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Bokurano's Kitoh to Launch Noririn Cycling Manga

posted on by Egan Loo
Also in Evening mag: new manga by What's Michael?'s Kobayashi, Mister Ajikko 2 returns

This year's 16th issue of Kodansha's Evening magazine has announced on Tuesday that Bokurano manga creator Mohiro Kitoh will launch a new series that is tentatively titled Noririn this winter. The manga will center on a female high school road racer who, after her license is revoked, has to take up cycling for her mountain errand job. Kitoh just ended his Bokurano manga in Shogakukan's Monthly Ikki magazine last month, and the North American publisher Viz Media is releasing Bokurano in its new online English version of Ikki this month. Kitoh also created the Shadow Star Narutaru and Vendemiaire no Tsubasa manga. Dark Horse Comics released Shadow Star in North America.

Makoto Kobayashi (What's Michael?, Club 9) will also start a manga about Shin Hasegawa's Tokijirō Kutsukake novel character this winter. This fall, Evening will serialize a new title by Zookeeper's Sachiko Aoki, the tentatively titled Dangan Dragger by Daiju Watanabe, and Tsuyoshi Matsumoto's manga adaptation of Eishi Ai's Shizuka no yama -Kami no yama Machapuchare-. Norifusa Mita (Dragon Zakura) is launching Tōmei Axle, and Daisuke Terasawa is restarting his Mister Ajikko 2 cooking manga after two years on August 11.

Source: Comic Natalie

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