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Joined: 15 Oct 2007
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Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 8:37 pm
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Joined: 11 Feb 2010
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Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 8:39 pm
It's funny; this has always been one of my dream projects, and now, it's becoming a reality. Sounds good to me; here's hoping it's a movie!
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Joined: 02 Jul 2004
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Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 8:44 pm
Now... That's interesting. I bet they gonna set the timeline in 20xx compare to the original. Oh, glorious CG!
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Joined: 05 Oct 2011
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Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:20 pm
All I can say is YES YES YES!
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Great Rumbler
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Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:26 pm
Live action? I never asked for this.
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Joined: 02 Oct 2005
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Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 11:11 pm
btw, Patlabor is my favorite Anime franchise.
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Joined: 03 Apr 2011
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Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 11:50 pm
Is there any chance that this won't be execrable?
I haven't seen a live-action anime adaptation that didn't make a SyFy channel original movie look like a high-budget Hollywood film by comparison; sometimes when I try to sleep at night the horror that is the GTO & Death Note live action adaptations keep me up at night.
I have this fear that this project will be done almost entirely with CG. Hollywood movies use a great deal of CG, by and large, and it looks like crap. Realism and the suspension of disbelief go right out the window. The problem I forsee is that Japanese CG looks even worse, as anyone who has seen Appleseed, Starship Troopers:Invasion, Vexile etc can attest. Could you imagine combining that CG with live action; that would look atrocious!
My hope is that they'll use real props and effects primarily, using only the CG to accent them and make them better, as did Inception. The cheesy, horrid looks of the CG aside, CG will bring down the acting, as anyone who saw the Star Wars prequels (or the Red Letter Media reviews of them) knows all too well. However, since Hollywood itself hasn't adapted to that ideal I have no hope for this. Animation studios, Gonzo coming to mind first & foremost, have yet to master merging CG with traditional 2d animation.
On the other hand, Japan did construct a large Gundam statue. Perhaps they could pull this off without employing the eyesore that is gaudy, poorly blended, low detail CG. Though I won't be holding my breath
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 12:02 am
Live-action manga/anime adaptations are usually poor but almost always entertaining. Mecha is very easy to screw up in live-action, but what they really need to concentrate on is casting, because Patlabor has a cast of colorful, memorable characters... well, except Shinshi. They should get people who can bring the characters to life, but without being as hammy as the actors they usually cast in these adaptations.
I wonder if this'll be like G-Saviour and we'll see about three minutes of bad CGI for the mecha parts.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 2:06 am
So that's why the recent revival. Japan has been getting their own nostalgia kick like the US has.
Anyways.......... Labors in rubber suits!
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Joined: 02 Oct 2005
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Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 2:10 am
I agree that live action anime adaptions usually aren't very good, but as a Patlabor fan, there are a few reasons why I'm excited:
1) There wasn't anything new made in 11 years, to the point that at the start of the year it felt like Patlabor was a dead franchise. Now with the announcement of this and the BD R1 Releases new blood has suddenly been injected into the franchise.
2) There's a very good chance Mamoru Oshii will be directing. This is really a dream situation -- that the person most synonymous with Patablor also has a great deal of experience directing live action. More experience than any anime director ever, actually. Granted his live-action work hasn't been up to par, but with their emphasis on CGI they've basically served as an ideal training ground for Patlabor.
3) This live action film could parlay itself into more new material, like an OVA, series, etc.
Again, not expecting anything great here. Best-case scenario we're probably looking at something like the live-action Space Battleship Yamato. But what really helps Patlabor is that it has never really been about the mecha or the battles. In fact no iteration of the franchise has ever focused on that. The main focus has always been on the characters, humor, corporate environment, and politics. It's not like Gundam or Yamato where you're expecting epic space battles or coming out disappointed. The Patlabors could be in action for only 10 minutes and it could play out like Bayside Shakedown and that'd still be par for the course for the franchise.
Last edited by ShaolinWolf on Thu Mar 21, 2013 2:53 am; edited 6 times in total
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Joined: 21 Aug 2005
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Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 2:30 am
I'm excited about it cause it's about time we see something new from the Patlabor series. While usually most live action movies based on anime wouldn't have the same appeal as their counterpart, I have however seen some film adaptions that were good. And despite what the CG haters(no offense) have to say about the special effects that we're yet to see from this film, I am all in for a live action film with a great deal of CG if that is the film staff's approach to this film. While I do admit that CG has been used to a point where it's nothing out of the ordinary, but at times it can be appealing to look at if it's done professionally.
