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Anime Expo® 2008 Presents The 3rd Annual SPJA Industry Conference Key Notes and Panels

Executives Gather to Discuss Relevant Industry Issues of Present and Ideas for the Future of Anime and Manga

Los Angeles, California (June 16, 2008) — With questions about the industries and its future, the 3rd Annual SPJA Industry Conference will be presenting key note speeches from industry leaders as well as panel discussions regarding pertinent industry issues of the present and possible solutions for the future. The 3rd Annual SPJA Industry Conference at Anime Expo® 2008 will be held from July 3-6, 2008 at the Los Angeles Convention Center in Los Angeles, CA. More information can be found on the website <www.anime-expo.org> .

Key note speeches will be provided by representatives from the Society for the Promotion of Japanese Animation, Japan External Trade Organization, FUNimation and Crunchyroll.

Panel will be moderated by key editors and journalists from the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The Anime Insider, Otaku U.S.A. and the Anime News Network. Participants include executives from Anime News Network, Axis Entertainment, CMX, Crunchyroll, Dark Horse Comics, Digital Manga Publishing, FUNimation, GDH K.K., Go! Comi, MTV, Society for the Promotion of Japanese Animation, Spike TV, The Right Stuf International, TokyoPop, Tomy Corporation and Viz Media, LLC. Panel topics include:

Fansubs: they're the giant pink elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about. But with the anime DVD industry declining at a rate of 20% a year in the States--while anime fandom continues to boom as indicated by increasing convention attendance numbers and expanding TV anime hours--it's time to talk problems and solutions.

The American manga industry is still going strong, but what's next? Will OEL, manhwa and digital delivery change the future? What about the shakeups and magazine cancellations sweeping the manga industry in Japan? Join America's premiere manga publishers for a no-holds-barred discussion.

The stage is being set for massive change in technology, electronic entertainment and licensing. New technologies, such as BluRay, have been disrupting current business models and are creating entirely new ones in their place. Mobile operators have aggressively pursued services and channels, including games and programs, to boost data spending. Cross-licensing, synchronized releases of products, combined with marketing plans designed to leverage shared audiences, are rewriting the way companies market properties, drive revenues and, most importantly, work in partnerships with others. Mobile entertainment, product development, and electronic entertainment executives discuss how their interests and objectives dovetail with those of the anime and manga industries. What are they looking for from their alliance with the growing industry? How do anime and manga enhance their own brands? Where are the untapped opportunities for collaboration? Are there efforts to develop original and unique Intellectual Properties through early collaboration? How are these other industries enhancing their profits by maximizing their relationship with the anime and manga industries? As the success of each entertainment silo begins to depend increasingly gains of others, knowing how our potential partners think can only translate into better business opportunities for all.

Anime and manga have infiltrated mainstream entertainment with major movie releases, TV programming and even dedicated channels. As the success of each entertainment silo begins to depend increasingly on the gains of others, knowing how our potential partners think can only translate into better business opportunities for all. Executives from the film, television, electronic entertainment, cable and internet industries will discuss their interests and objectives with respect to anime and manga. What are they looking for from their alliance with the industry? How do anime and manga enhance their own brands? Where are the untapped opportunities for collaboration? Are their efforts to develop original and unique Intellectual Properties through early collaboration? In what ways are their relationships with the anime and manga industries enhancing their profits?


THURSDAY; 11:00 am
Trulee Karahashi-Society for the Promotion of Japanese Animation, Chief
Executive Officer

THURSDAY; 3:30 pm
Shigeru Kimura-Japan External Trade Organization, Chief Executive Director

FRIDAY; 10:00 am
Gen Fukunaga-FUNimation, Chief Executive Officer

Saturday; 10:00 am
Vu Nguyen-Crunchyroll, Vice President-Business Development and Strategy

Date, Time: Thursday; 11:30 am

Date, Time: 4:00 pm

Date, Time: Friday; 10:30 am

Date, Time: Saturday; 10:30 am

The 3rd Annual SPJA Industry Conference is ONLY open to members of the Press and Industry. Location of events are listed in the Industry and Press offices during the convention.

The full list of official Anime Expo® 2008 Guests of Honor include up and coming director Masahiro Andō, legendary American voice actor David Hayter, famed POKEMON director Masamitsu Hidaka, the dynamic duo known as Jyukai, renowned animator Hiromi Katō, celebrated veteran voice actor Toshihiko Seki, the new Japanese “It-Girl” Shokotan and the legendary character designer Takada Akemi.

Attendees that have pre-registered can also update their information and add on orders for main event tickets via the Anime Expo® 2008 Online Registration Area at <www.anime-expo.org> .

Free shuttle services for all hotel attendees will be provided. Regular non-hotel attendees will have access to utilize the free shuttle services during designated hours as well. All schedules and routes will be posted in the lobby of each shuttle hotel. Frequency of service is pending local traffic, road conditions and can change without notice. Also, no shuttle service provided to the Holiday Inn City Center and the Figueroa Hotel (both are within walking distance of the Los Angeles Convention Center).

Attendees, Press and Industry Members are also encouraged to view the video coverage site of the 2007 convention at <www.AXBackstage.org> .

This year's Red & Black Sponsors are FUNimation and ImaginAsian Television. Platinum Sponsor is IMAGI Studios. Gold Sponsor is Digital Manga Publishing. Silver Sponsor is Gaia Online. Patron Sponsors are Central Park Media and COPIC Markers.

About Anime Expo®
Located in Los Angeles, California - Anime Expo®, the nation's largest anime/manga convention, serves to foster trade, commerce and the interests of the general public and animation/ comics industry. This event serves as a key meeting place for the general public to express their interest and explore various aspects of anime/manga, as well as for members of the industry to conduct business. AX 2008 will be held July 3 – July 6, 2008 at the Los Angeles Convention Center in Southern California. More information can be found at its website (www.anime-expo.org).

About Society for the Promotion of Japanese Animation
The Society for the Promotion of Japanese Animation (SPJA) is a non-profit organization with a mission to popularize and educate the American public about anime and manga, as well as provide a forum to facilitate communication between professionals and fans. This organization is more popularly known by its entertainment property – Anime Expo®. More information can be found at its website (<www.spja.org> ).

The statements made in this press release that are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements." These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations and assumptions that are subject to risks and uncertainties. The Company cautions readers of this press release that a number of important factors could cause Anime Expo®/SPJA's actual future results to differ materially from those expressed in any such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, without limitation, product delays, industry competition, rapid changes in technology and industry standards, protection of proprietary rights, maintenance of relationships with key personnel, vendors and third-party developers, international economic and political conditions. The Company may change its intention, belief or expectation, at any time and without notice, based upon any changes in such factors, in the Company's assumptions or otherwise. The Company undertakes no obligation to release publicly any revisions to any forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

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