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Unexpected Reactions to Your Favorite Series.

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Richard J.

Joined: 11 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2007 12:31 am Reply with quote
I was lurking on AnimeOnDVD's forums and came across a thread on unexpected reactions people had gotten when they got someone to watch their favorite series. It wasn't much of a thread, but it struck me as a good topic for discussion so I thought I'd bring it to this forum. (Thread piracy. It's a new low for me but what the heck.)

So, have you ever gotten someone to watch one of your favorite series and been surprised by their reaction?

Personally, about the only person I've ever shown an anime to is my sister, and I can generally figure out what her reaction will be ahead of time. Hence why it came as no surprise to me that she failed to enjoy Koi Kaze as much as I had. (She's my older sister. I have no younger sister. I'm not creepy. Really.)

Only really unexpected reaction I've gotten from her was when I showed her Ikki Tousen, which isn't exactly a top 10 for me but one I do like. I expected her to be bothered by the excessive fanservice but she actually enjoyed the series a lot. She really liked the plot, such as it was, and she really liked the characters. She's even bought PVCs of the them. I guess that's the magic of Geneon's English dub.
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Joined: 18 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2007 12:59 am Reply with quote
The first time I ever showed Mind Game to my friends, I was super nervous. After all, it's certainly not a typical anime and I had no idea how they would react. I invited two fellow artists who were casual anime fans and one of my Japanese friends over to my apartment and made a little party out of it, and after the movie they all told me how amazing they thought it was. I ended up making copies for everybody (I'm a bad person, mods, I know) and one of them bought the R2 for himself. He now pimps Mind Game harder than anyone I know--even me! This was about two years ago, and I've since shown the film to almost every animator I know, always with very positive reactions.

A few weeks ago I was watching Anne of Green Gables and my fiance sat down to join me. He normally makes fun of almost all anime, unless it's super-ultra artsy and experimental, so I expected him to begin with the "Oh! There's the eye jiggle!" speeches again. Surprisingly, he got WAY into it, and even went so far as to buy the live-action Canadian Anne of Green Gables Trilogy Box Set afterward, because he just couldn't get enough Anne. (And let's not even begin to get into his resulting crush on Megan Follows...)

This same person, though, kept complaining about TokiKake after the Los Angeles screening, saying how it was a carbon-copy of Groundhog Day and the ending was too cliche. I was really surprised he didn't like it because I thought it was a wonderful film. Not the greatest, but certainly better than he was making it out to be.
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Joined: 03 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2007 1:06 am Reply with quote
The only series I remember that got unexpected feedback was Infinite Ryvius. Most people I've talked to who have seen the series have said that it was superb.(even those who normally don't like this kind of thing) That's why it surprised me when someone actually said that it was predictable and boring. I guess the series could be boring at times(though he finds any sort of drama boring) Really don't know where he got predictable from, though, since the series does have several twists and turns.
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Joined: 10 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2007 2:10 am Reply with quote
I remember during the summer of 05 when I was hosting a Japanese student I showed him Paranoia Agent since he had never heard of it. I thought he would think it was weird but he really liked it and thought it was intersting. Last year when I went to Japan I brought my Outlaw Star box set because I just bought it and asked my host brother if he had seen it. He had never heard of it so I was worried he wouldn't like it since it is old. Turns out he loved it and thought it was one of the best anime he had ever seen. He loved "through the night" and couldn't stop listening to it on my ipod lol. It is amazing that there is anime so popular here that all the fans know but over in Japan most people have never even heard of those anime.
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Redbeard 101
Oscar the Grouch
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PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2007 3:38 am Reply with quote
Ok, I'm a guy. I am therefore pre-disposed to like hot chicks, explosions, guns, car chases, big guns, comedy involving said big guns and explosions, plus really creepy bloody shows. My friends are even more pre-disposed for this. When we watch stuff it's zany comedy, dark, or has lots of action. Titles like You're Under Arrest, City Hunter, Fatal Fury, Basalisk, Hare+Guu, Excel Saga, Boogie Pop Phantom, Requiem from the Darkness, and Godannar. I love a good drama and tear jerker but I tend to avoid that with them. On a whim I brought over some drama titles to see what would happen. I was not prepared for the 2 hour discussion we had about life and death after watching Haibane Renmei. Shocked I was equally surprised when they wanted more like it, serious shows, and watched Kino's Journey, Mermaid's Forest, and Midori Days. I was blown away when they liked them. It seems that my anime helped them show their more personal side, aint that special awwwwww Wink

I was also surprised when my father, while I was on a x-mas break from college, wanted to borrow and watch Gunparade March and Gasaraki from me after seeing them in my bag. I figure since he likes sci-fi and space titles I'd show him Planetes, Crest/Banner of the Stars, and Captain Harlock next.
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Joined: 31 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2007 5:16 am Reply with quote
I once watched Elfen Lied with a friend. She first asked what's with the nudity, but she forgot about that afterwards. She became really interested, but mostly because of the science aspect of the anime. She started doing research about Elfen Lied so she can understand the plot better. What surprised me is that she doesn't watch anime at all before this, then after Elfen Lied she started to watch anime regularly - although she only liked series with a scientific theme.
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2007 7:43 am Reply with quote
I actually recently lent the first disk of Princess Tutu to someone who had borrowed several of my Disney movies and other animated/family movies and is also someone I perform with in dance for musicals/plays and I thought this would be up her alley. She didn't even finish it and told me anime wasn't her thing. I was seriously bewildered. How do you NOT love Princess Tutu?
I won't probably try to lend my anime to anyone again since clearly I am alone in my anime love here. Crying or Very sad
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Joined: 13 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2007 3:11 pm Reply with quote
Depending on my friends...If they are guys are I tell them to watch like a romance/comedy anime then their reactions to the end be like "It S*CKED~!"
If I show it to my female friends then they'll be like "I cried, got any more that's like this?" Glab I have female friends Rolling Eyes Smile
I told my friends before to watch BECK and boy...did their tastes change, next morning everyone wants to make a band :S
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Joined: 19 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2007 6:16 pm Reply with quote
Well I love all genres of shows and anime but I do know that not all my friends do, but when I met my friend Alven he seemed the type that liked more mainstream or at least it has to be violent and action packed, not to mention he wasn't a huge anime person at the time (thanks to me he's a CONVERT!! YES, #278 on my list), but last year I went to his house and saw he was a fansubber on certain shows (Hunter X Hunter, Bleach etc...) and I saw Peach Girl on there. That really freaked me out to see that, so I took the liberty of going and getting NANA, Paradise Kiss, Ouran and Haruhi Suzumiya for him and he went berserk in how much he loved these shows. That was a shock to see him love it so much, he's a HUGE fan Haruhi and Ouran and loves Paradise Kiss to the point of making me watch it with him when he saw it on my computer as I was about to delete it and his obsesion with NANA is kind of creepy, but none-the-less, his preferences in genre are way higher than I thought.
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Joined: 03 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2007 10:43 pm Reply with quote
I just remembered a couple more. These are more positive reactions.

I recommended Romeo x Juliet to a friend. I really didn't expect him to like it(he's more of a comedy fan), but he told me the day after that it was an amazing series.

Another friend watched Code Geass. He really didn't like Gundam SEED, so I was kinda surprised when he ended up talking about the series everyday for two weeks.
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