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INTEREST: Mass Effect Prequel Anime's Designs Previewed

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Joined: 19 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 9:48 pm Reply with quote
It's great, seeing that this'll be more traditionally animated instead of in a CG style like Vexille or Appleseed. And also, the character designer for Eureka Seven, Kenichi Yoshida, is really involved? That's pretty sweet, though I don't think I would've guessed it by just looking at the character designs they've shown thus far... guess I'll have to wait for the female character specs, even Asari, to appear in order for me to say "Now this looks like Eureka Seven." Smile The female designs have always stuck with me more, I guess.
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Joined: 25 Jan 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:34 am Reply with quote
I feel pretty confident that Production I.G. will go a great job with the animation. Based on some of the backgrounds they were showing in the preview, one can see that they're filled with a lot of detail. I've never played the games, nor do I know much about overall story, but if the storyline for the movie is interesting enough, that's enough for me want to see it. I approached FFVII: Advent Children the same way and quite enjoyed it, though more so the extended version.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:29 am Reply with quote
SXSW is getting big!

Funny that Rojas doesn't seem to know the name of the Japanese art designer who works on their project. Laughing

Kinda ironic that medieval Dragon Age is CG animated, while sci-fi Mass Effect is traditionally animated.

They'd likely still sell more than typical anime though, as popular game-based animation tend to do.
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Joined: 13 Dec 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:32 pm Reply with quote
James is the main character for the anime... What a turn off...
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Joined: 24 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:51 pm Reply with quote
Terry and Gonad, the two famous wacky game devs strike again!

"I got a good idea," said Terry. "Let's hire some Japanese companies to make an anime out of Mass Effect. Pretty cool, right? Everyone always asks for anime about their favorite game"
"Great!" replied Gonad, "But let's only make it a short movie rather than a full length series like people want"
"I guess that's fair," Terry said "I guess we could just do a movie about Shepard doing tons of cool things and fighting other wars"
"Actually," interjected Gonad, "Let's not make it about Shepard at all, and let's reuse the Collectors plotline from the second game."
Terry appeared dejected, "You mean the plot fans didn't care for too much and was essentially filler?"
"Yes! And we can have it star James Vega instead." Gonad said with a huge grin on his face.
"You mean the most hated and disliked character in the franchise? The one who added nothing new to the last game and is just there to waste your squad mate slot? That one, Gonad?" Terry was trying to keep his rage in check.
"Exactly!" Gonad shouted. "If we stick him in his own movie, and make the movie about the Collectors, then people will HAVE to like him and the plot! Razz"

And then Terry slumps to the grown for his daily weeping session while Gonad sits in the corner and starts giggling softly to himself.
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Joined: 18 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:18 pm Reply with quote
Looks ok so far.
Very please it's traditional animation.
Can't stand the CG-style of Dragon Age.
However, I'm not too keen on the choice of plot or main character.
Also, they would have been better to release this around about...NOW...when the latest game has just come out.
Instead they are going to miss all the buzz, and people who hated this character and this plot are just going to let it pass by.
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Joined: 23 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 9:44 pm Reply with quote
Kurohei wrote:
James is the main character for the anime... What a turn off...

You wanted Sheperd for the main characters, sorry he/she is made for a game not outside of the media. That's not going to happen.

Anyway, I recently bought ME2 last Wednesday for ym PS3 and I'm lovong it!!! For the anime, I like the design and this look better then the CG Dragon Age anime. Glad Funimation and Bioware gave Mass Effect anime the traditional animation instead of CG. This is going to be promising, I hope Freddy Prinze Jr who voiced Vega for the game can reprise his role for the anime. Also, I wonder who's going to voice Vega for the Japanese dub (don't ask if ME3 will have Japanese dub for it's Japanese release since the first 2 game didn't have any JPN dub).

To be honest about the Mass Effect anime, I would've like it to be a anthology (like in the style of Halo Legends), if it was that way it could've answered some big question in Mass Effect like how was the Reaper originated, the same goes for Prothean like how did the Prothean help civilization, also there are many possbilities how Mass Effect anime would've been like.

Also, if this Mass Effect anime going to have some of Funi's voice actor, it would be kinda cool if Bioware could get some of Funi's VAs to lend their voice (not major characters, but maybe supporting characters like Kimberly Brooks voicing Ashley Williams and Troy Baker voicing Kai Leng, and Steve Blum for Grunt) for Mass Effect 4. It would be kinda cool to hear Luci Christian, Brina Palencia, J. Michael Tatum, or/and Colleen Clinkenbeard if that happen.
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Joined: 29 Sep 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:41 pm Reply with quote
Can't help but feel that if they wanted to make an anime out of a western RPG, Dragon Age or Bioshock would have been a better fit. Dragon Age for the more fantastic settings, or Bioshock for the lolis and steampunk...

Hell, they're outright called Little Sisters in Bioshock. It's almost like it was exclusively made to appeal to a certain demographic. Then there's the doting Big Daddies with giant DRILLS who go berserk when strangers try to touch their little girls. Wink
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:59 pm Reply with quote
Gon*Gon wrote:
Can't help but feel that if they wanted to make an anime out of a western RPG, Dragon Age or Bioshock would have been a better fit. Dragon Age for the more fantastic settings, or Bioshock for the lolis and steampunk...

Hell, they're outright called Little Sisters in Bioshock. It's almost like it was exclusively made to appeal to a certain demographic. Then there's the doting Big Daddies with giant DRILLS who go berserk when strangers try to touch their little girls. Wink

Hahahaha............ ya wouldn't wanna know what I first thought of how they could "harvest" the plasmids off the Little Sisters' bellies! Laughing
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Joined: 30 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:58 am Reply with quote
This is looking pretty cool so far. The thing I usually dislike about anime adaptation/compilations is how they like to experiment with different styles of animation. I think it makes the entire project fall apart. Continuity is the only way to go, imo. That's why I couldn't sit through The Animatrix or Halo Legends.

