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NEWS: Square-Enix Reports 5.7-Billion-Yen Loss in April-December

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Joined: 07 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 12:34 am Reply with quote
Can't say I'm surprised. They've produced nothing but crap these past 4 or so years. The downfall started with Enix... Look at this week's XPlay for a rundown.

RIP, FF9. I love you so much still! And 8! And 10! And 7!
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Joined: 25 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 12:57 am Reply with quote

I there any downfall, Enix ended up losing, beloved franchises ruined.

Now as SE issues, thats what you get when you try to westernize jrpgs in hopes to appeal to th wrong western fans that have never ever liked jrpgs anyway (bioware, bathesda fans), thus the result is that you are trying to win the wrong crowd and ditching their western jrpg lovers well establish fanbase.

Many western fans loved jrpgs for a reason, and now some japanese rpg studios are trying to imitate western elements that dont go well with jrpgs at all.

You dont please the wrpg fans, and disappoint the established jrpg western and local(japanese) fanbase Lose-lose-lose situation, so not surprised.

SE has tried to revitalize rpgs by westernizing them = WRONG! (other company that has tried it is Level 5 i.e WKC) You need to innovate within the boundaries of japanese elements = i.e ATLUS.

Lets not forget also, that the really talented creative minds that gave Square so much prestige in the past have been long gone.

Last edited by dan9999 on Thu Feb 07, 2013 1:05 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 1:02 am Reply with quote
I'm impressed it's only went that low after FFXIV. Can't say I'm worried really, Enix would have to post a loss for 2-3 years straight before I even began to be concerned.
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Joined: 20 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 1:08 am Reply with quote
square merged with enix some 10 years ago [apparently they were thinking about it since 2000], I don't think the decline is their fault...
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Joined: 09 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 1:25 am Reply with quote
Maybe they will start to consider making that FF VII remake now. Twisted Evil
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Joined: 23 Sep 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 1:26 am Reply with quote
mewpudding101 wrote:
Look at this week's XPlay for a rundown.

>_> Because XPlay is a paragon of gaming information. The guys who said Oblivion was better than any JRPG ever made and have a clear bias against Japanese games Nah, don't think I will.

Sleeping Dogs was a huge failure


I hope getting into American games don't bite them in the butt. Tomb Raider isn't the most prestegious franchise to throw your chips into with how much that series gets rebooted and remade every other year x_x
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Industry Insider

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 2:40 am Reply with quote
simona.com wrote:
square merged with enix some 10 years ago [apparently they were thinking about it since 2000], I don't think the decline is their fault...

I meant the decline in the quality of their games. And credibility.
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Joined: 05 May 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:44 am Reply with quote
It has nothing to with the merge. Here is why they are faltering
- FF creator Hironbou Sakaguichi left (most of Mist walkers stuff is better than anything SE put out in that period)
- for some reason they bought Eidos, a company that their fan base pretty much wants nothing to do with
- they do know how to stop the bleeding or read the signs on the wall, and continue to prolong what is easily the worst FF sub series in 13, and it doesnt help 14 was a major failure as well
- they dont release the games people want KH 3, FF Versus, and the FF 7 remake
- the games people want they dont release outside of Japan, ever heard of Bravely Default
- the rerrelease the same game 100 times, how many releases do FF IV and VI have, by my count close to 10 combined

I honestly can remember the last great Square Enix game, maybe KH 2 or FF 12, ps2 era games. And best original title is KH way back in the day. Then again none of the Gods of Old have fared well; Konami and Capcom all but shelved BOF and Suikoden. Tales is big in Japan but only occasionally says hello stateside.

Atlus and NIS are the only ones still standing, with Persona and Disgaea being one of the few series that the titles are still solid in. (Tales are great too, but like I said they dont make it here often enough)
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:32 am Reply with quote
I suspect their biggest seller this year would be that other woman - Lara Croft.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:36 am Reply with quote
CrownKlown wrote:
- they do know how to stop the bleeding or read the signs on the wall, and continue to prolong what is easily the worst FF sub series in 13,

That would be 9, actually. 13 was one of the most successful entries.

the rerrelease the same game 100 times, how many releases do FF IV and VI have, by my count close to 10 combined

So you criticize them for this, yet demand an FFVII remake. So which is it, re-releases and ports are bad or good?

