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MCM London Comic Con Details

posted on by Andrew Osmond
Shinichirō Watanabe (Cowboy Bebop, Kids on the Slope) is Guest of Honour at May 24 to 26 event.

MCM London Comic Con has posted an ebook giving the schedule for the event from May 24 to 26 at the Excel Centre in the Docklands.

The anime and manga-related events are as as follows:

Main Stage Events

Friday May 24

3 p.m. - Guest of Honour Shinichirō Watanabe will present an episode of his series Kids on the Slope, followed by a Q&A.

Saturday May 25

11 a.m. - Hideo Baba, producer of Tales of Xillia, will be on stage; plus a Project X Zone cosplay competition.

11.30 a.m. - Anime Industry panel, featuring Jerome Mazandarani of Manga Entertainment, Tony Allen of MVM and Andrew Partridge of Anime Limited. Plus a live Manga Entertainment podcast. There is a second podcast event on Sunday - see below. On twitter, Manga clarified, "There will be two Manga UK Podcast panels (30 mins each). But the Saturday one will effectively be the Industry panel. We will be recording both and making them available as one bonus podcast to download after Comic Con weekend."

12 noon - Q&A with Shinichirō Watanabe.

4 p.m. Eurocosplay Championship Qualifiers.

Sunday May 26

11.30 a.m. - Second Anime Industry panel, featuring Jerome Mazandarani of Manga Entertainment, Tony Allen of MVM and Andrew Partridge of Anime Limited. Plus a live Manga Entertainment podcast.

3 p.m. - Masquerade.

The following information was given in separate press releases:

- Anime Limited will be at Booth #1003, near the main stage. Shinichirō Watanabe will be signing material at the booth once a day for an hour a day. He will be sign one piece per person.

- Manga Entertainment have some Comic Con exclusive offers, including a limited edition One Piece Collection 1 tote bag, including One Piece merchandise and the box set, and the Highschool of the Dead "Drifters of the Dead" OVA episode available individually as a DVD.

- Games titles available at the Nintendo Unleashed stand will include:

Wii U - RESIDENT EVIL™ REVELATIONS, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Coaster Crazy Deluxe.

Nintendo 3DS - Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D, Pokémon™ Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity, Project X Zone, Mario Kart 7, Luigi's Mansion 2.

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