Tokyopop Reschedules More Aria, Tactics Manga Volumes (Updated)
posted on by Egan Loo
Tokyopop marketing director Marco Pavia has told the MangaBlog today that the publisher has put new manga volumes of Aria and Tactics manga back on its shipping schedule. Aria volume 5 will ship on November, and Tactics volume 8 will ship next January. Pavia notes that slowing sales caused the original change in these titles' release schedule, but demand has since "picked up." Pavia adds that several other Tokyopop titles that were postponed are also back on schedule: V.B. Rose volume 6 (September 29), Elemental Gelade volume 11, and Jyu Oh Sei volume 3 (now on sale).
Update: Tokyopop confirmed last month that Silver Diamond volume 5 will ship in March of 2010. Thanks, banshee196.
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