Atlus and NIS are the only ones still standing, with Persona and Disgaea being one of the few series that the titles are still solid in. (Tales are great too, but like I said they don't make it here often enough)

You realize even the worst selling FF sells better than the best selling Atlus or NIS RPG, right? Those two companies are not really good examples to use since Square already does better than them.

The only real true point you made is Eidos. I'm not sure why they got into bed with them. Sleeping Dogs was indeed a massive flop and Tomb Raider and Hitman have never exactly been A-tier name brands.

As for recent great games they put out are, well, Kingdom Hearts 3D last year. I'm not into Kingdom Hearts much myself but for those that are there's that. Then you have Terry's Wonderland and Bravely Default last year as well. No, just because they probably wont be released in the US doesn't change the fact they're great games. JRPGs aren't exactly as popular as they were in the 90s with this current generation of gamers so I can't exactly fault them for being cautious. Actually that's probably why they joined up with Eidos. American gamers can go for those games while Japanese gamers can play with all the JRPGs they make. Oh, there's also Dragon Quest X last year as well, though I haven't played that one myself, but it looks interesting. But no, I wouldn't count on that coming over either since America's never been as big into Dragon Quest as Japan has.
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The Count

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:40 am Reply with quote
CrownKlown wrote:
It has nothing to with the merge. Here is why they are faltering
- for some reason they bought Eidos, a company that their fan base pretty much wants nothing to do with

There are a few points in your argument I don't quite agree with but I find this point flat out silly. Square Enix realizes that if they wish to be a major studio/publisher they can't limit themselves to niche JRPG's like NIS. You have to realize this isn't they PS1 era anymore. As far as console games go western developed games have more influence than Japanese developed games. The mind set of Japanese gamers have also changed where they no longer feel the to buy consoles but instead play games on mobile devices.

And as far as their fan base not wanting anything to do with Eidos, you do know that Dues Ex was a hit, Hitman thus far has sold well over 1 mill copies and while Wada has said Sleeping Dogs hasn't sold at the rate he expected he still believes it will become one of their core franchises.
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Joined: 20 Oct 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 12:51 pm Reply with quote
I miss good game play, please bring back to your titles get creative again!

but that is wishful thinking.
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Joined: 30 Aug 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 2:25 pm Reply with quote
They deserve that--serves them right
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Joined: 20 Mar 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 3:07 pm Reply with quote
Catseyetiger wrote:
I miss good game play, please bring back to your titles get creative again!

but that is wishful thinking.

And old graphics, bring them back too! New graphics are very unimaginative and "realistic", they have no enchanting charm to them. I remember playing the old Tomb Raider games (up till Angel of Darkness, that was the last good one for me)
Dem old days
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Joined: 21 May 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:15 pm Reply with quote
CrownKlown wrote:

the rerrelease the same game 100 times, how many releases do FF IV and VI have, by my count close to 10 combined

So you criticize them for this, yet demand an FFVII remake. So which is it, re-releases and ports are bad or good?

I agree with the original quote. I'm tired of the same games getting remade because they really don't need it. FFVIII has aged well for example and FFVI and under have beautiful graphics anyway. VII just needs an update/overhaul. If you don't like what they've done with VII the last few years you can always play the original.

I do agree overall that since XII (and I put down XII and never finished it... didn't get further than maybe 3 hours into XIII)... I haven't loved loved loved a FF game. I did like KH: BBS because it was close to what I was looking for since KH2, but I don't care for the spin off titles like ReCoded at all.

Oh, and Enix just needs to do their own thing again. I loved SO4 btw (although the characters were lackluster compared to 1 and 2... I loved the exploration but not the plot/characters much..). I never picked up VP:CotP because it's a tactics game, which I don't play often (which is why I couldn't get into Disgaea although I'm sure it's amazing). I thought VP had a fine battle system the way it was.
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