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Warners Releases Supernatural: The Anime on May 27 (Updated)

posted on by Andrew Osmond
Madhouse animated version of the long-running US live-action fantasy series.

Supernatural: The Anime Series will be released on May 27, according to a press release from Fetch Publicity. The release is also available for pre-order on Amazon UK. The 22-episode series, animated by Madhouse, is based on the popular American live-action series Supernatural about two brothers who hunt demons and monsters

The English dub features both Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles reprising their roles as SAM and Dean, respectively, in the anime. However, while Padalecki plays SAM in all 22 episodes, Ackles only portrays Dean in the series' final two episodes.

According to the press release, the box-set will include:

- a two-part Making of.

- Interview with Supernatural creator Eric Kripke.

- Fourteen episode Introductions featuring Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles.

- Interview with the Directors, as well as Padalecki and Ackles and the Japanese voice actors.

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