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Nintendo Announces Tomodachi Life: Living the Dream Switch Game for 2026

posted on by Alex Mateo
1st English Tomodachi Life game debuted for 3DS in June 2014

Nintendo announced during the Nintendo Direct livestream on Thursday Tomodachi Life: Living the Dream, a new game in the Tomodachi Life series. The game will launch for Nintendo Switch in 2026.

The first English Tomodachi Life game debuted for Nintendo 3DS in June 2014. The game is a sequel to the original Tomodachi Collection game in Japan.

The game utilizes the player's Mii avatar to interact with friends in a virtual apartment complex. Players can engage in various activities with their Miis, including eating, changing outfits, interacting with other Miis, playing video games, meeting real-life celebrities like Christina Aguilera and Shaquille O'neal, and confessing their love.

Nintendo issued a formal apology shortly before the release of the 3DS game for not adding same-sex relationships to its life simulation game Tomodachi Life (Tomodachi Collection: New Life). While Nintendo asserted that it could not change the game before or after the June 2014 release in the West, it pledged that if it created a new Tomodachi title, it "will strive to design a game-play experience from the ground up that is more inclusive, and better represents all players."

Source: Nintendo Direct livestream

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