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Hatsune Miku - Project Diva F 2nd's 12-Minute Promo Streamed

posted on by Lynzee Loveridge
7 songs sampled from game arriving on PS3, Vita in Japan next spring

Sega's Weekly Diva Station blog began streaming a 12-minute video with the latest details for the Hatsune Miku - Project Diva F 2nd game on Thursday. The video first debuted at last month's Magical Mirai 2013 event.

The video highlights the new game's tracks, including "Romeo to Cinderella" by doriko, "Akatsuki Arrival" by Last Note, "Colorful x Melody" by &TEAM MOER, "Kochira, Kōfuku Anshin Iinkai Desu" by UtataP, "Narisumashi Gengā" by KulfiQ, "Sennen no Dokusōka" by yannagi, and "Packaged" by k-z.

The previous installment in the rhythm game series, Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F, shipped for PlayStation 3 in Japan in March, and came to the West last month.

Hatsune Miku - Project Diva F 2nd will arrive in Japan for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita next spring.

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