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Jyu-Oh-Sei (manga)

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Alternative title:
Planet of the Beast King
Планета Короля зверей (Russian)
獣王星 (Japanese)
獸王星 (Chinese (Taiwan))
Plot Summary: Thor and Rai are twins living a privileged and protected life on the space colony Juno. It is the year 2436 AD, and humans have colonized the Vulcan star system and altered its planets to be more like their distant home, Earth. One day, the twins' sheltered life is shattered when both of their parents are murdered and the two boys are kidnapped and left to die on Kimaera, a top-secret prison planet, reserved only for the worst criminals. Kimaera is also known as "The Beast King Planet," after the warrior who has defeated all others in order to rule the entire planet. In this harsh environment, where carnivorous plants thrive and day and night each last for 181 earth days, the twins must fight to survive and attempt to find out the reason for their exile.
User Ratings: 18 ratings have been given [details]
 Masterpiece: 3 votes (Eng:2, dub:1)
 Excellent: 3 votes (Eng:2, dub:1)
 Very good: 6 votes (Eng:4, dub:2)
 Good: 3 votes (Eng:2, sub:1)
 Decent: 1 vote (Eng:1)
 So-so: -
 Not really good: -
 Weak: -
 Bad: 1 vote (dub:1)
 Awful: -
 Worst ever: 1 vote (Eng:1)
Seen in part or in whole by 47 users, rank: #1547 (of 6927)
Median rating: Very good
Arithmetic mean: 7.444 (Good+), std. dev.: 2.5434, rank: #2313 (of 7783)
Weighted mean: 7.607 (Very good−), rank: #2218 (of 7783) (seen all: 7.59 / seen some: 8.00)
Bayesian estimate: 7.622 (Very good−), rank: #1228 (of 3529)
Number of tankoubon: 5
Number of pages: 200
Vintage: 1993-10-23 to 2002-11-22 (serialized in LaLa)
Release dates: We have 13
Official website:
Jyu-Oh-Sei GN 1-3 (Aug 13, 2009)
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Graphic novel
    Jyu-Oh-Sei (GN 1) 2008-08-12 (from $66.20)
    Jyu-Oh-Sei (GN 2) 2008-12-09 (from $12.99)
    Jyu-Oh-Sei (GN 3) 2009-06-02 (from $12.99)

Japanese staff
Japanese cast
Story & Art: Natsumi Itsuki
Japanese companies
Publisher: Hakusensha
English staff
English cast
Adaptation: Clint Bickham
Chief Creative Officer: Stuart Levy
Managing Editor: Vy Nguyen
Pre-Production Supervisor: Lucas Rivera
President: John Parker
VP of Production: Ron Klamert
English companies
Licensed by: Tokyopop
Chinese (Taiwan) staff
Chinese (Taiwan) companies
Chinese (Taiwan) cast

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