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Question about censorship in hentai anime.

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Joined: 01 Apr 2016
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 2:57 am Reply with quote
I know that hentai is censored because of the laws in japan, but i was wondering about something related to this censorship.

Considering animation is censored, by looking at things logically, the animators would put minimal effort or not draw completely the hidden parts because nobody would be able to see them.

And yes, in the past, as it is the case with a lot of animations at the time licensing was prolific, there was a tendency to not put effort into the privates even if it didn't matched the rest of the picture, which sometimes resulted in basic shapes. The reason was that the animation was going to be censored. But since at this period licensing was still a possibility, they may also have drawn it with that on their mind, and animation with more efforts regarding this existed too.

The strange thing is since the licensing of hentai anime has decreased dramatically and several companies don't license anymore their animations or refuse to do it, it should be expected that they would put even less effort than before or no effort at all. Given the fact the companies wouldn't have to consider the possibility of licensing (so no uncensored version would be published).

But surprisingly, some animations from companies who don't want to license their titles or claiming they will not license them anymore have a completely different tendency and are completely detailled. For example it could be seen in a rare samples of taimanin asagi from a magazine (comic unreal) where it was published in completely uncensored state (by mistake or deliberately). The producer pixy is seemingly not interested by licenses, they don't even answer foreign editors about their titles. The same could also be in eroge too.

It's contrary to common sense, so i was wondering what could be the reason to do that. What's the point? It would have make sense in the past when licensing was active, but not when the companies are not considering the licensing possibility Rolling Eyes
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Joined: 07 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 10:41 am Reply with quote
It's a point of pride, really. Some artists put a lot of work into learning to draw proper genitalia so damn it they're going to draw them right!

There's a rant in Koe de Oshigoto about this. I'll post it later when I find it.
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Jose Cruz

Joined: 20 Nov 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 4:36 pm Reply with quote
If you learned how to draw the human body with all its parts it can be harder to draw it consciously excluding of modifying some parts. Because you already draw it unconsciously from your training.
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