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Shelf Life - Bravo for Brevity

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Joined: 28 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 11:57 pm Reply with quote
Considering how the New Fist of The North Star review went, I expected Baki The Grappler to be torn to shreds.

Oh, and about Baki's looks, they do change later on, and he looks more like himself from the old CPM Grappler Baki. The reason being that there is a five year time jump.

I'd agree to keep an eye on Baki, at 48 episodes, it did something right to make it with the fans.

Even though Fist of The North Star did over 150, and it got reviewed the way it did, kinda makes me hesitant to trust these reviews.

Though, I'm probably biased.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:20 am Reply with quote
Raoh wrote:
Considering how the New Fist of The North Star review went, I expected Baki The Grappler to be torn to shreds.

I guess I found Baki to have more passion than NFotNS. Largely because I consider Baki to be more of a sports anime, whereas North Star is more of just a fighting/action show. I suppose my opinions could have been different towards New Fist of the North Star had I been more familiar with the original series, as I hear much of the info needed to enjoy the new one is taken from the old one.

However, coming in from a relatively clean slate for both shows, I liked Baki better just because of the heart it had. Maybe it was because of his mean parents, or the fact that he cries whenever he's upset, or just because he's a kid who's still too young to be doing what he's doing, despite how tough he pretends to be. I'm looking forward to how it'll progress. I'm glad to hear that it has potential.
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Craeyst Raygal

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 2:00 am Reply with quote
Miss Bamboo, speaking on behalf of serious shonen romantic comedy fans everywhere (we do exist, and we form organizations like KOME) I apologize for Girls Bravo and whatever crappiness it entails.

I'm afraid that quality in the genre is slim-pickings in this post-Akamatsu world. I remember days when people looked to the genre for laughs, heart, and fun. Now, now........

In any case, take heart for your faith in the genre will be restored in a month and some change. To paraphrase an old Plymouth slogan - Suddenly it's 1992! With Oh! My Goddess and the 3rd Tenchi Muyo OAV on deck in the coming months, surely there will be signs of intelligent life in a genre that's taken so much flak in these times.

It's almost a shame that in order to find it, we need to revisit franchises over a decade old.
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Iron Chef

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 3:24 am Reply with quote
I'm pretty sure that the tap water in Seoul is far worse than that served in Galveston. Though I never did anything more than bathe in it, something that smells like a combination of mildew and sewage run-off can't possibly taste good.

Except maybe durian and Stilton bleu cheese, but that's another story.
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Joined: 05 Mar 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 4:03 am Reply with quote
just when you think Girls bravo cant get anyworse they somehow manged with the second season.
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Joined: 12 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 4:14 am Reply with quote
I know I go against the grain of common sense here, but I actually liked Girls Bravo, in spite of many of the clichés found within. I found myself not really enjoying the main characters so much, but instead enjoying the antics of Fukuyama and his "weakness."

Fukuyama's presence in the show goes beyond the mere running gag. Instead of having a character like that show up for an episode to play with things, he's actually much more of a supporting character. Without him, the show would be the piss-poor, run-of-the-mill harem genre. At least I can say this much for it. None of the main girls here are maids. Sure, Fukuyama's got 'em, but they aren't a main presence in the first season. Smile

I like the artwork on some of the girls as well, even if Bamboo didn't. Razz
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Joined: 02 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 8:51 am Reply with quote
Regarding your con mention, if I knew what you looked like and/or seen you at a panel at a con, I'd say "hi" and talk about your column. I don't think I'd be intimidated. Smile

Ah yes, and I'm interested in seeing DearS as well. The manga is silly but a lot of fun.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 8:58 am Reply with quote
Craeyst Raygal wrote:

In any case, take heart for your faith in the genre will be restored in a month and some change. To paraphrase an old Plymouth slogan - Suddenly it's 1992! With Oh! My Goddess and the 3rd Tenchi Muyo OAV on deck in the coming months, surely there will be signs of intelligent life in a genre that's taken so much flak in these times.

Hehe, Tenchi 3 should be fun. We're actually doing a big monthly feature on it on July 1, so watch out for it.

tamakun wrote:
Regarding your con mention, if I knew what you looked like and/or seen you at a panel at a con, I'd say "hi" and talk about your column. I don't think I'd be intimidated. Smile

^^;; Yeah, maybe it'd be better if people had any idea what I looked like.

What's sad is that all I have online are cosplay pics. This is the most recent picture I've had taken of me, from Anime Next. Ignore the domain. ;p I abused it for a school project.
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Joined: 28 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 10:02 am Reply with quote
SakechanBD wrote:
Raoh wrote:
Considering how the New Fist of The North Star review went, I expected Baki The Grappler to be torn to shreds.

I guess I found Baki to have more passion than NFotNS. Largely because I consider Baki to be more of a sports anime, whereas North Star is more of just a fighting/action show. I suppose my opinions could have been different towards New Fist of the North Star had I been more familiar with the original series, as I hear much of the info needed to enjoy the new one is taken from the old one.

However, coming in from a relatively clean slate for both shows, I liked Baki better just because of the heart it had. Maybe it was because of his mean parents, or the fact that he cries whenever he's upset, or just because he's a kid who's still too young to be doing what he's doing, despite how tough he pretends to be. I'm looking forward to how it'll progress. I'm glad to hear that it has potential.

That is entirely true. Unless you saw the old one, complete (meaning 152 episodes), you probably wouldn't have enjoyed NFotNS too much, plot wise, anyways. Hopefully, next time you can add that to the review, though. Especially with new ovas and movies coming out in the future that I am sure will most likely get liscensed. ADV handled the series pretty well.

