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Image Entertainment to Reissue Cowboy Bebop Anime Film

posted on by Jacob Browning

Image Entertainment has acquired the rights to distribute Cowboy Bebop: The Movie, the 2001 anime film which was originally released by Sony Pictures Home Entertainment in North America. Image's website lists the film's DVD reissue with special features for US$14.98 on December 7. The only language option listed is English, but the AnimeOnDVD site reports that Image's website has not always listed foreign films correctly; it has sometimes listed DVDs as English-only when they did have alternate languages.

Shinichirō Watanabe's Cowboy Bebop: The Movie (Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' on Heaven's Door in Japan) is set during the storyline of the original 1998 Cowboy Bebop television anime series. A group of spacefaring bounty hunters who are hungry and low on cash take on a dangerous job. Their new bounty is a terrorist who is determined to unleash a deadly virus that will result in a devastating biochemical attack.

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