On a side note, if Vega is the main character, will Freddy Prince Jr. be reprising his role?

mdo7 wrote:
Also, if this Mass Effect anime going to have some of Funi's voice actor, it would be kinda cool if Bioware could get some of Funi's VAs to lend their voice (not major characters, but maybe supporting characters like Kimberly Brooks voicing Ashley Williams and Troy Baker voicing Kai Leng, and Steve Blum for Grunt) for Mass Effect 4. It would be kinda cool to hear Luci Christian, Brina Palencia, J. Michael Tatum, or/and Colleen Clinkenbeard if that happen.

Unless ME4 is a prequel, there is no way considering how ME3 ended.
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Joined: 10 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:07 am Reply with quote
James Vega battling the collectors? Ok this just creates a giant plot hole. If James and his squad fought against the collectors then why didn't the illusive man hire him or even mention him in Mass Effect 2? Anyway the art style looks great though.
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Joined: 02 Mar 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 6:45 am Reply with quote
I've never played the games, nor do I know much about overall story, but if the storyline for the movie is interesting enough, that's enough for me want to see it.
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Joined: 16 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:30 am Reply with quote
mdo7 wrote:
Kurohei wrote:
James is the main character for the anime... What a turn off...

You wanted Sheperd for the main characters, sorry he/she is made for a game not outside of the media. That's not going to happen.

Shepard not being the main character isn't because he/she was made for a game but because Bioware doesn't want to establish an official canon for the games. Despite kind of being the face for the game male Shepard isn't canon. This is why we're getting Vegas in a side story. They don't want to establish Shepard's gender, which of you're squad members are dead or not, or any of the other major choices you make in the games.

if it was that way it could've answered some big question in Mass Effect like how was the Reaper originated, the same goes for Prothean like how did the Prothean help civilization,

The first one is answered in ME3, as for the second, the From Ashes DLC gives you a Prothean squad member which probably touches on that.

Ichigo77 wrote:
James Vega battling the collectors? Ok this just creates a giant plot hole. If James and his squad fought against the collectors then why didn't the illusive man hire him or even mention him in Mass Effect 2? Anyway the art style looks great though.

James mentions he fought the Collectors about the same time you were going for their base.
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Joined: 23 May 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:17 pm Reply with quote
R315r4z0r wrote:
Unless ME4 is a prequel, there is no way considering how ME3 ended.

I doubt ME4 will be a prequel. We already have prequel in form of a comic book and a novel. Also, Bioware said to keep ME3 save files, so that sort of confirmed future ME titles, but no way it's a prequel. I don't have ME3 so I don't know how it end.

_Emi_ wrote:
Shepard not being the main character isn't because he/she was made for a game but because Bioware doesn't want to establish an official canon for the games. Despite kind of being the face for the game male Shepard isn't canon. This is why we're getting Vegas in a side story. They don't want to establish Shepard's gender, which of you're squad members are dead or not, or any of the other major choices you make in the games.

Well that's how I would like to say it, but thanks.

The first one is answered in ME3, as for the second, the From Ashes DLC gives you a Prothean squad member which probably touches on that.

Oh really, didn't know thanks. Looks like we won't need a anime anthology after all.

Gon*Gon wrote:
Can't help but feel that if they wanted to make an anime out of a western RPG, Dragon Age or Bioshock would have been a better fit. Dragon Age for the more fantastic settings, or Bioshock for the lolis and steampunk...

Hell, they're outright called Little Sisters in Bioshock. It's almost like it was exclusively made to appeal to a certain demographic. Then there's the doting Big Daddies with giant DRILLS who go berserk when strangers try to touch their little girls. Wink

I would like to see Fallout and Assassin's Creed getting anime adaptation, I could imagine Fallout could work as a anime after watching Desert Punk and Fist of the North Star. I like the anime to explain the origin of the war since the history is a little vague and also maybe explain and expand the Fallout universe like the origin of Brotherhood of Steel and look at other part of the countries in Fallout like maybe show what Japan look like in Fallout anime since we never seen what it look like in game. Assassin's Creed would work as anime because well both Ezio and Altair had many adventure and I imagine that anime as anthology. Beside couple of deviantart users drew up what Assassin's Creed would look like as an anime:

Bioshock as anime uh, well I don't know if it would work because both game aren't popular in Japan (although Infinite got some attention in Japan). Also I did found this fanart what Bioshock did look like as an anime:

and a Chinese gaming magazine did this:

Maybe Japan can help Bioshock Infinite to get attention, they should do something similar like that Mass Effect manga, which ANN reported on.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 2:04 pm Reply with quote
_Emi_ wrote:
Shepard not being the main character isn't because he/she was made for a game but because Bioware doesn't want to establish an official canon for the games. Despite kind of being the face for the game male Shepard isn't canon. This is why we're getting Vegas in a side story. They don't want to establish Shepard's gender, which of you're squad members are dead or not, or any of the other major choices you make in the games.

They tried the same thing with Revan in KOTOR but now Revan is a boss in The Old Republic and has an established lore now.

Plus it's really pointless. It's clear as day male Shepard is canon, it's why they use him in 99% the marketing and not female Shepard. Or why male Shepard has a custom, detailed appearance based off a model while female Shepard is just a generic NPC model made with the in-game character creation. They should bite the bullet and just make it canon already since everyone will benefit once they stop offering the illusion of choice, especially after 3's ending which pulled a Deus Ex: Human Revolution on us.
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