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Sora no Iro, Mizu no Iro Condoms Sold in Japan

posted on by Egan Loo
Game designer/dōjin creator Tony also illustrates brand with After… art

Not-So-Daily Link of the Day II: Okamoto, a self-described "leading manufacturer of quality rubber and plastic products," has released two styles of "Tony Condoms" with package illustrations by popular game designer and dōjin creator Tony. The "Taisetsu na Kimi o Mamoru tame ni" ("To Protect You Who are Important") version has an illustration from Ciel's Sora no Iro, Mizu no Iro adult game and anime franchise. Similarly, the "Kimi o Nakasanai." ("I Will Not Make You Cry.") version has an illustration from Ciel's After… adult game and anime franchise.

Both versions are being sold at stores in Tokyo's Akihabara shopping district, the online Amazon Japan store, and the online DMM store. Tony also designed the characters in Sega's Shining Tears and Shining Wind games which inspired the Shining Tears X Wind television anime series. The Hong Kong version of Volume 1 of Towa Ōshima's Dōsei Recipe manga came with a single package of "dousei brand condoms" — which is actually a lapel pin in a condom package. Due to Hong Kong's strict Obscene Articles Tribunal, it is unlikely that a real condom would ever be packaged with manga in that city.

Source: New Akiba via Canned Dogs

Image © RPM/Tony

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