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Japanese Voiceover Implemented in the Upcoming Tales of Symphonia Chronicles™ Pack

- The original title Tales of Symphonia and Tales of Symphonia™: Dawn of the New World will return in 2014, with English and Japanese voiceovers, exclusively on PlayStation®3 –

PARIS, FRANCE – July 4th 2013 – Leading video game developer and publisher Namco Bandai Games Europe S.A.S. announced today, during a special event at the Japan Expo in Paris, that Tales of Symphonia Chronicles™, will be the first western Tales of title to include Japanese voiceover. This exclusive pack is scheduled for early 2014 on the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system in Europe and Australasia.

“We are extremely excited to announce that Japanese voiceovers will be implemented for the first time ever in a European release of a Tales of title, in the upcoming Tales of Symphonia Chronicles™” said Olivier Comte, Senior Vice-President at Namco Bandai Games Europe. “We know this feature has been strongly awaited by the fans, and we are really pleased to be able to make this happen finally.”

With Tales of Symphonia Chronicles™, players will be able to experience the most celebrated Tales of game to date, Tales of Symphonia, again for the first time with crisp and colourful high definition graphics and additional content along with its 2008 sequel Tales of Symphonia™: Dawn of the New World. Both titles will be fully subtitled in English, German, French, Italian and Spanish, and for the first time ever, will also include English and Japanese voiceover.

Using characters designed by renowned Japanese artist Kōsuke Fujishima, Tales of Symphonia unfolds with beautiful anime-style cel-shaded graphics that make the expansive 3D worlds feel like a 2D comic book. The storyline is an emotionally charged, epic adventure that redefines the role-playing genre.

Tales of Symphonia™: Dawn of the New World. continues the story from the previous installment by delving into the consequences set into motion by Lloyd and his friends at the end of the first game. Take on the role of Emil Castagnier as he seeks to uncover the mysteries that have befallen his world.

Tales of Symphonia Chronicles™ will be available across Europe and Australasia early 2014.

For more information on the Tales of series, please visit http://www.namcobandaigames.eu

About Namco Bandai Games Europe S.A.S.

Namco Bandai Games Europe S.A.S., part of NAMCO BANDAI Holdings Inc., is a leading global publisher and developer of interactive content for platforms including all major video game consoles and PC, with marketing and sales operations in 50 countries across Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Australasia. The company is known for creating and publishing many of the industry's top video game franchises, including PAC-MAN™, Tekken™, SOULCALIBUR™, NARUTO™, NARUTO SHIPPUDEN™, Dragon Ball®, GALAGA™, RIDGE RACER™ and ACE COMBAT™. More information about the company and its products can be found at www.namcobandaigames.eu or www.facebook.com/namcobandaigames.europe.

Tales of Symphonia Chronicles™& © 2013 Namco Bandai Games Inc.

Tales of Symphonia ™& © 2004 Namco Bandai Games Inc.

Tales of Symphonia™ Dawn of the New World & © 2008 Namco Bandai Games Inc

Tales of Symphonia™ Dawn of the New World & © 2003-2008 Namco Bandai Games Inc.
©KOSUKE FUJISHIMA. TALES OF SYMPHONIA™ & © 2003 Namco Bandai Games Inc.

PlayStation” is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc.
All other trademarks are properties of their respective owners.

Press Release © 2013 Namco Bandai Games Europe S.A.S.. All rights reserved.

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