I'm not hoping for this film to be a hit but I do hope that it will be as entertaining as the anime was. I also hope that Noa Izumi will be played by an actress who is cute looking.
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Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 2:54 am
It'd be a dream project if they manage to get kazunori Ito to write the scripts along with oshii directing, their unique combination, especially in the Ovas, is what I think makes this so endearing.
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Joined: 03 Apr 2011
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Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 3:47 pm
E-Master wrote: | ...And despite what the CG haters(no offense) have to say about the special effects that we're yet to see from this film, I am all in for a live action film with a great deal of CG if that is the film staff's approach to this film. While I do admit that CG has been used to a point where it's nothing out of the ordinary, but at times it can be appealing to look at if it's done professionally. |
When isn't CG in such a production done professionally? Asked another way, what "reputable" Japanese/Western production have you seen that used CG produced by amateurs? Moreover, what production have you seen, particularly live action, that had scenes featuring CG that didn't look horrendous, especially from Japan?
I despise CG firstly because it looks horrible & does not blend with the live action/2d animation when used as the primary means to create an effect and secondly because it is often used to create effects that can, and previously were, done much better by other means. As such, I'd cut the Patlabor film some slack if the CG didn't look too terrible as having robot action elsewise would be difficult.
However, the CG + live action would have to have some decency to it; I'm talking much better than Hollywood CG lows like Wolverine:Origins. Unfortunately, the lamentable CG of Wolverine:Origins would be a masterpiece for Japanese CG.
E-Master wrote: | I'm not hoping for this film to be a hit but I do hope that it will be as entertaining as the anime was. I also hope that Noa Izumi will be played by an actress who is cute looking. |
If the film isn't a hit, what message will that send? If Noa Izumi were played by an attractive actress it would break with the image of her that the anime established. It'd be like making Ota look like Golgo 13.
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Joined: 21 Aug 2005
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Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 4:37 pm
Echo_City wrote: |
When isn't CG in such a production done professionally? Asked another way, what "reputable" Japanese/Western production have you seen that used CG produced by amateurs? Moreover, what production have you seen, particularly live action, that had scenes featuring CG that didn't look horrendous, especially from Japan?
I despise CG firstly because it looks horrible & does not blend with the live action/2d animation when used as the primary means to create an effect and secondly because it is often used to create effects that can, and previously were, done much better by other means. As such, I'd cut the Patlabor film some slack if the CG didn't look too terrible as having robot action elsewise would be difficult.
However, the CG + live action would have to have some decency to it; I'm talking much better than Hollywood CG lows like Wolverine:Origins. Unfortunately, the lamentable CG of Wolverine:Origins would be a masterpiece for Japanese CG.
I was trying to make a staement that not all CG films are regarded as awful. I have seen some films that had very convincing CG even to the point where I can't tell what is CG and what isn't. That's what I call good CG. When it comes to bad CG, I'm talking about the kind that doesn't look like it belongs in the live action enviroment, such as "Reptilian", "Python", and the Timothy Hines directed "War of the Worlds". If I'm not making any point to this staement then I'll just drop it cause I hate being involved in CG sucks/no it isn't arguements.
Quote: |
If the film isn't a hit, what message will that send? If Noa Izumi were played by an attractive actress it would break with the image of her that the anime established. It'd be like making Ota look like Golgo 13. |
I would love for it to be a hit if it's going to be really good. And I didn't meant "swimsuit" attractive I ment "cute-for-a-tomboy" attractive.
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Joined: 03 Apr 2011
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Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:42 pm
Quote: | I was trying to make a staement that not all CG films are regarded as awful. |
Is it possible for a live action film to have some CG and not look like crap & ruin the immersion because of it? Yes, as Inception proved. It's even been proven possible for a live action film to have a lot of CG and not ruin the immersion by looking horrible, and I'd have to give I, Robot as an example of that.
However, there are many, many more live action Hollywood movies that we could come up with that have horrid CG. It's rare that they get it right. The Japanese have, to my knowledge, never gotten it right: their CG looks atrocious in any medium in which I've seen it, be it anime, live action or a 100% CG feature. They've also yet to really master live-action productions in general (ie:regardless of CG fx), and this coming from someone (me) who saw Gantz in theaters.
My point is that I know of no basis for the hope that this movie won't be crap in virtually every category. If you know of some Japanese production that gives hope something to stand on, please, don't keep it to yourself.
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