really novel. I'm kind of curious about the dub now, though I doubt I'd hear the accent, since I'm terrible in distinguishing US accents aside from really strong New York and Boston ones as well as a broad "Southern" category. Couldn't hear any accent in the trailer.

belvadeer wrote:
John Thacker wrote:
With Kansai-ben, there is an "accent" in the sense of changing sounds, but it's mostly in intonation. (That's as opposed to Tohoku-ben or Kagoshima-ben, which really do have different phonemes.)

Indeed. Kind of like how Ebisumaru from Ganbare Goemon and Tentomon from Digimon say "Goemon-han" and "Koshiro-han" respectively when talking to Goemon and Izzy, rather than the standard "-san" honorific.
I don't think that's what John Thacker was referring to at all. It looks like he was talking about pitch accent differences. Besides, even in Kansai pretty much nobody says "-han" instead of "-san" nowadays, at least outside of times when they're playing up the dialect for humorous effect. The negative ending "-hen" (derived from "-sen") is alive and well though.
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PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2017 10:41 am Reply with quote
vonPeterhof wrote:
I don't think that's what John Thacker was referring to at all. It looks like he was talking about pitch accent differences. Besides, even in Kansai pretty much nobody says "-han" instead of "-san" nowadays, at least outside of times when they're playing up the dialect for humorous effect. The negative ending "-hen" (derived from "-sen") is alive and well though.

It was the only example I could think of, so excuse me. Ebisumaru did have a strange Kansai accent whenever he talked in voiced Goemon games, at least, but I understood it was done to make him sound sillier than the rest of the cast.
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PostPosted: Sun May 14, 2017 2:55 am Reply with quote
pleezer007 wrote:
Just wanted to add my appreciation for the wonderful dub by Stephanie and Michael and the whole cast. It's rare for me to like a dub version this much. And I look forward to buying the Dub release when it becomes available.
Watched both sub and dub in the theater and it was still a fantastic experience for both versions. Very Happy

amen to that . hopefully this will end the dub/sub debate for this movie at least cause both versions are a must watch, though the dub admittedly put a lot more umph in the performance , and i know i am gonna get some hate for this , but i would reckon and not be surprised if both of them get end of year vocal honors for this movie.
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Joined: 08 May 2014
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PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2017 3:57 am Reply with quote
I think another reason Zac wanted to interview these folks is in part because he is friends with them. I would like to see Stephanie on ANNCast again.
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