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[Semi-OT] Remaking Final Fantasy VII

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Joined: 01 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 4:32 pm Reply with quote
Final Fantasy VII is a very popular game, even now, almost ten years after its release. I did not play this game until very recently, and I enjoyed it immensely. I just wish that the graphics could have been better, and that it could have been on the Nintendo 64 rather than the Playstation.

I recently saw Final Fantasy: Advent Children, the sequel to this awesome game, and I was very impressed by the graphics of that movie. This has led me to desire a remake of the original game for the Playstation 3. FFVII would simply be awesome with the level of graphics that that console can produce.

If the game were to be remade, I would have several requests to make of Sqaure-Enix, the company that created it.

First, I would like the game to allow you to have a maximum of four members in your party at once, instead of three, since the vast majority of RPG's follow this pattern. It would make the game much more interesting and allow for more exciting battles.

Secondly, since the game would undoubtedly have voice-acting, I would like to request that the original Japanese audio track be included in the game, since I prefer all Japanese movies/television series/video games to be in their native language.

Thirdly, I would definitely appreciate it if the translation was better, since there were some bad translation errors in the original version of the game.

Fourth, I would like the game to be on more systems than just the Playstation 3, since prefer Nintendo over Sony and Microsoft.

On a side note, I believe that Sephiroth, my favorite character from that game, is not truly an evil person. He was being controlled by Jenova, who made him do all the terrible things that he did. I predict that if Sephiroth ever appears in future Final Fantasy games, it will be as a hero, and as a playable character, since he has never been a playable character before.

What does everyone else have to say on this subject? Who else would like to see a remake of FFVII?

[EDIT: While not directly related to anime, there was an anime version. And since FFVII is pretty popular in itself anyway, I guess there's no harm in letting this stay for now. -TK]
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Joined: 23 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 4:36 pm Reply with quote
Well the Rumor is that it is being remade because of the Demo at E3 and on the Best Buy website you can preorder FF7 for the PS3 i dunno if they took it off but it was being sold for 59.99$. [EDIT][hehe my bad i read something wrong][EDIT] Any way its Highly possible that they will remake it and its probably only going to be for PS3 or it may later launch for another system. Of course they will do better on the translation.

Last edited by SoljaFeJah on Thu Jun 15, 2006 11:46 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 4:43 pm Reply with quote
SoljaFeJah wrote:

What spoilers? Where did I spoil any of the story?
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Joined: 13 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 5:23 pm Reply with quote
So far there is no planned release. Square Enix doesn't want to commit over or about 200 developpers on the project which is said to be the number of people required to remake FF VII if i'm not mistaken. The first remake you'll be able to see would be FF VIII if i'm also not mistaken.

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Joined: 30 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 9:59 pm Reply with quote
As much as I'd love to see it done I don't think it's gonna happen. The Demo at E3 was just to show off what the PS3 was capable of doing. And there was some version of the Advent Children movie or something that was supposed to have a playable version of FFVII on it, or something like that if I remember right. They have said flat out many times that they don't have any plans to redo the game.

And they can't change it like you're wanting. If they did do that then it wouldn't be FFVII anymore it would just be something like X2 was. If your going to remake it, you don't change what made the game so good. I don't see how adding a fourth person would make the battles better, I think it would have made it worse. When you were planning your parties you had to be very selective about who you added, and make sure that you had a good balance team.

I doubt we'll ever see that happen on this game, thats more time and money they'd have to invest on something that already costs them a boat load of money. And while i'm sure that there are a few people who would use that feature i'm betting the bigger chunk wouldn't really care and just play it with the english turned on like normal.

Translation errors are something your going to get any time something is translated, a lot of words in Japanese have multiple meanings and what works for the guy sitting and doing the translations for the game might not work for the person sitting at home playing it.

I doubt you'll see a game on the 360 on this generation of systems. The 360 was a huge tank in Japan, and thats where Square/Enix sells most of their games. The nintendo is the biggest selling system there so it's not surprising that they are gonna be developing games for the Wii. They reason you don't see multiports is that each console is vasty different in the way it handles it's code so you can't just cut and past into each one, you have to make major modifications when going from one to the other.

Sephiroth was evil, pure and simple. My hate for him will never fade. After what he did to spoiler[Aeris] he can burn in whatever hell he's in. I predict that if Sephiroth ever appears in any other game I will find some way to put a sword in his gut. [/spoiler]
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Joined: 23 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 11:48 pm Reply with quote

Hmmm....yeaaaaa....Can someone please explain this?

Thats what im talking about. You see, its for preorder on Best Buy For the PlayStation3. I would expect there to be FF7 on the PS3 dont worry..
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 12:24 am Reply with quote
DemonDragonJ wrote:
What spoilers? Where did I spoil any of the story?