But, yeah, Baki is great, and it has alot of potential. Considering that over 40 Baki tankoubon exist, it could have proven to be quite along series. But I think it got cancelled before that could happen. Quite the shame, because that means most of us will probably never get the chance to get the rest of the story (Unless Raijin Comics suddenly comes back). Sad
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Past ANN Contributor

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 10:42 am Reply with quote
Craeyst Raygal wrote:
I'm afraid that quality in the genre is slim-pickings in this post-Akamatsu world. I remember days when people looked to the genre for laughs, heart, and fun. Now, now........

In any case, take heart for your faith in the genre will be restored in a month and some change. To paraphrase an old Plymouth slogan - Suddenly it's 1992! With Oh! My Goddess and the 3rd Tenchi Muyo OAV on deck in the coming months, surely there will be signs of intelligent life in a genre that's taken so much flak in these times.

I wouldn't mind if suddenly it were 1987 and there was a New New Kimagure Orange Road or something Very Happy but who am I kidding, no one likes old crap anymore. Sure, Kyosuke was a Milquetoast ass like the rest of 'em, but he only had two girls to pick from, and he tried soooo damn hard. *emo tear*

Rozen Maiden was a recent and unusual spin (more like complete ripping-apart-and-taping-back-together) on the genre. It had all the trappings of shounen romantic comedy, and then it turned out to be magical realism or some crazy snit and one of my friends called it "Chobits in reverse" in the sense that the boy is at the whim of the mechanical girl(s) throughout the series.

P.S. Entertaining column as always. Razz
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Joined: 22 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 11:52 am Reply with quote
cyrax777 wrote:
just when you think Girls bravo can't get anyworse they somehow manged with the second season.

I think my eyes would bleed if I tried to watch any more of that. It is funny how they had already planned a second season as they were producing the first, I guess no alarm bells rang off in any executive's heads.
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Hunter Sopko

Joined: 05 Mar 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 12:05 pm Reply with quote
I wouldn't mind if suddenly it were 1987 and there was a New New Kimagure Orange Road or something but who am I kidding, no one likes old crap anymore. Sure, Kyosuke was a Milquetoast ass like the rest of 'em, but he only had two girls to pick from, and he tried soooo damn hard. *emo tear*

Heh. Yeah, Kyosuke at least pursued the girls and tried to make a decision. But when you're pursuing a woman of the calibur of Madoka Ayukawa, can you really help it?

But if it's gonna be 1987, I'd rather there be a New Urusei Yatsura. Strange how it so breaks the mold of the genre when it pretty much established it in the first place.
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Joe Mello

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 12:31 pm Reply with quote
*does a happy dance for GSG at the top of the list.

SakechanBD wrote:
Craeyst Raygal wrote:

In any case, take heart for your faith in the genre will be restored in a month and some change. To paraphrase an old Plymouth slogan - Suddenly it's 1992! With Oh! My Goddess and the 3rd Tenchi Muyo OAV on deck in the coming months, surely there will be signs of intelligent life in a genre that's taken so much flak in these times.

Hehe, Tenchi 3 should be fun. We're actually doing a big monthly feature on it on July 1, so watch out for it.

I'm personally scared to what Tenchi 3 might entail. I did not watch it fansubbed (though the thought crossed my mind), so I have no idea what to expect and DON'T TELL ME! The 1st two OAV's were superb and I still think the best in the genre (It's a harem anime.....with fighting! And the lead isn't whiny or a loser!) so my bar is set pretty high. I also liked the mid-90's animation "timbre" which I doubt I'm going to get in 2005.

Guess all I can do is hope.
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Angel Of Death

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 12:31 pm Reply with quote
SakechanBD wrote:
Craeyst Raygal wrote:

In any case, take heart for your faith in the genre will be restored in a month and some change. To paraphrase an old Plymouth slogan - Suddenly it's 1992! With Oh! My Goddess and the 3rd Tenchi Muyo OAV on deck in the coming months, surely there will be signs of intelligent life in a genre that's taken so much flak in these times.

Hehe, Tenchi 3 should be fun. We're actually doing a big monthly feature on it on July 1, so watch out for it.

tamakun wrote:
Regarding your con mention, if I knew what you looked like and/or seen you at a panel at a con, I'd say "hi" and talk about your column. I don't think I'd be intimidated. Smile

^^;; Yeah, maybe it'd be better if people had any idea what I looked like.

What's sad is that all I have online are cosplay pics. This is the most recent picture I've had taken of me, from Anime Next. Ignore the domain. ;p I abused it for a school project.

What happened to your knees?
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Joined: 22 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:12 pm Reply with quote
Angel Of Death wrote:
SakechanBD wrote:
Craeyst Raygal wrote:

In any case, take heart for your faith in the genre will be restored in a month and some change. To paraphrase an old Plymouth slogan - Suddenly it's 1992! With Oh! My Goddess and the 3rd Tenchi Muyo OAV on deck in the coming months, surely there will be signs of intelligent life in a genre that's taken so much flak in these times.

Hehe, Tenchi 3 should be fun. We're actually doing a big monthly feature on it on July 1, so watch out for it.

tamakun wrote:
Regarding your con mention, if I knew what you looked like and/or seen you at a panel at a con, I'd say "hi" and talk about your column. I don't think I'd be intimidated. Smile

^^;; Yeah, maybe it'd be better if people had any idea what I looked like.

What's sad is that all I have online are cosplay pics. This is the most recent picture I've had taken of me, from Anime Next. Ignore the domain. ;p I abused it for a school project.

What happened to your knees?

I think it was part of her cosplay outfit. Notice the torn fabric on the left shoulder?

Oh, despite the fact that Gilgamesh is in the rental shelf area, I do think it was a very good series.
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