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More Macross Plus Release Details

posted on by Andrew Osmond
New Anime Limited website specifies that the film will be released "together with" with the OVA series version later in 2022

During a panel at the Anime Expo on Friday, reported in more detail here, Bigwest and Anime Limited announced that they will release the Macross Plus anime on Blu-ray Disc in the United States, Canada, and Europe.

Anime Limited has also set up a new website at https://macross.alltheanime.com/ where it will post updates about the release. The website specifies that " the 1995 film [Macross Plus Movie Edition] – together with its original four-part OVA presentation – will be made available for the first time in English on Blu-ray later this year."

It also lists the release territories in more detail: United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, and Scandinavia including Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Iceland.

Manga Entertainment previously released Macross Plus on video tape and DVD.

The story is described as follows:

"The year is 2040 and the galaxy is flourishing with several colonies and advanced technology. AI is near perfection and the current top idol is the near-completed Virturoid Idol Sharon Apple. All that is missing are her actual feelings, which instead are supplied by Myung Fang Lone. Sharon's debut concert is on planet Eden, where at the same time, fighter pilots Isamu Dyson and Guld Bowman battle over air superiority for the “Supernova Project.” Isamu, Guld and Myung were once childhood friends, but after an accident seven years ago, they went their own separate ways.

"With Myung back in the picture, the old disputes are once again awakened. And when an unstable and illegal AI technique is installed in Sharon, the situation is worsened."

The series was the director debut of Shinichirō Watanabe (Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo). Shōji Kawamori (Aquarion, Escaflowne) was chief director, and the anime's screemplay was by Keiko Nobumoto (Wolf's Rain, Tokyo Godfathers). The composer was Yōko Kanno (Cowboy Bebop, Escaflowne). Watanabe, Nobumoto and Kanno would all go on to collaborate on Cowboy Bebop soon afterwards.

Big West, Studio Nue, and Harmony Gold USA announced in April 2021 that the companies agreed to allow the immediate distribution of most Macross television sequels and films globally. The companies agreed to cooperate on the distribution of future Macross and Robotech projects.

During the Anime Expo panel, responding to a question about which version of Macross Plus it will release, Anime Limited said what it presented at the panel is all it can say for now.

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