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Anime Weekend Atlanta to Host Yuu Asakawa, ZUN, Mitsuo Iwata

posted on by Sarah Nelkin
Voice cast members & Touhou Project creator at September con in Georgia

The Anime Weekend Atlanta (AWA) convention announced on Tuesday that voice actress Yuu Asakawa (Fate/stay night's Rider, Azumanga Daioh's Sakaki, Love Hina's MOTOKO, Megurine Luka's voice samples), Touhou Project creator ZUN, and voice actor Mitsuo Iwata (Shakugan no Shana's Marchosias, Angelique's Zephel, Akira's Kaneda) will be attending this year's convention as guests (pictured left to right).

Other announced guests include English voice cast members Chris Sabat (Yū Yū Hakusho's Kuwabara), Vic Mignogna (Fullmetal Alchemist's Edward), and Amy Howard Wilson (Starblazers' Nova).

The convention will run during the September 27-29 weekend at the Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel and the Cobb Galleria Centre in Atlanta, Georgia.

[Via Ko Ransom]

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