Here: spoiler[He was being controlled by Jenova, who made him do all the terrible things that he did.]

I wouldn't be surprised if they remade FF7. And I hope if they do remake it, they don't just improve the graphics & audio. 4 player parties and adjustable difficulty levels would be a nice start.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 12:28 am Reply with quote
SoljaFeJah wrote:
1 or 2 of 3 things.
1) BestBuy knows something that the everyone else doesn't.
2) BestBuy loves yanking your chain.
3) BestBuy thought they saw something about Final Fantasy 7 being released for the PS 3 and went with it.

Take your pick, but chances are it's number 3 and a hair of 2. SquareEnix said it not going to happen right away, so let's just take their word on it.
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Joined: 23 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 12:46 am Reply with quote
Ataru wrote:
SoljaFeJah wrote:
1 or 2 of 3 things.
1) BestBuy knows something that the everyone else doesn't.
2) BestBuy loves yanking your chain.
3) BestBuy thought they saw something about Final Fantasy 7 being released for the PS 3 and went with it.

Take your pick, but chances are it's number 3 and a hair of 2. SquareEnix said it not going to happen right away, so let's just take their word on it.

Yes but this is a common thing I have seen this situation with a nother game but I forgot which one. But i do know that Wallmart has done this More than once, I check in with gaming sites for news and I have seen wallmart do this I think they did it with the Xbox 360 like when it was first shown at E3 or something like that I cant remember.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 12:46 am Reply with quote
RDespair wrote:
I wouldn't be surprised if they remade FF7. And I hope if they do remake it, they don't just improve the graphics & audio. 4 player parties and adjustable difficulty levels would be a nice start.

I imagine if it was remade at this point, and given the direction that SE is taking the FF games, it'd probably be done in the style of FFXII and XIII, you know action RPGs instead of traditional. Anyway, as far as Best Buy taking preorders, I agree with Ataru, it's likely that Best Buy had heard something and decided to go with it, because I would imagine that if the game was being remade that other companies, like GameStop, would also be offering pre-orders on it, since it's way too big of a title not too, though I'd have to say that taking pre-orders (or making a pre-order) on something that hasn't even been officially announced yet is a bit on the foolish side...
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Joined: 06 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 1:03 am Reply with quote
This would be one of the most awesome things to happen. if square-enix does remake FFVII for the PS3, then i believe many more people would buy the system then if they weren't.

Sephiroth is evil , but is still such a badass, and you could have four party members in FFIX
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 3:13 am Reply with quote
"We have confirmed that Final Fantasy XIII is in development, but have NOT confirmed a FF7 remake at any time. The remake has been a popular subject for rumors, but that's all they are. Obviously the Best Buy listing was made in error"

So says SquEnix as quoted on IGN's website in one of their articles.

As of right now, there are no plans to remake FFVII , and as far as I can tell, future plans to make one have neither been confirmed nor denied. In my opinion though, SE would be missing out on a very big chance to make some money by not remaking the game. If there ever was one, it would probably not be released until 2009 at earliest, as right now, SE would want to focus on selling FFXIII and its little spinoffs.

On the subject of SE remakes.....and I'm suprised I have not seen this mentioned anywhere (I have looked at least).....what series has been seeing remakes on Nintendo's handhelds? There being so many of them too, if the remakes were to be continued (though, it would not be on a Nintendo system), what game number would be next? Also, the thought of remakes is not exactly new to SE, as Valkyrie Profile got one on the PSP, and a sequel on the PS2.

Anyways, the PSP will soon be able to run PS1 titles. I can't remember if it was through downloading or running the original disk, but if it is downloading, it would be the perfect way to "test the water" by seeing how many people download FF7 and are still interested in it (though I'm guessing that number would be massive).

Of course, this is all "educated guessing" on my part, I could be very very wrong, but I still think that it would be a HUGE waste to not get tons of money from a FF7 remake.......and I'd prey that the Japanese voices were there if it ever did get made.....
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 3:20 am Reply with quote
this as been on the rumor mill since the days of ps2 pre release hype.
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Abarenbo Shogun

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 3:35 am Reply with quote
SoljaFeJah wrote:

Hmmm....yeaaaaa....Can someone please explain this?

Thats what im talking about. You see, its for preorder on Best Buy For the PlayStation3. I would expect there to be FF7 on the PS3 don't worry..

Oh come on, many places had pre-orders for FFVII: Advent Children in Septemeber 2005 before Squenix decided to delay the damn thing till early this year.

Just because Best Buy has it listed, doesn't mean it's final.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 3:37 am Reply with quote
There's no way FF7 or any similar long games with memory-intensive cinematic scenes could have been on the N64...cartridges were great for speed, but they could only hold so much.
And I must ask, aside from the connection to FF7: AC, is this related to anime at all??
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