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Supernatural the Anime's English Video Clip Streamed

posted on by Gia Manry
Actors Padalecki, Ackles reprise live-action roles in Madhouse-animated offshoot

The TV Guide magazine's website began streaming a 127-second English-dubbed clip for Supernatural: The Anime Series, the 22-episode anime based on the popular American live-action series Supernatural, on Monday. Madhouse animated the series, which went on sale in Japan in February. Warner Bros. Japan announced the project last year.

The English dub features both Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles reprising their roles as SAM and Dean, respectively, in the anime. However, while Padalecki plays SAM in all 22 episodes, Ackles only portrays Dean in the series' final two episodes. Supernatural: The Anime Series is scheduled for a North American release on Blu-ray Disc, DVD, on-demand streaming, and download in July.

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