Alcon 2012

have an amazing lineup of guests in store, including the likes of
over FIFTY other anime and gaming titles), LittleKuriboh (YGO Abridged, DBZ Abridged etc), MasakoX as well as cosplay-guests
many more (almost thirty guests in all!)
will have
and activities
going on from
in the morning through to 3am at night
including a dealers room, anime screenings, anime bar and night-club,
artist ally, roleplaying, card-gaming, video-gaming room, another
room for retro-gaming, a cosplay cafe, DDRing, J-Culture, Cosplay
Hangout, events, panels and much more, there is something for
everyone, with more special events than you can shake a stick (of
pocky) at!


De Montfort University, Leicester
6th-9th September 2012
Just £35 for all four days. Accommodation available at nearby hotels such as
must register and pay beforehand to attend! Guarantee Your Place And
Go Register Now!